
1) Anticipation is more powerful than satisfaction. We are born to take things for granted.
I can always count down how many days till stuff like birthdays, holidays, exams. So usually I know the date - ("only 2 weeks till ag, must be the 10th!"). But keeping track after? Holy shit never happens. Third day after Ag I was just like "herp derp time to use a calendar app"

2) It's nice when people take pictures of the board in class, and then send it to people on their table. Nobody asked for it but it's a nice gesture =) Make me de smile.

3) I am saddened by people with expensive technology who use it as if they had cheap technology. Smartphones and DSLR cameras are the worst offenders.

4) A quote from Kurt Cobain: "I'd rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I'm not."

5) Worrying about girls at our age is like juniors worrying about their exams - hold your horses, this aint the real shit yet.

6) New song when I was randomly inspired today - this is far from perfect playing, but at least it gets the idea down xP. Will refine it when I've written the whole song. It's called "Fuck It All". As an extension from point 5, we may think we have problems but we really don't. I like to think of it as a song for teen angst :L
Fuck It All by jwhero

7) My newest neighbours listen to nice music. Today they're listening to Letterbomb - Green Day. Before they've played Nirvana and Muse. Am quite the impress. Unfortunately they sing along and that makes it not so good.


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