
Hi all,

As promised, here is the votepage. Before Monday, too!

I have beefed up Riffs 2&3 for your listening pleasure, a tentative half-assed humming is included in Riff3. Made no change to Riff1

I did write another riff but I cbf recording it properly. It's closest in sound to Rooftops, with the fast strumming. Though that's not saying much at all. I guess it is kinda like Dawn (if you remember that). It's not included in the vote because I didn't have enough time to spend splicing and editing it.

So here are the links to the SoundCloud files. Tell me if you think if you think I took one of them in a bad direction :L. Please don't judge on the quality of my singing, tyvm =P

Riff1 - no change, don't need to listen if you've heard it before

Riff2 - Added second clean guitar, improved the distortion part.

Riff3 - Added vocals, added a bassline played on a normal guitar.

NOW comes the important part! The democracy that developing countries so desperately need, and must be shown the glory of democracy through stuff like bombs and bullets. And having their oil stolen.

And even better you can vote once per day so that's for if you really give a crap. (Sorry if you voted before 11pm on 15-Apr. I had to redo the poll cos it didn't trace results properly cos I linked it incorrectly =P)

Choose your favourite :) free polls 

Thanks for voting!

I think I'll tally up the scores once I have around 50-ish votes (I won't be able to tell if you vote multiple times across different days). And I probably won't make a new post until I reach the vote goal, so I can keep this at the top =P



I was digging up some of my older ideas to see if any of them are more suitable. Also, based on the few suggestions I've got, I think I know what direction we're headed in.
So what I'm going to do here is let you guys vote on these SoundCloud riffs - they're all pretty short. In each I have one repeat of a verse riff, and one repeat of a chorus riff. Just to have a taste.

I'm going to wait till Monday to open up the votes, just in case someone submits any compositions before then. Here is just a sampler. (If you're on Google Reader you'll need to actually come onto the blog page to see the widgets - I KNOW, SO LOW TECH RIGHT)

On a related note (I think I may overuse this pun) - I think I'll start weeding out peepz who don't ever visit :L

The one you've probably already heard. Sad nostalgia.

A new (to you) one - happy nostalgia

Another new one - sounds like a generic goodbye song.

Voting will probably open up in a new post. Any replies will be read but not "counted" until I use a free HTML poll-maker :P
Suggestions and stuff are always wilkommen.


Yayay been slightly lazy with Project Semibreve.

But I'm having a "what are we actually doing" moment.

I can't decide whether I want a happy or sad or ridiculous or stupid song.

Hence I would like to leave some homework - everyone link me to a song that you think captures the tone of how you would like the final assembly to sound.

It doesn't have to be the complete sound of the song that takes your fancy - just the riff or the drums or the vocals or something that stylistically you think feels right, and appropriate for this occasion.

Right now the folder has tumbleweeds rolling through despite many volunteerings and so needs some revival.

Don't worry, I ain't gonna be plagiarising, just seeing whether it's punk or metal or radio pop that our grade thinks is appropriate for our leaving.

And that should be about it for now. Cyaz.

[List for my own reference so I can see them all in the same place]
Knockin' On Heaven's Door (Cover) - Guns 'N' Roses
Happy Ending - Mika
Re: Your Brains - Jonathan Coulton
Rooftops - lostprophets
Nothing On You - B.O.B ft Bruno Mars [Chorus]

fml the source of opinions

Today I saw two posts on FML that I just knew would have an epic comments section.

One was on feminism
One was on homosexuality

If this kind of shit usually upsets you then I suggest you leave now.


Screw humility - I make epic spreadsheets =P


I was worried that my Zenbook had shitty battery life - at school I was getting battery life of like 2-3 hours on battery saver mode.
Then I realised I should've known enough about electronics than to expect stellar battery life right out of the box.
Open CCleaner to check when the default programs were installed onto this computer, the super deep system files were from 31/Mar/2011, and the programs installed just prior to commercial shipping were installed mid Oct/2011. [Hence why I received the relatively shitty Sentelic touchpad, as it started shipping with Elan sometime in November. It's not too bad, actually. Not as bad as the Internet would have it. Just the fact you can't turn it off very easily is stupid as fuck.]
So anyways this laptop sat nicely in its box for a good half-year. I ripped it out of its box one fateful day and in retrospect, 2-3 hours isn't half bad :L.
At home I had the epiphany that I should cycle this shit, so I did. Of course I felt obliged to monitor my progress, so I set up a battery log.

The Spreadsheet:

I kinda feel like uploading it, but at the same time I know spreadsheeting isn't something people value as much as, say, Photoshop skills and so I'm like meh whatevs.

But I'll have you know I used (relatively) impressive formulae like

=IF(E5="sleep", 0, H6*24*60)
=AVERAGEIF(Table1[Active Minutes], ">0",Table1[Battery Drop (%/min)])

I'll explain those three formulae above for funzies

  • The first one detects whether I specified the computer was in sleep mode for that time. If it was, the cell will display 0. If it was not in sleep mode, it will convert column H from time formatted cells to a numerical number of minutes.
  • The second one checks the column "Active Minutes" (that's what I called total number of minutes - sleep time). As long as there are more than 0 active minutes for each time bracket, I take the average of my column "Battery Drop". If there are 0 active minutes for one row, that row's data is disregarded (I did this because otherwise my average battery life calculations would be way higher than actual values)
  • The last one is because I have the same formula for each column of cells, the first one will usually have nothing to subtract, or divide by zero. So to make the cell be pretty and not read the dreaded #DIV/0! or #VALUE!, the formula will detect any errors and just substitute in a dash.

Okay in the grand scale of things it's pretty scrub spreadsheeting, and I still don't know how to use more than 80% of Excel's formulae (and probably never will - too much statistical maths that I'll never learn), but it's so satisfying to be able to plug in time and battery level, and have calculations like "Estimated hours/100%" and "Battery drop %/hour" plus a line graph(!!) just pop up magically.
And seeing as most people are impressed when I replicate formulae down a column, or even when I use formulae (?!!), I feel pretty good :P

By the way, if I complained to anyone about my keyboard - I'm used to it now! No longer dropping letters, and I quite like how the keys feel when I press down on them. I am, however, realising this text is a little too small for extended periods of reading. Movies and touchtyping it is :P

Anyways, ultimate obnoxious post over, I hope I may find something else interesting to blog about soon.

term 1 finale

Yay end of Term 1 why not celebrate with a blog post.

I had a cool conspiracy theory about the outcome of this year.
You are hereby warned that if you are religious and hence liable to offence because of my flippant attitude towards Jesus et al, you should bail. Please note that if you read it anyway, and you want to talk to me about it, I only have energy to hear how awesome you think this theory is. If you want to preach at me I'm likely to just ignore you. You have been warned. Page break just in case.