how to vote

Not here to post any political opinion, but I find it hilarious when candidate reps hand you brochures with "HOW TO VOTE" written on it in huge ass letters, looking very official.

I honestly believe that a not-insignificant number of voters would
1. Get a brochure
2. Say "No thanks I've already got one" when other people try to hand them one
3. Follow what's on the brochure
4. ???
5. Nek minnit uninformed vote

Especially those with shithole English or otherwise having some trouble understanding how to vote.

A "How to vote" brochure actually isn't a bad idea in a compulsory vote system :L


Have you ever watched someone who is "perfect pitch" pick up a guitar that you know is in tune, then "tune" it, then play a chord and it sounds like shit? I have and it's funny.

On that note (hurhur) I was bored and not studying for the forthcoming exams, and started noodling around on Michael Jackson's "Beat It", and realised that the intro + verse were very easy to voice for both guitar + vox together.

Then I got to the chorus and I have no idea how to voice that shit but I will find it and it will sound good :L

Also not looking forward to the EVH solo, but if he can play it on a Strat, then goddamn with enough practice so can I.