my soul!!!

When memes explain freaking everything, 9gag has won.

This was my reaction (on two occasions) when I learnt a seemingly new fact about Rebecca:

9gag is cruel and unforgiving. But so good.


Hello there.

I sent out a mass text but it says "message delivery failed". But a couple of people have replied, so it didn't fail as hard as it thought it did.

In any case, if you didn't get it,
tell me what my old number was. This is without spaces (eg 0444123456)


Yeah that's it I'm too cbf for anything else.

learn to fly

I was talking to Yip today, about stuff like selective test and primary school and stuff like that.

Remember when we read books on dinosaurs and aeroplanes and the Universe and forests and bugs and electricity and on and on and on? Not because we were going to be tested on it, but because we were curious? Because we wanted to?

We no longer learn because we like to. We learn to succeed in exams. We don't give a shit about what's outside our syllabus.

If in Chemistry, the teacher dares to stray off and explains the chemical composition of say, Ziegler-Natta catalyst in any detail, there's bound to be at least one student going "what the fuck are we learning this for? Follow the syllabus, bitch".

Hence we don't learn to learn, we learn for marks, QED.


You'd think a flash game with spinning squares would be rather lame.

But I found this game on Kongregate while earning the Badge of the Day - this game is really clever, and the symbolism is pretty awesome. You have to watch the tutorial to get the full effect of the metaphor, but I enjoyed its wit thoroughly.

Here is the link to the game, Love.


[ ] Pen (2 or more)
[ ] Whiteout (tape/liquid)
[ ] Pencil (2 or more, or a pacer)
[ ] Eraser
[ ] Calculator
[ ] Ruler
[ ] Mathaid
[ ] Stapler
[ ] Highlighter
[ ] Compass
[ ] Clear pencil case
[ ] Writing pad 
[ ] Bottle of water
[ ] Stopwatch

[ ] A shitload of luck.

on repeat

Cannot get this out of my head:

"You gotta lose yourself in the music, the moment, you own it, you better never let it go
You only got one shot, do not miss this chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime"

Hopefully I can remember English quotes with as much enthusiasm T.T

Doing maths past papers and not being able to concentrate on keywords in questions =(
2010 3U has some bastard questions.

Good luck to all

Remember week 8 is not post exams, it's pre-term 1 exams xP

Quote 9gag:
"Men are all the same? Nobody told you to try them all"

i like it - i'm not gonna crack

I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I killed you - I'm not gonna crack

I love the way Nirvana makes me feel xP

Anyhoos I was interested in how to apologise. I asked a question on Formspring - You are talking to someone and you say something and they get really pissed off. You can see why they are annoyed, but you feel that what you said was not offensive at all. You can see, however, that they are really annoyed. How do you apologise?

Usually this happens with girls because between genders, words mean two different things, and it asplodes.
And I suppose intergender has the potential to have a little thing called feelings which amplify everything.
Anyways yeah often I do shit and am like "awesombeans". But I see a pissed a face and I'm like "uhh holy shit what did I do".
Them: "Herp blah derp you did this"
Me: "That?!"
Them: "Omfg *insert rant*"

So I sit there and go "why is anyone flaming me for this?" without saying anything back because then I wouldn't be respecting women and their opinions because guys are chauvinist pigs.

Usually I say "sorry" and even if it doesn't actually resolve the problem, I can hope it won't be pressed.

Because every time I try to defend myself it gets dismissed as an excuse and I'm like: Yes... these excuses are exactly why I feel like I didn't do anything wrong.

But yeah is there supposed to be some way where we can communicate what the fuck is going on in some way that isn't so inefficient? =P

Formspring's answers are either "fuck apologising if you aint done nothing wrong", or my preferred answer: Apologise for the offence that it caused you, but assert that I don't and won't feel bad about the actual act because I felt the act was acceptable, just not around you.

But sometimes it's so much easier and effort saved if you just admit defeat to a girl. Cos honestly, who's really going to remember :L

And to the concerned anon who asked (hopefully you read this) - No it wasn't that incident, thanks for caring =)

Hi anyone who likes Harry Potter:

music theory

I've finished Fuck It All 8D. Still a few hiccups in the playing but as long as you know what I mean. I've only spent 4 days on it and sometimes I lag for a millisecond remembering what comes next xP.
For the more astute listener you can hear all the pedal and pickup switches, which further screw with my memory xP. But I got it all down alright =)

Have a listen if you have time, and comment somewhere if you have any comments xP
Fuck It All (Final) by jwhero

And here are some thoughts collected over time about music, some of which may or may not have been said by friends that I have talked to. I can't remember. Anyways, here they are:

Two most rewarding things a human can experience is creation and destruction.

It's less about how it sounds than how it feels.

It's better to play less notes and mean every note than to play more notes and only mean half of them.

There's more to playing than what can be written on sheet music. But not for lack of trying xP.

Recording music is also an art. When I open a track and see that all of the waveforms peak, I wonder why they do. But meh I rarely listen to my music loud enough that the peaks become obvious, so it's all good in the end.

Nobody will ever play the song exactly the same way as someone else. That's what makes listening to covers fun (if they're not total shit)

My signature while in non-lead playing is strumming in semiquavers with emphasis on the 1st, 4th and 7th beats. ie it counts 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2. Brian knows exactly what I mean :L

I've made up a bajillion riffs/ideas but I've only five that made me feel good. Those are the ones I continued into songs. Four of those songs are Porcelain Castle (Delay Song), As The Rain Falls, HAPIHEW, and Fuck It All.
I forgot to show you guys Porcelain Castle (Delay Song), so here's a widget. The shit sound quality is because it was recorded with my phone from yonks back. Note to self to redo this song.
Porcelain Castle (Delay Song) by jwhero


1) Anticipation is more powerful than satisfaction. We are born to take things for granted.
I can always count down how many days till stuff like birthdays, holidays, exams. So usually I know the date - ("only 2 weeks till ag, must be the 10th!"). But keeping track after? Holy shit never happens. Third day after Ag I was just like "herp derp time to use a calendar app"

2) It's nice when people take pictures of the board in class, and then send it to people on their table. Nobody asked for it but it's a nice gesture =) Make me de smile.

3) I am saddened by people with expensive technology who use it as if they had cheap technology. Smartphones and DSLR cameras are the worst offenders.

4) A quote from Kurt Cobain: "I'd rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I'm not."

5) Worrying about girls at our age is like juniors worrying about their exams - hold your horses, this aint the real shit yet.

6) New song when I was randomly inspired today - this is far from perfect playing, but at least it gets the idea down xP. Will refine it when I've written the whole song. It's called "Fuck It All". As an extension from point 5, we may think we have problems but we really don't. I like to think of it as a song for teen angst :L
Fuck It All by jwhero

7) My newest neighbours listen to nice music. Today they're listening to Letterbomb - Green Day. Before they've played Nirvana and Muse. Am quite the impress. Unfortunately they sing along and that makes it not so good.

what is love? baby don't hurt me

Whatever the fuck was going on in As You Like It, it was not love. It's hardly even infatuation.

I bet you anything that if I even remotely liked a girl, if she dressed up in drag and we talk while she is in her "disguise", I will freaking recognise her.

Like honestly, it's a freaking "man" with a non-broken voice, with feminine face bones, with presumably breasts... Maybe she wears so much makeup in the court that as soon as she takes it if she's unrecognisable. Youtube makeup gurus are the epitome of this :L

But it's true. She's just horny. She only wants a "man in [her] belly" teehee. Sorry I just had to use the euphemism. Shakespeare is a freaking genius xP

In other news the LifeProof case arrived today but I don't have a phone yet woot woot. My plan is to receive the phone and case it up asap so that it does not get exposed to the harsh elements of the real world.

so, toilets.

Before I begin I would like to clarify the question inflection.
If you were asked by someone like a teacher, ie you were being tested ("So, what is the final velocity of the particle?"), it is totally fine to answer "62metres per second, 20 degrees to the horizontal?". Because it makes sense if you put "is it..." before it.
Now if someone is asking you for your opinion or for your help or personal experience or something where the asker doesn't know the answer, like my example before: "How did you calculate the square root?", you do not say "Use a calculator?" because you are not asking your friend "Shit bro, did I use a calculator?". You are saying "I used a calculator", but with the question mark it means "Is there any other way than to use a calculator? (presumably followed by "you fucktard?")"
Now if you really need situational clarification, feel free to ask me :L

And an addition:
Ellipsis is the extreme assholery form of question marks.
Lol's and haha's at the end of explanations is just redundant. It makes no sense but it's probably condescending :L

And @anon I have yet to meet someone who really uses the question inflection while explaining their own opinion, explaining a fact, or while recounting an anecdote.

So today in the break after Intuition I was talking with Yun and Gina in Subway.

We were talking about calories after they commented that I probably eat 1000 calories a day. I insist I more than likely eat more than 2000, but I can't quantitatively disprove them since I cbf with the maths :L

Anywhos Yun made the comment: "I wish I were a guy, it seems so much easier"
Gina: "I don't"
Me: "Guys don't have to wait in line for toilets"
Yun: "Girls don't cross swords while peeing"

Which is the point when everyone goes "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!"

And during English a while back, Crystal was all like HOW DO YOU PEE AT A URINAL? WHAT IF SOMEONE TRIES TO LOOK AT YOUR PENIS? ISN'T IT WEIRD STANDING SO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER? and I think Bonnie was also curious but I forgets.

I'm interested - what the hell do girls think goes on in boys toilets?

And do girls ever have naked pillow fights? :L

So here comes the belief system again regarding the other gender. Really, nobody knows what it's like being the other gender and should stop guessing as to whether it's easier or harder.

You know how they say when it comes to relationships, women form expectations from TV shows and novels? (implication that men form expectations from experience)
I finally found the comeback with an equal amount of truth: When it comes to sex, men form expectations from porn.
