third wheel used EVASION

Agility Increased!

If you're in a relationship, please do the right thing and DON'T continue. This is for your own good. Help your friends by not knowing their tactics xP

Otherwise, feel free to proceed =)

i have some advice you should ignore...

I'm reading again. And article is about how stupid the "advice" in the Cosmopolitan magazine is.
In reading this, I am worried about all the things I know or THINK I know. After all, a lot of "facts" I know are from sources just as, or maybe even less reliable than a Cosmo magazine.

PAGE BREAK because the pictionary below is COOL =)

you know the drill

As always, pictionary comes with a survey. Enjoy =)
This is not as straightforward as my other recent ones, it approaches the abstractness of part five of this post.

one word, no caps.

Of course you can click the picture to view it in larger form. It's kinda small on the blog. I really need someone to teach me how to widen my template :L

i didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain

What do you guys think about dating in senior years?

Of course there are cons, ie getting distracted. You're probably going to end up spending more time talking to them than studying like a good kid. In some stereotypically Asian way, it will "affect your exam performance". And for some reason it is commonly accepted knowledge that going out with someone will negatively affect your academic performance.

And undoubtedly there are pros. It's nice having a reason to smile every day, even if you've epically screwed up your exams. A daily rush of endorphins can never hurt (until you get hooked. Lol raped.) Having that significant other can also increase motivation, seeing as they'll (hopefully) actively try to help you do better, in the way that normal friends just don't have the time, dedication, botheredness. Also it would be kinda creepy if a friend paid that much attention to me. And just that feeling when everything goes wrong, you know it's still okay because you know exactly who to go to.

Definitely, you are at risk of alienating your friends though. Though I guess friends aren't expecting the same amount of devotion of attention that a significant other might expect. Depends how you juggle your time.

So what do you think? Worth it or not?

Oh, title is unrelated to post. I just love Eminem

bottoms up!

Let me tell you of the beginnings of a legend.

But to prevent Googleability, and unwanted access I'll encrypt it with a VERY simple encryption.

If you seriously cannot get this, ask a friend, or ask me on MSN. But really if you're reading this you should get it :L

Ugh I can't make the formatting any nicer, line breaks don't do the job they used to do...

And have you ever, as a little kid, tried to screw up a website by trying to CUT and paste from the site? I remember thinking I would delete the text off the site if I cut, and was so excited. Then I was disappoint :L


1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Whatever. If they were traditional door things, I would close them. But I got huge slidey mirror things, and so it really does not matter if they're open or closed.

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
My mum does, just in case she comes across one that doesn't feel like putting jelly in your hair.

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
I sleep the Asian way.

4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No, mainly because street signs aren't the most interesting things in the world. Well, not to me, at least.

5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
Nah. Technology ftw.

there are plenty of fish in the sea, right?.. right?!

Some lines are too fine. What is the difference between a "sensitive guy" and a guy that's not manly enough? What's the difference between "not enough attention", "enough attention" and "clingy"? What's the difference between a confident guy and a cocky guy? What's the difference between an immature guy, a mature guy, and a guy who takes everything too seriously?

I know, it's all personal and subjective. Each girl to their own, and each guy to their own. Which is what makes the metaphorical sea in which the metaphorical fish swim for us guys to metaphorically catch so much bigger. (read: There are plenty of fish in the sea but the sea is freaking huge and the fish are freaking small) Here's what I mean...

More romance does not make a relationship better (mainly @girls). Conversely, more sex does not make a better relationship either (mainly @guys). What makes finding the right person so damn hard, is finding someone who is on the "same page" as you. Or the "same chapter" will do, you guys will still get along. But even "same book" is pushing it a bit; "WHY! DON'T TALK TO ME, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR METAPHORICAL SPOILERS!" or "HURRY THE HELL UP I'M GETTING BORED OF WAITING!". So there would have to be an agreement on whether eye contact + handholding is a taboo, or whether there should be roses and rose petals and candles every day. Similarly, they both need to agree on whether sex is for procreation only (Shamy, anyone?) or if 5 times a day keeps the doctor away.

At the same time, the personalities must be similar enough to know what makes the other person smile, but different enough to keep things interesting, and not feeling like you're dating a clone of yourself with altered XY chromosomes.

So... who's still fishing in the sea?

righteous night shift

Firstly, sorry for the many edits, but I WILL PERFECT THIS.

A young man is waitering at a restaurant. It is nearing the end of the night, and few customers are left. After clearing the table for an elderly woman, he suddenly feels something press against his butt. He turns and spots the only possible culprit. Disgusted, and unable to control his reflexes, he slaps the woman hard across the face. He immediately feels guilty as he sees the elderly woman cover her face in silent agony. Replacing his guilt is a surge of indignance; he absently moves his hand to where she had touched him...

Wow isn't THIS guy a dick. And a bit of a sissy. And hitting an old lady. Shame on him! Violence against women, and the elderly too?! Send him to jail!

Hmm wait let's try something...

A young woman is waitressing at a restaurant. It is nearing the end of the night, and few customers are left. After clearing the table for an elderly man, she suddenly feels something press against her butt. She turns and spots the only possible culprit. Disgusted, and unable to control her reflexes, she slaps the man hard across the face. She immediately feels guilty as she sees the man cover his face in silent agony. Replacing her guilt is a surge of indignance; she absently moved her hand to where he had touched her...

Aww that CREEP. She should've punched him harder! What a cheap excuse to cop a feel! Send him to jail!

Now here's the good part: until you can forgive the male protagonist as quickly and readily as you forgave the female protagonist, you don't believe in equal rights. Yes I typed all of that to prove a point that may not even be true. So tell me; Who supported the male protagonist in the first story? Or alternatively, who condemned the actions of the female protagonist in the second story?

By the way, here's the ending to both stories:
...And found a $20 dollar tip stuck into the back pocket.
Why did I not think of something awesome like this for my creative.

humans 2.0

Humans need a firmware upgrade quite soon.

- To ensure survival as a species, it is important to NOT KILL EACH OTHER.

- Removal of idiotic phobias. It's alright to be scared of heights, spiders, even the dark. Because those are all phobias out of extreme self-preservation. But what the ball is the biological function of being scared shitless by blood? I can't think of any situation with copious amounts of blood, would screaming and running away be an adequate response.
eg if it were someone else's injury, they would die. If it were your own injury, you would die. If it came from a hunted animal, you would starve (then die). And so on.

- Removed the glitch where we would randomly bite the insides of our mouth, or tongue, while we are chewing. Or, in rarer cases, even when you're not chewing.

- Used that other 80% of the brain we are allegedly not using.

- In-built motivation generator.

- Removal of the bug where admitting your feelings towards someone also evokes feelings of fear.

- Removal of the glitch where if you stay awake too long past your bedtime, it becomes impossible to fall asleep again.

- Introduce distinct "awake" and "asleep" modes. The fuzzy "My eyes are open but my brain is non-functional" is removed.

- Translation between male and female speech and thinking patterns. "+" can be the input and ">" can be the output.

+Female: "I've got a stomachache" or "I can't swim today"
>Male: "I'm shedding the insides of my uterus and it hurts like shit. Be a jerk and you die."

+Female: "I'm fine with it"
>Male (80% chance): "How, under the goddamn sky, could you ever think that was a good idea?!"
>Male (20% chance): "I'm actually fine with it."

+Male: "Do you need help with that?"
>Female: "Do you need help with that?"
This does NOT! mean: "Wow you incompetent bitch. Trying to do a man's job. That is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. Get out of the way, missy. Women are not suitable."

+Male: "Make me a sandwich. Go back to the kitchen. Why are you not cleaning?"
>Female: *silence*

if you could be happy with me

Every time a survey asks when was the last time I laughed, or the last time I laughed till I cried. Well I never remember, so I will glorify two events in my week that made me happy.

Bio Excursion
On the way back from Field of Mars, I sat next to Vaish because a certain friend on the trip towards Field of Mars asked "Hey Jeff do you mind if I dog you kay thanks". And I was cut and sat alone.
So anyways on the way back I was sitting with Vaish and also chatting with Helen Moon. Vaish had some funky "fruit" flavoured 5 gum, so she shared some. And then Helen was talking about how she could blow bubbles with chewing gum. I knew I couldn't so I sat out. Vaish tried and failed, and exclaimed in frustration:
It's too small! I can't blow it!
Without missing a beat, I came in with
Only a few seconds later did I realise the enormous awesomeness of my call, and proceeded to hi5 myself all around.

Phys Olympiad
It was about 15 minutes till 5 oclock and everyone was getting restless. So the class was really loud and stuff. And you know that weird phenomenon where the whole class is instantly silent for a few seconds, and it instantly resumes being loud as anything? Well when we had a silence period, WE COULD ACTUALLY HEAR CRICKETS. IT WAS THE MOST BIZARRE THING EVER AND MAX AND I BURST OUT LAUGHING TILL WE (OR AT LEAST I) HAD TEARS STREAMING DOWN OUR FACE.
But that's not all phys had in store for us. Richard, for some reason, PICKED UP A CHAIR AND STARTED WHACKING YIP WITH IT. I resumed laughing until my stomach couldn't take it, but I couldn't stop. By the way, the seat whacking incident happened before I stopped laughing about the crickets. And obviously Mr Gengiah sees and is all like what the... I don't even... get out!
And Richard replies with "It was a joke, sir. See, he's smiling!"
And Gengiah replies with the epic comeback "You know jokes, can seriously harm people? You know about planking?"

Yeah I just couldn't take it. I got triple blow'd (x3 COMBO!) in phys olympiad. Went to orchestra with a happy buzz, moist eyes and a chiselled six-pack.

just sayin'... more stuff

Thank god girls don't ask guys out. I know this applies to many guys, me included; guys don't find it easy to turn people down (especially girls). Similarly, guys also find it hard to break up with girls, and instead of breaking up, we just become an even bigger jerk than we already are, in the hope you would get mad and break up with us, and we guys don't have to get our hands dirty.
From just sayin'

After Annie talked to me about this, apparently (some?) girls also find it awkies to say no to a guy asking them out. I've always had the impression that girls are exponentially better than guys at it... so guys + girls, are YOU comfortable with turning down a guy or a girl?

Also, another point made was saying "I love you". If one says it to another, even if they're not quite there yet, saying it back seems like the better option.

Oops this was meant to be posted a while ago but I must've forgotten. Or maybe I did, and it got screwed by the downtime...

So how would YOU react to a guy/girl asking you out, but you're not THAT interested, and also how would you react if your significant other told you they loved you but you don't feel QUITE ready?

another one

You’re gonna be asked unique questions, you ready?
I bet you anything I've seen these before.

Where is the person who has your heart?
Typing this blog post up. My heart is MINE. I don't like how you wrote a shitty overused question right after telling me how unique your questions are going to be.

What is the wallpaper on your phone?
Default. I'm not much of a customiser lol. But my iPod touch one is just epic and I drew it with an app =D

What do you want for your birthday?
Fuck it I TOLD you that I would have seen these questions before.

Congratulations​,​​​​​​​ you just had a baby girl! What’s her name?
Why is this my decision. I choose Myjsheal (pronounced Michelle). Which is why it isn't my decision.

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
Umm. Well people who know already know lol. And if a good opportunity arises, it's probably going to happen.

Is there anyone who doesn’t like you?
Probably. I just don't know who they are. Where are my haters?

Are you mad at anyone right now?
No. R U mad?!

Where did you get the shirt your wearing?
Some shop in China where they cheer every time a sales assistant makes a sale.

Are you happy?
Yes I am. You know if you don't invest lots of time/hope/expectation into things it's a lot easier to take (mainly mild) disappointment? Like exams lol. I half winged mine seeing as I spent my holidays overseas. I don't care because I didn't waste much of my life on (yet another) useless exam.

Do you miss anyone?
WooOOoo original questions. So much originality! I can't take it anymore.

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Today for the bio thing! Probably Yip? If not, then me + compass/thermometer/anenometer/etc

Is anything bothering you?
Yes. I am quite sure I have work but I can't even be bothered finding it.

What are you craving at the moment?
Craving is for addicts and pregnant women.

Have a best friend?
Technically yes. As having one best friend is a subset of having many best friends. Lol so nerd.

Are you in a good mood right now?
It's an inbetween mood. Not enough energy to feel emotion LOL

What are you doing?
Originality and ingenuity strikes again. Firstly, this appears in EVERY survey. Secondly, what the fuck do you think I'm doing as I answer this question, huh? Punk?

Do you think that you have made a difference in someones life?
Every "thank you" means "thanks for making my life better". This would be ironic if nobody says thankyou to me lol.

When was the last time you changed in front of someone?
Last time I had PE, probably. Oh I managed to take off my middle layer of clothing at Intuition (without removing the inner or outer layer). Yeah that's not changing. I'll stick with PE

Are you afraid to answer sexual questions?
I welcome them with open arms and open legs. That doesn't work on a guy. I welcome them with open arms and open flies?

Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
Hoodie, trackies. What the disappointment, this isn't even sexual?!

Are you wearing a ring, if so who gave it to you?
No. Sadly I am not wearing something stupid like a cockring. Otherwise this question would be a lot funnier.

What’s your recent drama?
It's called "The Adventures of the Third Wheel, Episode 2: In the Mangroves"

Do you like the dentist?
Who the fuck LIKES the dentist, unless it's like some porno where cleaning your mouth involves blowjobs? I don't mind the dentist, but I sure as hell don't like them.

Is anyone protective over you?
Uhh friends and parents will always be protective to some degree, right...?

Do you correct people when they make spelling mistakes on the internet?
Usually not, unless it was a real mistake (and not a typo) etc.

Are you afraid to tell your true feelings?
What the hell. Depends who I'm telling, and about what...?

Do you know how it feels to be cheated on?
No, but it doesn't take much imagination to guess. It probably sucks. Like a vacuum cleaner.

Are you waiting for anything?
On the world to change.
Lol jokes no living in the past and living in the future are gaysauces. Embrace the present. Just don't do anything that is TOO stupid haha

Has anything happened to you in the past month that made you really mad?
No I don't think so. I don't really get "really mad" haha. No-one's THAT annoying.

Do you hate anyone?
Hate would be the polar opposite of love. So no.

Are you going out of town soon?

Do you read magazines, or just look at the pictures?
I read AND look at pictures. Am I the first person to think of this or something?!

This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
I think it started around now.

Who was the last person you went out to eat with?
Most likely family lol. I'm such a food hermit.

Does it bother you when people try to make you jealous?
Yes, it would. Big question: WHY?! Are you hoping to achieve something awesome? LOGIC STATES THAT THAT IS DEFINITELY NOT HAPPENING.

Where is your dad?
Shopping with my mum at Carlo Court.

Have you ever been called beautiful?
Not in seriousness lol. Mainly because. I don't need to explain, do I?

Last time you laughed?
I laugh every day. I just don't remember why I do.

Is it possible to be single and happy?
Yes because you can DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU LIKE.
You know how when you chuck a Pokeball at a trainer's Pokemon, and the trainer deflects the Pokeball (and wastes your ball)? Yeah when you're single that metaphorical trainer can go to hell and you can catch that metaphorical Pokemon with any ball you like. Bad analogies are in this month.

Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Next time I feel like it. Confidence is key. Even if it's non consensual.

Do you think you’ll have the same best friends a year from now?
Yes I do. Losing friends is for losers (see whut I did dere)

last survey part

Don't forget part1, part2 and part3!

A few recordings that I'm sharing with Brian teehee

Dunno... water, most likely

I think mum...?

It would have to be face, wouldn't it? I'm not going to remember you by your personality or your boobs or legs or fingerprint. Face will have to do.

Songs don't really provoke deep thought lol.

Umm? Hating things shouldn't be some sort of sick hobby, okay.

Coke is fine.

Why would I like any zodiac sign apart from mine?

Soccer is still the funnest 8D

Dark brown

Light brown in the light.

1.82-ish metres

Andy Cucumbarghghuiaj Wang


Yes I have it every week before Intu 8D

Don't remember haha. Cyanide and Happiness, maybe?

Why like a day of the year more than others?

I think I've proven that the answer to this is "all signs point to no"

Both can be great or unbearable haha

Why do I have to choose. If you make me choose, I'm going to find someone who offers both for the price of one.

Relationships are nice. One night stands sounds fun, but also herpes-laden.

EasyWay I think...

Someone who doesn't have a blog.


Only like the whole world. Lol jokes no. Why am so lonely I will crey.

Nice nice =D. Now I hope you really wanna crack that part 3 encrytion, yeahhhh?

survey part 3

If anyone cares, my phone is a Nokia 5230. From that last survey section. I do indeed have the next part of the survey, but it's hidden TROLOLOL. Have fun!

Pictionary: verb.

in 2 deep

Budgies YEAH. De to my brother's patience with animals, they now stand on your hand 8D.

Wow. If you were my pet I would have a goldfish. That was worded badly but I hope you get it.

What kind of leaving? But it kinda takes a while to actually fall in love. And what kind of person plans that far ahead into their life hmm.

Oh I don't know. How about using the functional verb in that question? "Tell"?!

101. Because I know no-one will ever check that I cheated.

<strike>Naked.</strike> In what sense, may I ask?

000. lol jks probably my mum?

When you're in a threesome and your balls touch.
Lol I don't know, but apparently that's one of the weirdest things that could happen LOL

Hell yes!

I am eternally strong xP. I don't know... Laziness. And I suck at being alone. I like talking to people!

James An hell yeah

Hmm wow I don't think I have...

Playing guitar! Hell yes. My fingers were freezing

Free. And transferable. And then sold to some dumb cunt that actually wants it. For lots of money.

Because I've posted too much pretentious crap lately 8D

How awesome I am. I might actually not be kidding here, "awesome" is quite a common compliment, and it's too homo/weird to compliment in other ways lol.

1) Alcohol is illegal
2) Start a brewery
3) ???
4) Profit!

Kids. Lol jokes guys if you don't know this you need to look at this post again

Two's a magic number

Not that I know of

I wish the airplanes are shooting stars and shit and I need a wish right now wish right now. Lol jokes stars are for losers

Woke up and then went stage band yay. Only 5 people present 8D

A bag of Cheetos Cheese and Bacon Balls

I'm the freaking best at handwriting, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

in too deep

Anyways I feel like I've gone in too deep, and I'm trying to keep, up above in my head, instead of going under, instead of going under~
So have a complaint and then a survey 8D

In the morning I was bored and scrolled through GMH. And I came across two of the worst GMH's I have seen to date.

5 years ago, I met a girl who wanted nothing to do with me

2 years ago, we beceame best friends. 1 year ago, I fell madly in love with her.

6 months ago, she told me she felt the same way. Today I surprised her in her classroom singing, flowers in hand, asking her to prom.


Kaykay this depends on your definition of love. And this post is pretty obnoxious lolol.

Today I told my crush I like him

He didn't say anything. 3 hours later. He called me

He said that he needed to say something. He said that I was incredible. That's it.

He wanted to tell me the rest in person. So now I have to wait until tomorrow :) HIs LGMH.

So many things wrong with this... What is this I don't even... No words.


falling away

Falling in love is some scary shit, man.

It's a nice feeling, knowing (thinking?) that I am in control of my actions. I'm worried about the effects of falling in love on that...

Even while liking someone, I can tangibly feel my control over life slipping away. Doing things I normally wouldn't do, but never questioning myself and going "Holy whoa hold on a moment!". But I still enjoyed doing whatever it was. Ugh this part makes no sense, moving on!

Can't imagine what being in love is like. Would it be more of detaching me from myself, or more of regaining myself and being comfortable with being that person in front of my significant other?

At the same time, so much of my life would be fucked if either
a) Gain some love, and lose it
b) Never had love, but I thought I did, and that placebo kept me going.

Wow it was rather uncomfortable writing in first person. Good experience 8D

Or maybe this is just one of those things that you overthink before it happens (boy there are so many examples), and when you actually get there, you have no choice but to go with the flow.

And guess what? The flow's pretty damn awesome =)

we're blue without, can't do without

Our dreams just won't come true without
That certain thing called The Boy Friend

Here's a link to The Boy Friend Soundtrack, Broadway style, for all you principals =). Or at least, whoever asked for it. Enjoy, and practise hard, you guys 8D

like toy soldiers

After reading Snowine's post, I had a little think about this whole situation.

If someone got 95% in an exam, but they say "Man I wish I did better". Our knee-jerk reaction is to think they're a fag and they should stfu and be happy with their mark. Mainly because 95% is probably better than what we got.

It's quite a difficult situation, having a higher mark than someone else but still being disappointed. Believe it or not, I have actually been in this situation before (okay you don't HAVE to believe me 8D). I know what it's like to get a relatively good mark, but still expect better. I personally have never complained about being disappointed with a mark that is above average. If I am disappointed, I keep it to myself, and if anyone asks, I got blah and I'm pretty happy with that mark. Because I've been on both ends of the spectrum, and a bit of poor tact goes a long way.

Wow I just realised how long this post is, so have a page break:

two simple words.

Feeling down from exam marks? Don't! Watch this instructional video below on how to deal with post-mark trauma. Seriously, it's worth 27secs of your life. This baby knows what she's talking about.

standards. there are two of them.

Double standards are insane.

Let's start with an innately pessimistic one:
When we are in (emotional, physical, whatever) pain, we perceive that pain to be worse than anyone else's. No-one understands your pain, because it is unique to you, and nobody in the world has suffered like you have.
Unfortunately, we probably don't think of our great times as the best in the world. They've all be done before. I mean sure, you're smiling when you're at the party/whatever. But you don't spend a week cheering about how awesome it is and nobody else would ever understand how happy you are. But you would do the same for sadness. You could mope for months about something unhappy, but you get over the happy stuff in a few hours.

It's because you have taken stuff for granted. All your happy stuff, that is your default state of mind. You have become desensitised to happiness. When your whole foundation of "my life is innately awesome" has been rocked, you spend ages coming to terms with your less than perfect world. I know it's hard to see what you have. I know a few things I have now that I would miss if they're gone, but I wouldn't be able to list half of all the things I should be grateful for. Just remember: no matter how much your life sucks right now, it's still pretty freaking good, if you look at it the right way.

Now with double standards. It is the most annoying thing when you're getting lectured by someone who is exhibiting that exact same behaviour. In short, an instant hypocrite. Here's a few:

- When someone does something irrational and reckless, they're acting on impulse and not thinking clearly. When we do the exact same thing, we did out of our own free will, after careful thought and consideration (to the same consequence...)
- Where other people are arrogant, we are just confident
- Where other people are speaking imperatively, we are just speaking assertively
- Where other people are whingey and bitchy, we are just communicative, and if you didn't want to listen, then get the fuck out of my friend circle.
- If other people rage, they are bitches/assholes. If we rage, it was because of several factors that logically combine to warrant a rage.

There is ALWAYS a nice sounding word for "being an asshole". For some reason, that nice word always applies to ourselves.

just sayin'

Thank god girls don't ask guys out. I know this applies to many guys, me included; guys don't find it easy to turn people down (especially girls). Similarly, guys also find it hard to break up with girls, and instead of breaking up, we just become an even bigger jerk than we already are, in the hope you would get mad and break up with us, and we guys don't have to get our hands dirty.

Camp was fun.Was planning to crash meatloaf but then got caught and he just stood in the door until I left. And I couldn't really get back in without the chance of being majorly fucked, so w/e we just made a porno and slept homostyle in my cabin. Yeah we got bored and all slept before midnight yay. Then I woke at 7 and so got 1.5 REM cycles and felt shit because getting interrupted is shithole.

Hop was the most stupid movie I have ever watched. It had more plotholes than a recently harvested potato patch, not to mention the "Son I am disappoint that you have no job. Oh wait. You're the Easter Bunny. I am of the fucking proud, son!" Everyone who has been a father turned a little bit in their grave when that line was scripted.

Gotta love group 2, who were the awesomest. Lol at our puzzle thing. The 3step one was the biggest mindblow that we have ever experienced, and contributed to global noise pollution with our cheering. But lol at the 2step puzzle which we solved and they were just like O.O WHAT and then kinda kept feeling stupid about the 3step one. Obviously, our teamwork was flawless. It was just... the puzzle solving skills LOL

a meaningless interlude

naaNA naaNA naaNA NAAA NAAA (x4)
I love you baby, and if that's quite alright
I need you baby, to warm those lonely nights
I love you baby,  trust in me when I say
Oh pretty baby, don't bring me down I pray
Oh pretty baby, now that I've found you, stay
Let me love you, baby, let me love you

I can't get over Muse's cover of Frank Valli and the Four Season's "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You". Though the rhyming couplets throughout the whole song are somewhat objectionable, I still love the tune and the whole feel of the original. And Muse just made it their own. But it's so strange hearing Matt sing couplets lol. BUT AHH I'M FANBOYING LOL DON'T JUDGE.

Think of this! A human is like a huge tube. We're just pieces of flesh that surround our digestive system. Lol isn't that awesome!

Male and female ducks have a sort of war of the genitalia. Generally they mate with one partner for life. But inevitably there is an ugly duckling that gets left out of all the sexy fun. And so, ducks have a sort of mysterious beastie rape culture going on. Males develop hell long penises. Females develop screwed up long ass vaginas. Males develop even longer penises. Females develop cul-de-sacs and random dead ends in the vagina. Males develop a corkscrew penis. Females develop a counter-screwing vagina, so the male can't get in. And the war goes on.
Makes all of our human arguments about ANYTHING in a relationship seem a little petty, hmm?
Rest assured though. The female's partner for life has access, the female just changes her posture a bit and a lot of the security measures are disabled LOL.
Source of info:

a sigh of relief

FUUU oh my god Eminem is amazing. Every single time I listen to Stan or When I'm Gone I get hectic chills.
Stan is screwed on Youtube cos it's censored, but When I'm Gone is a clean song, and it's freaking amazing. Have a listen for me? 8D. Gahh Eminem is amazing. Ty to Tom for introducing me at the beginning of this year (Y)

For all of us who use Facebook, we have all gone "JESUS THIS COMMENT/PHOTO/STATUS ANNOYS ME. *looks for dislike button* *cannot find dislike button* ->

But I support Facebook for not adding a dislike button, and not cracking under the pressure. In fact I respect whoever is in charge of that decision. Facebook is a very personal site, ie it's not like /b/ where everyone is anon and gets treated the same (which is "like shit", but anyhow...). It's Facebook, and everything you do is under your name. And the reason why Facebook is great for not cracking and introducing a "dislike" button is that a "dislike" button would make it a bajillion times easier to cyberbully. As well as several people spamming hatemail + hate wallposts, they can also dislike everything that the person puts on Facebook. And if that doesn't lead to more teen depression I don't know what will. So keep it up Facebook. Don't sell out.

Another thing I feel like noting is that I realised that when I talk to people, I can't hold direct eye contact for more than about 5 seconds. I find it uncomfortable. For some reason I feel vulnerable LOL. I look at their face in general, but usually not directly into the eyes. So I guess, do YOU look people in the eyes when you're having a conversation, or are you not comfortable with that neither?


That 2U was quite a bit harder than I expected. The circle question was a bit of a bitch, as was the last one. I also managed to screw up the building one by failing to recognise that 57+33 = 90 LOLOL

Speaing of which, you feel pretty cool after doing the building thing. And then you're like COS COS SIN TAN YEAH NEXT PAGE. And there's that tiny absolute values question at the bottom and you're just like ='(

And lol I couldn't work out the circle question so I just worked out the perpendicular to the tangent. Then I wrote 'I'm gonna pretend that "passes through" means the same thing as "centred at"'. And I just did that lol. That was a waste of time. But it was fun. Fuck I accidentally left a sheet out while stapling and I gave it to Perrins after the exam. I hope that doesn't get lost. It's going to get lost T.T

And yay for the last question. I was halfway to proving LHS = RHS except the plus minus signs were all messed up and not going to equal. Oh well. I could add that in addition to this, I bashed out the numbers in the calculator and they equaled, except I saw no viable way to reach LHS to RHS ='(

Sigh time to 3u yeahhh. Good luck to everyone again, and hope that it's the same difficulty as this, if not easier 8D

Fun quote from Jim Jeffries: "We [men] used to like kissing. In our early teens. Then someone sucked our dick. Then, what's this kissing crap? Why am I kissing this woman? Why would I ride on the swings when I've been to Disneyland?"

And at the end, the awesomest closing line (on guys getting a boner as basically when the girl gets naked, and how girls need a while on foreplay):
"Maybe you need kisses, caresses, compliments and licks. When all we need is you. Maybe WE take our relationship seriously."

and pi and theta and pi and alpha

Gosh rolling wheel/disc questions are so annoying seeing as radians and lengths are in the same units, and you can multiply them with each other at will, and then you kinda lose what the crap you were doing =(

Good luck to everyone! Don't stress yourself too hard... Think of it as a warm-up. Why push yourself in a warmup?

People, I strongly urge you NOT to drink energy drinks before the test. I used to think energy drinks help me think, especially in a morning test. It kinda screwed me up. You don't concentrate great and you keep making stupid mistakes. I tried to take a yearly/halfyearly without energy drinks, I think in either year 9. In year 9 I didn't really learn enough in class cos Alder teaches in a way that doesn't get through to me, but seems to work for others. In year 10 I studied harder than I ever had before, and in return I kinda put myself under a huge load of stress+pressure and bombed that too lol. But in the year 10 yearlies, I did better than I had ever done before (except maybe year 7, not under the influence of energy drinks either lol. I started in year 8). And from now to the HSC, I'm never going to take energy drinks before a test. If you've never tried not taking energy drinks before a test (and aren't usually hooked to caffeine), then try it for the test you can afford to try it on - the 2u maths test. Seriously, see if it makes a difference to how well you think! Unless you seriously underslept the previous night, you should do fine or better :L

In addition to screwing you up, it also makes you wanna pee more lol. Just addin'...

Sleep early tonight! Get your 8hours sleep, or even more, and then wake up not groggy.

Again, good luck all (plus the music people, I suppose...). Get a good night's rest and ace this crap!

1337 c@m3r@ 5k1LLz

Just saying, I'm a pro at using cameras and such technology. Lol jokes I'm not showing you the effed up shots!

I like this one the best

Less text, more pictures, I say, for the first time ever on my blog.

This was on Huang Shan. My bro, the future veterinarian, thought it would be the awesomest idea on the whole planet to try shove his hand into the bird's nest in the wall. I think he said "I was trying to find where the nest was". Which obviously scared it away. And great, you found the nest. Whoop de dooooooo

Big thumbs up for common sense!

yes we're happy

Royal Wedding and then death of Osama Bin Laden
Too much happiness = complacency, soon.
Yay for someone getting bombed very soon.

I mean okay big freaking whoop that he's been killed by US operatives. People only care about the attack because it happened to the US. We can blissfully turn a blind eye on the countless (at least 20,000, according to this table on wiki) civilian deaths while the US is "helping" fight terrorists, namely Taliban who didn't do anything wrong except make friends with people that also happened to attack the US. That's compared to the 3,000 involved in the Twin Towers incident. Can you imagine how pissed off Afghanistan must be? Nobody would freaking terrorise you if you didn't piss them off in the first place. Like, who the hell terrorises Switzerland? Switzerland just looks after its own shit, makes awesome knives for their army, and keep lots of money in their banks.

Take Libya for example. Why the HELL is the US there? I don't really get it. But from the media (probably propaganda-ified, since we're the US's bitch when it comes to stuff like this)
-Colonel Gadhafi is a dictator (I think communist?)
-US suddenly fired 10 cruiser missiles towards Libya to "help" with their civil war situation
-Something something.

Honestly, what the crap is happening in Libya? What the hell does the US want? Why can't it just not play God, spend less money on the military and more on quality of life, and let other countries solve their own problems?

Michael Leunig, from a SMH gallery

He's got the idea.