how to vote

Not here to post any political opinion, but I find it hilarious when candidate reps hand you brochures with "HOW TO VOTE" written on it in huge ass letters, looking very official.

I honestly believe that a not-insignificant number of voters would
1. Get a brochure
2. Say "No thanks I've already got one" when other people try to hand them one
3. Follow what's on the brochure
4. ???
5. Nek minnit uninformed vote

Especially those with shithole English or otherwise having some trouble understanding how to vote.

A "How to vote" brochure actually isn't a bad idea in a compulsory vote system :L


Have you ever watched someone who is "perfect pitch" pick up a guitar that you know is in tune, then "tune" it, then play a chord and it sounds like shit? I have and it's funny.

On that note (hurhur) I was bored and not studying for the forthcoming exams, and started noodling around on Michael Jackson's "Beat It", and realised that the intro + verse were very easy to voice for both guitar + vox together.

Then I got to the chorus and I have no idea how to voice that shit but I will find it and it will sound good :L

Also not looking forward to the EVH solo, but if he can play it on a Strat, then goddamn with enough practice so can I.


So like ever since I got my wisdom teeth out, I've had to rinse my mouth after every time I consume solid food. I don't really understand why exactly the pockets are even there, seeing as my wisdom teeth hadn't crowned(terminology?) at the time of the operation.
My theory was that the teeth was "filling out" the gum, so that it was tight with my molars (I believe the notation is 17, 27, 37, 47), but once my wisdoms were removed, my gum sits slightly away from the gums.

Now remember that story by Roald Dahl called "The Twits", where the dude licked his own beard for a second meal? Well I'm not going to say it outright, but rest assured that I didn't mention this part for nothing.

Also, after finishing our assignment for this TP, I am now practicing string skipping and learning my arpeggios on guitar. I haven't played properly for a while :(

paypal rox

In response to everyone who loves PayPal for enabling their crippling dependence on retail therapy, I've often quipped that PayPal isn't as angelic as it may appear. I had previously read articles about PayPal being shitty to buyers who want a refund, or to sellers dealing with refunds, fucking up charity donations and etc. Today I found this article, so I have something to dig up next time someone goes "what do you mean PayPal isn't a godsend for gratuitous spending?".

I'll break it down if you can't be bothered reading it.
- Lady sells violin that survived through WW2, for $2500
- Transaction goes as normal
- Buyer receives item, then disputes its historical authenticity
- PayPal tells the buyer that it is a counterfeit (hardly PayPal's job)
- PayPal informs the buyer that he must destroy the violin in order to receive a refund
- So the buyer does, gets his refund, and the seller is left going "what the fuck"

Also, please sort out your terminology/understanding of credit card vs debit card. It could end up costing you a lot of money in the event you use one instead of the other.

Actually I searched on for "PayPal" and, through a massive swamp of "I got swindled out of $x by PayPal" and "Bitcoins ftw", I was reminded of this case, where a teen kid finds a security flaw in PayPal's website. Most websites have a bounty program, where they pay a decent amount for bug finds. But since this kid is not 18, PayPal takes the submission, and straight out refuses to pay him. When the kid asked for some recognition so he can put it on a resume, etc, PayPal then proceeds to just straight out ignore him. Note this kid has been paid previously by Microsoft and Mozilla. PayPal just does not give a fuck since it's almost a monopoly.

my incidental find on asian glow

Journal article I found. Yeah... this isn't peer reviewed. It's like one step above a blog post, I guess. In any case I'm half basing it on lectures we've had, and half basing it on the article.

Quick medicoscientific basis:
1) Alcohol
2) Enzyme called ADH converts it to acetaldehyde
3) Enzyme called ALDH oxidises this into excretable acids so your kidneys help you piss it all out

Everyone, unless they be majorly messed up, has adequate ADH floating around
But something like 10% of Caucasians and 60% of East Asians are missing that important ALDH enzyme.

As far as I can tell it's not the ethanol itself causing symptoms of facial flush, nausea, increased heart rate, headache, feelings of shittiness, and other Asian/hangover style symptoms. Rather, it's the buildup of acetaldehyde that causes these annoying symptoms.

This article claims that ALDH-deficient individuals are at greater risk of oesophageal cancer, since acetaldehyde meddles with your DNA and shit which is like recipe for cancer. However, it doesn't state what the increase in risk is, as a percentage, nor does it cite any articles to support how it came to the conclusion that this is true (this is what you get when it's not peer reviewed). However, if you're curious about how acetaldehyde affects DNA in your lymphocytes, which is linked to oesophageal cancer by ??? mechanism, you can always look up T. Matsuda et al., Chem Res. Toxicol. 19, 1374-1378 (2006) or H. Ishikawa et al., Mutat. Res. 615, 134-142 (2007). I can't be bothered because I don't care that much, and also who the hell cites with the shortened journal names wtf.

The article does vouch for the effectiveness of Zantac and other "antihistimines" [sic] in reducing the facial flush, although obviously this does nothing for the acetaldehyde levels. Yeah this article wasn't so much of a great find after all... I shoulda just done a search on MEDLINE about acetaldehyde buildup.

choice is an illusion

Just watched this video on the near-monopoly that a company you've probably never heard of, Luxottica, has on the eyewear industry. Think like every fucking eyewear brand that you can think of.
Not content with just owning all the top brands of eyewear, they also fully own outlets like Sunglass Hut and OPSM.

If you watched the video, the CEO is one clever but slimy guy. You can just tell he's a genius but he won't hesitate to take advantage of others. It's pretty genius to maintain the illusion of choice by maintaining a huge variety of brands so it's all "free market" and shit. Although it's not like that same shit isn't happening with stuff you'd find at the supermarket. (Although that's significantly less price-fixy or whatever the monopoly equivalent of that is)

Now switching from O.O to :D:
This thing might be as old as the internet, but I only just discovered it. I couldn't stop laughing at some bits.
It's a guy going to a chatroom, initiating cybersex, then progressively ruining it for the other party.

body is not ready

I went for a run today in the first time in ages. I went for a 5-lap run around a soccer field, which is almost exactly one mile.

Yeah, so I couldn't run the whole way without slowing down to a walk in order to let the nausea subside (I think I'll call it the "Barf of the Weak"). Also around 3rd lap I started to feel that I literally could not lift my legs as high as I could before. So both my muscular and cardio fitness have gone down the drain. Scrap that, I'll admit that on the warm-up jog to the park (distance of <1km) I got a stitch within 300m.

On the way home from the field I did a hill-sprint, which was probably 60m, maybe 1:5 slope (I'm not very good at estimating). I didn't feel particularly bad on that, but it probably wasn't as fast as I was when I was 15. I feel old when I say that LOL.

Fortunately I didn't throw up but I did harbour some shame. I don't think anyone was watching me closely enough to realise how shittily I was doing. So while I was not wallowing in vomit I was wallowing in self pity and general feelings of inadequacy.

Luckily I have every Tuesday "off" for this half-sem, so perhaps I'll make it a thing to run more often. I will probably chuck in some core-strengthening exercises, once I work out a routine.

On the subject of bodies, how the fuck do you get drunk off beer? Having 3 beers is already 1L of carbonated fluid in your stomach. That's a piddling 4.2 standard drinks. If you want to get your daily recommended intake of water through beer, that's 6 beers and 8.4 standard drinks. So even if you deprived yourself of water for the day, and made it up with beer in one hour, you wouldn't get very far. While 8.4 standard drinks is not a trivial amount of alcohol, it is definitely not worth distending your stomach to 50-100% of its capacity (depending on stomach size).



Normal Ticketek site: (screencap)
Fansite link to Ticketek site: (screencap)

The second link can't be found through the Ticketek site, you have to go to the member's page, then click the "if you want your presale tickets, click here".

Muse almost juked me out you know. The second link, up until like 3 minutes before the presale, was a 404. I almost deleted it as a bookmark, but due to faith I kept it as an open tab. mfw it turned out to load a real page.

Anyway the normal Ticketek site doesn't let you order tickets (in case you're reading this post some time after today, and they've updated the site), like any announced concert that hasn't released tickets yet.


too easy to mess with

Friend: are you making all the drinks for fiona's
M:no i'm making half of them and you make the rest yourself
F:do you have a recipe book or is it yolo
M:nah i just get random juices and liquors
M:stir it together
M:and hope you don't throw up
M:sometimes i use yoghurt
F:i thought it was like an art form
M:sometimes i grind up nuts
M:and put it in
F:has anyone died yet
M:nah cos usually i boil it as well
F:youre being sarcastic yes

title not important

This is one of the greatest videos I've ever watched :O


User 1
I had an abusive ex who would always touch me lightly/sensually before hitting me. I can not stand when anyone touches me lightly, or runs their fingers on my skin.

User 2
Fuck, I'm sorry to hear that. Very glad to hear it's an ex. Hope you're in a much better place now.

User 1
Oh, I definitely am. My current girlfriend has been able to lightly touch me a few times without a problem. Much better place!

And with that reply I thought, "that is one of the most interesting ways I have caught myself being sexist..." Found that quote on reddit, btw, if anyone was wondering.

On the topic of this kinda preconception and privilege style of thing - I love tutorials on medical ethics. All they really achieve is people getting mad about abortion rights and right to choice in reproductive technology haha.

Also, in a break, we were discussing how war crimes in the form of human medical experiments are such an ethical dilemma.

I brought up Area 731 and Nazi human experimentation. These included stuff like live dissections and artificial epidemics, etc. (I swear there was one on how women were forcefully impregnated and then had their developing embryos examined at different stages of development, and how different types of trauma affects development of something, but I can't find where that is.)

For example, the hypothermia one done by the Nazis seriously is solid medical knowledge (determining best way to rewarm hypothermia patients). Even the background stuff on normal and traumatised development of people will help a lot with things we actually have no way to actually obtain accurate information about (e.g a bunch of drugs and their effect on foetuses).

Is the death of a relative few justifiable in order to advance science in order to save some unknown but huge number of others? If not, what makes quarantine more acceptable than human experimentation? Keeping in mind that human quarantine infringes on the right to freedom, which is arguably equitable to right to life, depending on your particular world view.

in yo face

If people knew these facts about BOTOX, I kind of feel that its use cosmetically will decrease dramatically.

  • Its full name is Botulinum toxin
  • It is a neurotoxin
  • It is produced by Clostridium botulinum, a species of bacteria that is responsible for food poisoning
  • Probably not the strongest point, but it's also not approved by FDA as a cosmetic treatment

dairy? on the contrary!

Today, for the first time ever, I drank a black coffee. That is, a long black, which is in turn, a cup of hot water, with an espresso shot poured over it.

Interestingly, it kinda smells like tobacco ... It's more of the smell of a fresh cigarette just out of the box, so opposed to one that is already on fire. Hence, it also doesn't taste like cigarettes, unless you somehow consume your cigarettes without the fire.

I have previously heard that black coffee is superior to milkified coffee, because milk interferes with the antioxidant capabilities or something. But a quick google with non-EBM skills revealed that there is probably no such association.

With or without the supposed benefits over milkified coffee, at least I save like 70c per cup of coffee :P

I don't know if any budding baristas would like to confirm or refute this following point, but: the top of my coffee is significantly more coffee-like than the bottom, which was diluted like homeopathy. Is it some sort of faux pas to stir the coffee? Is there any significant layering or structures going on that would be destroyed by stirring? Cos it sucks when I see someone stir their grenadine into the orange juice in a tequila sunrise :(

By the way, for the med kids, I swear we were taught that alcohol and caffeine are competitive ligands for the same receptors, but we were lied to!! Turns out (ty Dr Wiki, MD)  that caffeine acts on adenosine receptors (a GCPR), whereas alcohol acts on GABA, a ligand gated in channel :O scandalous. Physiological competition at best. In other news I need something better to do.

Predictive predicament

Hello friends!
I have been rather lazy lately with blogging. My excuse is that I was busy with med... But that isn't really the case I've just been a lazy bastard
I come to you today because I have recently come into possession of a Samsung Galaxy Tab, which my dad just walked home with one day.
Apparently he bought it so that I could view textbooks (obtained somewhat less than legally) easily on the go which is a nice gesture yay thanks dad. I don't really know how I'm gonna take it to uni without breaking it in my already quite packed laptop bag.
I'm actually just going through first world problems as I am trying to get used to swipe input on this tablet.
Apparently it can learn my typing mannerisms in such a way that it can predict what I am going to say next so often that it spooks me out.
As I'm writing this post I am finding myself less convinced that swiping is useful. It is wearing down the tip of my index finger such that I might not have fingerprints tomorrow. Also, when I switch to regular typing, it often starts thinking that I meant to swipe instead, leaving a long stream of jumbled two letter words. Also, unless I am having trouble world out how exactly to use this keyboard, it's not exactly easy to edit a messed up word, especially if it is in the middle of a chain of swiped words. Or if I just make a "swypo", it's kinda hard to cancel the input.
Okay I just read through that and that was thoroughly unentertaining. So let me regale you with an anecdote from last night.
So yesterday we, and by we I mean everyone in our English table except princess Crystal who decided she was too good for us :O, went to watch the Ruse musical. (I legitimately just swiped,"Ruse musical" and it capitalised itself wow). Anyways since we hadn't meet up for aeons, we also had dinner at Carlingford Village. Nothing special happened there except Danal managed to complain throughout his whole meal about how bad it tastes, all the while finishing his meal before anyone else. 
The musical was pretty uneventful as well, but it was what came afterwards that was quite exciting. We (except Tom, who had no way to get home if he didn't leave straight after musical) strolled in to Bonnie's 4WD. I use the word strolled because there is so much legroom in there that you could run a putt putt course in there. So we went to a 24h Maccas for a midnight Maccas run woo.
We decided that the best course of action was to use the drive through, the park the car and walk right back into the restaurant to eat. When we ran out of food we went to the counter to order more food (sans judgement, since cashier duty person was different to drive through staff). Then we got kicked out of the restaurant cos the B&M closes at midnight. Didn't faze us, though, as we just went through the drive through one more time. We spent ages at the first box trying to work out if the loose change menu was available past midnight, cos that is technically before 10:30. So two drive through trips later, we had to visit Marcus's house to eat or takeaway baggie of Mickey D goodness.
Between the four of us, we managed to eat 45 nuggets, 20 McBites and four McDoubles. That really wasn't enough so we then went to raid Marcus's fridge. This had beers, which we consumed (except Bonnie the dedicated designated driver), which is where we had this beautiful photo opportunity to shame Crystal for ruining a pseudo birthday celebration

The fridge also a frozen cheesecake that was in there for either 1 month or 5 years, depending on how you interpret the date (but seriously, does any dating convention NOT put the year at the end?) So we didn't eat the cake, but we did take photos of it then put it back in the freezer LOL. Okay here ends an extremely long swiped blog post yay. I should probably catch some sleep.


If you google "kerning", the results will demonstrate what the word means.

This reminds me of MapleStory and Kerning City ahaha good times.

day of weird

Today I had an extremely eventful day.

I only had one hour to spend at uni, which was mentoring, so I wasn't really going to go, except for the fact that I was to meet Vaish so I might as well make the trek to the city.

Took the m54 to Parra, and went and got a blood test. Here's hoping that I either have antibodies for Hep B or I have cell-mediated immunity, cos goddamn that's gonna get annoying if I don't have any immunity. Well that's one thing today that went according to plan.

So at Parra station I saw Fiona and induced tachycardia, vasoconstriction and bronchodilation by tapping her on the shoulder. Cos it scared her bahaha. Anyways we go on the train, which went Parra-Strathfield-Central, which we'd never seen before, cos we've never seen a train skip Redfern but not Strathfield.

On the train we were reading over something although without much enthusiasm. Then the train says "We have been delayed 3 minutes because we got moved onto the suburban line". Which, okay, is fair enough. Then just before pulling into Strathfield it declares that it's gonna be 5 mins late cos suburban line is slow etc.

Then after Strathfield we hear that the train has to pause because of a fatality down the line. This is almost becoming common by now - since uni started I think I've seen this once before, and I saw this once on a train trip back from a Cadets biv. So we wait for the signal that they've cleared it up ahead so that we can move.

Okay so later the guard reveals the crucial piece of information that it was our train that was involved in the fatality. So we hang on the train for like 1h30mins while the police and Cityrail officials did some snooping around.

During this time I managed to go through the neuroanatomy prac with Fiona (cos I'd done it and she had it later in the day). I also managed to weave her adrenalin rush at Parra station into the sympathetic nervous system ahahaha. The lamest thing was how the guard always told us we were being delayed, but not any time frame. So we could constantly make the excuse "oh we'll have to evacuate in a few minutes anyway. Why bother studying."

So after a long wait we pulled up into Croydon station. So by this time I had like 20 minutes to get to UNSW, which was definitely not enough. So I missed mentoring. At this point Vaish told me we should postpone the date, and so I made my way to the city just so I could go back home again :P

So I thought about whether I could do something in the city by myself so I felt like I didn't waste my trip, but nothing came to mind. The CBD is an astoundingly boring place :L.

Went back to Parra, ate at the Nandos. Ordered a paella, which was pretty good! Decided I wanted a frozen coke afterwards, so I went to level 5 to Hungry Jacks. To find out their machine is still in the process of freezing the next batch. So that was a waste of energy.

Went to the lift. It was a lift that went level 1, 2, and 4. So I was on level 4. Then the lift came and doors opened. Some lady was inside with a pram so like good citizens myself and the other guy waiting stood at the sides to allow her to come out. Then I shit you not, she pauses halfway, pulls her pram back in, and says "Oh, you mean level 7?" to her friend, and fucking hits the "close door" button. On so many levels, that is fucked up. I'm not sure there even is a level 7 in Parra Westfield. Secondly, even if there was a level 7, the lift doesn't even go there. Thirdly, she just fucking closed the door! The other guy waiting and I exchanged this mutual look of "what the absolute fuck just happened". Anyway eventually we did get on the lift and that was okay, especially since the lady seemed to have found her level 7 and was no longer present in the lift.

I missed the m54 by like 20 seconds though so yippee. I met a 2011 Ruse grad at the bus stop and chatted. Then a blind dude sat between us, and accidentally interrupted us when we were talking about which bus we were taking. Anyway after a while the Ruse guy left, and I chatted a bit to the blind guy, found out his name was Tim. He was catching the 609 and so I was watching out for him.

I saw an m54 (my bus) come, and so I tried to explain to a lady nearby to help him look for the 609. Then the bloody 609 came and I told her wait nevermind, his bus is here. Then I told Tim that the 609 was here. He thanks me. The lady kept asking me what bus she was meant to look out for cos in my rush I didn't properly explain that he already knows. Then I missed the m54 bahaha.

But it's okay cos NSW transport is doing its own shit and sent another m54 like 2 minutes later.

Got home, enjoyed a Cuba Libre. Figured I deserved a drink after such a weird ass day.

Train killed someone
Was too late for mentoring
Vaish bailed on me :(
Was shocked by rudeness at lift
Helped a blind guy and missed my own bus
Now enjoying a rum n coke, which btw is superior to whiskey and coke

the gauntlet

A game we came up with at Kobow restaurant, without even using soju to boost our creativity

The rules:
1. Identify where the mains are located on the menu (in our case it was items 21 to 51)
2. Get a random number generator, generating one number for each person present, within the allowed range.
3. Give these numbers to the server, WITHOUT looking at the menu and finding out which dishes the numbers correspond to. If asked for size, always LARGE
4. Wait in anticipation.
5. "What the fuck is this?" - rkim, as waitress puts down the dish
6. After all the dishes arrive, place one dish at each seat. Every minute or so, every shifts down one seat. You can only eat from the dish that is immediately in front of you. In addition, you MUST eat from the dish directly in front of you.
7. Split bill evenly between all players of The Gauntlet.

Stuff unrelated to the game but happened anyway:
- Cheer obnoxiously when we got given free iced tea
- Ask for takeaway boxes for leftovers. Box up leftovers.
- Leave boxes on the table. Leave restaurant.
- Be unable to divide exact change among the members, resulting in $2 excess
- Find $5 outside. Have total of $7 to burn.
- Decide we want choc tops to use up the cash.
- Mac Attack in the group of 9, complain loudly that there are no choc tops, have some people be smug at others for the fact that there are no choc tops.
- Go to Hungry Jacks instead.
- Ask for choc tops
- Be told that the choc top machine is not working properly
- Be very sad and dramatic about it not working, but not before rkim says "that doesn't matter let's just get some anyway"
- Cheer obnoxiously when the manager tells us that it does work after all. $1 each
- Michael shake and wins another soft serve.
- Have no idea what to do with extra soft serve, and how to cover the extra $2
- Become obsessed with gauntlet idea and make a game where the soft serve is passed around in a circle, each taking one lick, and whoever gives up first covers the remaining $2
- Loser lost.
- Eat choc tops slowly while reflecting on how fucking disgusting that last game was, and how it wasn't really as awesome as the original gauntlet.



My instant reaction: WHAT THE FUCK WHY.

That was my main way of reading blogs :(

breaking of hiatus

Broke my chain of not-posting to rejoice in the fact that YAY I managed to update the drivers of my stupid ass Sentelic touchpad to be fully compatible with my computer, MEANING I CAN NOW TURN OFF THE TOUCHPAD. YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE IT BUT I COULDN'T DO THAT BEFORE.

Snapshot into med: It is fun and I enjoy all the topics, and I don't mind going over lecture slides if they whoosh'd me in the actual lecture (thankfully it's not just me).

Cadavers are a great way to learn too. It's pretty morbid to play with stuff like tendons, but a tutor did it (jiggled fingers individually ahaha) so... in the name of science...

Assignments are coming hard and fast but so far they don't seem overwhelmingly challenging, nor am I particularly worried about getting a P- (scraped pass), let alone an F.

Finally got my laptop back, now I can type up shit during commutes WOOO.

Okay end of story.


I was reading a thread on dental hygiene the other day on reddit, naturally the best place to get information.

I read some stuff that made me pick up the floss for the first time in like 2 years. Plus I learnt how to do it properly.
- One of the dentists who replied said that they ask their patients to floss and smell the crap that comes out. Usually they are convinced after that.
- If the floss clicks when you are inserting it between your teeth, you are doing it wrong. If you meet no resistance while flossing (at this age) then wtf does your dentist know about this you need to get that checked. When you meet resistance, you're meant to rock it back and forth so the floss slides in. Go downwards on one tooth, slide across the gum to the adjacent tooth, rock back up the other tooth. Try not to click the floss (forgot the reason, if it's stated at all - maybe it damages the enamel?)
- Also, the normal (it seems) idea of flossing is that you get a 30cm long piece of floss, hook it behind a tooth, and pull it back and forth across the back of the tooth. I think this idea came from cartoons and is quite herp derp. It will freaking destroy your enamel, as well as pull teeth outward (no idea what the jargon for that is). So definitely don't do that.
- Braces or other dental installations that prevent traditional flossing from working properly would benefit from a Waterpik. Didn't do much research on that but it sounds kinda fun. Though expensive.

But seriously, the upper molars are at such a terrible position for finger access. Coupled with the fact that floss is slippery and will not stay wound around my fingers, especially the last two or three winds.

Some things about brushing that I already knew but might as well share:
- Brush in a general up-down motion, ie along the tooth, not across the tooth.
- Always use a soft toothbrush. Medium to hard toothbrushes are for dentures (why nobody tells us this is a mystery)
- The accepted analogy for brushing pressure is "as hard as you would brush a tomato".

psychology of instant noodles

The other day, I saw instant noodles with the dessicated vegetables already with the noodles (and not in a separate packet). Then I thought about it - why the hell does any part of it have to be in a packet?

The only reason I can think of is that perhaps if the packaging breaks in transit, beef flavoured MSG won't spill everywhere, but that's not very convincing. In any case, surely they can just make a stock cube and put it in the middle of the noodles.

I reckon it's to give you the illusion that you are not an utter failure at life, especially if your sole diet is instant noodles. How depressing is it to "just add water" and make all your meal? Having to rip open the packets and pour them in feels like you are contributing at least some skill. Like, without you, the noodles wouldn't be complete.

If it was all ready for you, every time you pour your boiling water into the instant noodle cup, a little bit of your soul drains away as you slowly realise that the noodles do not need you. They are just a cup of hot water away from being self-sufficient.

Meanwhile, you'd die in about a week without the noodles. The noodles won't die without you. With the seasoning all ready, they don't need you. But you need noodles. Subconsciously, you perceive yourself as one of sub-noodle standard, and this translates into the real world, as you fail to get a job.

Without a decent source of income, you turn to noodles for sustenance.

And the noodles will be waiting.

No but seriously, I don't recall freeze-dry food having shitty packets unless it was actual liquid sauce. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Long time without a post...
Alright so one day I was separated from the rest of my family in Napier, NZ. To pass the time, I typed this email out on my phone. I copy pasted directly.

OMG so I got left behind today. Ill recount what has happened so far to pass the time.

Okay so in NZ our phones don't work.

I needed a netcafe to access and accept my offer. I needed to do it ASAP cos of deadline on 25th.

I took longer than expected (~45min). So my parents and Andy decided to look for this "Kiwi House" zoo that was on our ship maps, at around the 40min mark.

So I finished up, went to Kiwi House. Couldn't find it, asked a nearby bike hire where it is. They said it hasn't existed for years, and has been replaced. They were really nice and let me borrow a bike for a couple minutes to cycle to the new building and see if my parents were there.

So I went to the new building, which apparently my parents and Andy (henceforth known as "They" or "Them") didnt even enter.

Okay I cycled back, thanked the staff for their kindness, went to visitor centre to see if They used that as a meeting point.

Our communications were shoddy, but I used the city's free wifi (most cities in New Zealand provide free wifi. It's pretty cool). So I sent Andy a Facebook message that I was at the visitor centre. I do this because that's all he does on wifi. He wastes 15 minutes of our ship net at a time on Facebook chat like a douche ahaha.

10 minutes later, Andy still hadn't signed onto Facebook. So I decided to go back to netcafe to see if They'd gone there to meet. First I sent Andy a Facebook message telling Them that I would be going net cafe, in case Andy read Facebook before then.

Well They weren't there and now I'm kinda frustrated as to where They think a meeting point should be.

So I've been at the visitor centre again, since 11:40 (now its noon). Told Andy via Facebook again.

Now I'm on the bus back to the ship. Hopefully They decided that They'd go to ship as rendezvous. Still keeping Andy updated via FB.

If They're not on the ship I will be severely disappointed and would demand an explanation.

I can't even get a drink on the ship after this ordeal T.T. Wait until the last day to reap my duty free stash hehe.

Well at least I finished my uni application.

Resolution: They were not on the ship. They asked around and eventually found out that the Kiwi House was moved to the Aquarium (a piece of information I had not stumbled across despite asking two locals...). So They went to the Aquarium and I was like ಠ_ಠ when I heard, but whatever at least nothing permanently bad happened.

More things to recount: souvenirs/duty free, rosemary dude, UAC times + deadline.


Today I am going to cover different pieces of glassware and why they are shaped like that, so that you don't hold the bulb of a champagne flute like an idiot (Y).

All pictures taken from Wiki yay. tl;drs at the end of each item.

Cocktail glass

(aka martini glass)
This is in the class of glassware known as stemware. Because it has a stem.
As you may have noticed, all cocktails are served ice cold. This is because it is intended to be consumed ice cold. Your hands are somewhere between 30-35 degrees celsius. That is not ice cold. Hence holding the glass by the bulb heats up the drink faster than if you held it by the stem.
The effect of heating up cocktails is not as terrible as warm beer (seriously wtf) because they're usually sweet-ish, however warming up the liquor will make the alcohol taste more prevalent and that's just not as nice as if you held the goddamn glass properly. It makes me cringe when I see people drinking martinis and they are all molesting the top. It's like they want to give the drink a hug with their hands. A drink that cold will also be uncomfortable for your fingers too...
The reason it has such a wide rim is so that the drinker can fully appreciate the colour and smell of the cocktail as they drink.
tl;dr Hold it by the stem. I push my pinky against the top of the base to balance the glass better.

Margarita glass

This is pretty much the same as a cocktail glass, in that they can sorta be used interchangeably (although cocktail glasses replacing margarita glasses are more common than the reverse).
Again, margaritas are cold, hence hold it by the stem. The perennial question is "why is it shaped like a UFO" and the answer is "nobody knows". Although the more vertical lip makes it easier to salt the rim of the glass (as is common in a margarita). Maybe it's meant to be a fedora, who knows.
tl;dr Hold this by the stem too.

Red/white wine glass

Okay so I can give you general guidelines, but I haven't done much in the ways of wine.
I know that for each different variety of wine there is a different shape of glass by Riedel (see any collection). I won't pretend I know why a certain shape suits a Chardonnay more than another. Actually I've never even tried a specialised glass, because seriously wtf. I wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between a white wine/red wine glass ahaha.
I CAN tell you that white wines are generally served chilled, while red wines are generally served room temperature.
I CAN tell you that wine glasses have a wide bulb for maximum surface area exposed to air to "breathe", as well as easy to swirl, and pursed lip to direct the aromas to the drinker's nose.
Now white wines are served cold, which means that you probably should be drinking it while cold. This means you hold the stem.
Red wines are served room temp, so I can't justify why you don't hold it by the bulb. It won't diminish the taste, but why bother making a habit of the wrong technique?
If you are complaining that "oh my wine glass is too top heavy for me to grab the stem" then fucking pour yourself less wine :P
tl;dr Hold these by the stem too. Swirl your reds around and see if it makes a difference.
Storage and pouring
Okay so firstly if you have corked wine and you don't intend on drinking it all when you go home, STORE IT SIDEWAYS. Let the wine wet the cork, prevent the cork from drying out and allowing your wine to oxidise in your basement.
I don't think anybody decants red wines (with one of these bad boys) at home because seriously wtf who gives a shit. It seems pretty fun though. Anyway, it made me cringe to see the BEVERAGE STAFF pouring out the very last dregs of a red wine bottle by normal pouring. Lets just say red wine sediments, and sediment is not nice to drink. Pour the last glass of wine very slowly so that you disturb as little sediment as possible, and stop pouring when the wine shows darker (browner) bits. I think it is like pure tannins or some shit (the taste of grape stems) so herpa. Just chuck that last 3mLs away, you'll survive.

Champagne flute

Seriously wtf why would you ever hold this by the bulb.
a) The drink is cold
b) The pretty bubbles are rising.
They made the glass so that it's tall and has maximum contact with the glass. Imperfections and fine dust on the glass precipitate bubble formation (thankyou QI).
It has a stem. Use it pliz.
tl:dr Hold it by the stem.

Highball Glass

Not really designed to be picked up, can be drunk happily from the counter/table with a straw. Over a coaster. If you wanna move it, pick it up by the base, so you
a) Don't look like a douche
b) Don't freeze your fingers off
This is typically for drinks with lots of juice/other mixer, and is filled to the brim with ice. Hence cold.
tl;dr Just drink from the table. If you have to move, hold it near the base, or near the rim, above the liquid level.

Lowball Glass

This is where you drink stuff like ____ on the rocks, Old Fashioned, Black/White Russians, and probably some other cocktails that I've forgotten. It's designed to be picked up (I don't think I've ever served with a straw).
Apparently you're meant to hold it by the base, but I find that it works just as well if you hold it at the top (above the level of the ice) so that your hand doesn't warm stuff up too much. And it's just better control than holding it at the bottom. But just keep in mind that holding it by the base is the recommended approach :L

Shot glass

This is not about to hold it, but more about how to not choke your first time taking shots.
Firstly, optionally, hold the shot glass under your nose to smell the "heat" of the liquor (ie how much it prickles your nose). You have more leeway with smoother liquors that don't prickle as much, but hot liquors like Jack Daniels will absolutely destroy you from the inside out if you choke :P.
Take a medium sized breath (of air, not nosing the liquor) and tip all of the shot glass into your mouth. Don't worry, it WILL all fit in your mouth. Do not breathe yet.
Once you've got the whole portion in your mouth (you can take the shot in two gulps if you must, but don't try to swallow and pour at the same time unless you're a pro), swallow. Once the complete swallowing action is over (for guys, Adams apple moves up and all the way back down; girls, go by whatever reference LOL) breathe out THROUGH THE NOSE.
Swallow some saliva before breathing in again. Breathe through your nose for the next few breaths until your mouth feels clear again.
This method of taking a shot prevents the heat of the liquor from irritating airways (the main reason people splutter when taking a shot).

Overall tl;dr: if it's cold, hold it by the stem. Pretty much, if it has a stem, hold it by the stem, otherwise why did they make a stem? For others, hold by base.

rehauling contacts

Okay so I went a bit too deep in cloud contact storage, and have information spread across Microsoft, Google and iCloud.

I am going to overhaul my contacts so that all information (the original copy) will be on Google, and I'll have Microsoft Exchange pull information from there. Fingers crossed yo.

Then I will put all phone information again on iCloud. I do this because I don't want people I only have an email for to appear normally on my contact list. I will link my iCloud and Google contact cards.

Calendars will be on Google as well, as well as email. All Microsoft Exchange is allowed to do is pull so that my computer has access to these things through Win8 apps.

Facebook, Skype and Twitter are linked to Exchange and I cbf reversing that unless they really pose a problem. Hiding contacts other than Google contacts will solve any bloating of contact lists.

Please do not be offended if you send an email/text and I don't know who you are - that's just cos I dun goofed and lost your contact information. At the very least, I can always contact you through Facebook if I lost all other forms of contact.

On a related note, I merge MSN and Skype rather unsuccessfully as I don't use my Hotmail address for my Exchange account, and herpa derpa I lose all my messenger contacts. Importing via Vcard/CSV was a major flop and so basically I'm resigned to the fact that I have pretty much lost Messenger.

I posted this as a disclaimer for any future "who's this again sorry"s and also as a reminder to myself as to what I want.

round trip

Yay so I'm like back again and there are quite a few stories to tell, if I can be bothered typing them all up.

Well I'll start off by saying that cruises are an excellent way to travel, in that the service is uber, and there is plenty to do.

Service is great in that they make an effort to remember your names and your preferences. It's hard to explain why that's awesome but it is! And they stop and chat and stuff and are just awesome. And these are photos of cute towel animals that our housekeeper made for us daily!

And there were nightly shows that were not shitty - actually acts that have somewhat made a name for themselves. I also watched Looper in their cinema. It was a lot more convoluted than Inception (seriously wtf  how do you not get Inception) in that JGL ages to Bruce Willis then JGL doesn't get to close the loop the second time (dw these aren't spoilers) and it's like wtf wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. But I got it after the scene where they talk in the diner and it's all good yay.

Also cocktails are dirt cheap at $7 a pop. Didn't check the beers but probably like $3 - $5 a pint. Seriously, it kinda scared me how consistently these ageing men and women drank throughout the cruise. There was this mixology class that I could sit in on I thought was actually gonna be useful. In actuality, they paid $15 to watch the bartender tell them what ingredients go in their cocktails as the bartender makes a double vodka lemon drop and two other overpoured cocktails to get them all drunk. That's actually really good value under the guise of learning. However, even though the bartender is putting two parts vodka one part creme de cacao, that makes drinks for more than one person. Also, he lets it sit for about a minute or two before even shaking. To the untrained eye, that looks like a lot of alcohol. To me, they are just gonna get a vodka-tasting cocktail that has been watered down too much :P. Still, it might be around 1.2x what the normal serving of ABV in the cocktail is, so yay! However, suffice to say I didn't go to another one of those classes.

Oh I also need to mention at this point that the legal drinking age on the line I sailed on is 21, so sadly missed out on cheap ethanol. Also they use some rail brands of vodka and other liqueurs that look dodgy as all fuck. I smirked when one of the people who paid for the course asked what brand of vodka the bartender was using, as if that's what you should be mixing with at home :L

Allow me to insert an anecdote now. There was this table adjacent to us that ordered wine every evening. In fact, this was almost every table except for ours, but irrelevant. Anyway they were Asian (Malay, I think) and the dude gets Asian flush. Now they could understand English, so I can't say "lol look how drunk the guy on the next table is". So I coded it to my brother "There is an increased amount of long wavelength visible light being emanated from the individual on the adjacent table". I had to repeat it a few times, but he got it eventually :L. So then the next day my bro said "The wavelength gently grows...", at which point some of you might follow up with "Coercive notions re-evolve", and identify it as MK Ultra by Muse. So then the intro tune of this song was hummed to indicate drunkenness. That's 4 layers of encryption yo: drunk->red->longer wavelength light->the wavelength gently grows->humming the tune of MK Ultra. Pretty much unbreakable. It was of note that he was drunk because the first night he started hugging the waiter after dinner and it was kinda embarrassing ahaha.

American duty free is also superior to Australian duty free. Where the hell else can you buy a 1L bottle of Glenfiddich 12yo for $36? I say, $36!!

I also had to rush my uni offer acceptance in netcafes on shore (the internet on the ship was satellite - slow and expensive) and that was a great adventure that led to me being separated from my parents for a good hour or two - will tell the story later.

I just weighed myself and I did not gain a single kilo after eating 5 course dinners daily. This is actually kinda sad for me cos I don't wanna be a stick forever :L. For the record I did nothing throughout the day and played Galaxy on Fire II on my iPhone if I'm not on shore. Also, did you know that the entree is the main course. Wtf I always thought that the appetiser was the entree fucking paradigm shift.

I also need to complain about how people drink cocktails and champagne and red wine (yes. all of them) but I'll do that in the next post.

Note to self of future posts: glassware, separation in Napier, souvenirs/duty free, rosemary dude, UAC times + deadline.

i dreamed

I was worried about only taking 10 units (I swear I added it together in my dream - I must've forgotten about Bio or something...). So there was something called 2U Painting. For some reason, no other, more mainstream alternative was available to me (where was eco, mod, even ext English.. anything more suited to my abilities than "painting"!!). So, begrudgingly, I took it.

Fast forward an indefinite amount of time. I was under the impression that it was right after the holidays. And I was in a said Painting lesson, and there was something due. Despite not knowing what the hell it was, I felt a sense of guilt/dread that usually accompanies forgetting to do hw (usually encountered in junior school). Everyone else (read: half the class; reread: most of the girls and only the most hardworking of guys) handed in something that looked like a game board. Oh, this class was pretty big. Like 20-ish people big ahaha.

Okay so like many people didn't hand it in, it was like the first lesson or something (that was my impression in the dream, don't be pedantic about how an assignment could be given before the first lesson) so I was like meh. Then we did some sort of painting analysis. Like we looked at a picture and took notes. I was typing shit up on a very badly formatted word doc so that my margins were huge and all my text was down a skinny column in the middle of the page. Kinda like an exaggerated form of this blog but I don't know how to change this layout :L. And some girl in front of me was writing as fast as people write in an exam, churning out 4 pages in like 3 minutes, with huge-ass writing like people tend to do in exams.

I resolved to see Connors and discuss my options because I kinda suck at this Painting class. Also the classroom smelt obscenely of paint fumes.

I don't remember if anything happened after this. But I did wake up quite soon after.

My first thought when I woke up was "Uhh I did take 12 units in real life, right... 4 maths 2 english 2 phys 2 chem 2 bio. Okay all good."

About 3 seconds later I was like "wait I kinda already finished the HSC."

A good deal my dreams are in school settings. Like last night we were doing a "study group" in some non-descript classroom, and it was past sunset, and we weren't really studying, just chatting and dicking around, and I swear there was at least one beer.
And then some male person I identified as the principal came along, and I wasn't wearing either a shirt or pants, and it was just wtf.

In unrelated news, I finally found shot glasses, and they were cheap as all hell. I also found citrus squeezers (the ones that are designed like a garlic press so hands never get dirty). All I need now is a citrus channel knife.


I've been trying to learn solos by ear (as opposed to from tabs) cos I figured that would be good for me.

I'm getting faster at it yay. I'm still sticking with melodic solos, as opposed to shred, cos I like melodic solos better anyway.

Done (in the last week - can't remember ones I did before):
Killer Queen - Queen
Bicycle Race - Queen
You're My Best Friend - Queen
Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
Hotel California - Eagles (halfway done, and it is heads and shoulders above Stairway to Heaven solo. It's just so much better!!!)

Hit list:
November Rain - Guns N Roses (esp the final solo - major chillz from the first note)
Sweet Child o' Mine - Guns N Roses
Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
One (Intro, Post Chorus, Main) - Metallica (maybe cbf with the tap one)
All Along The Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix Experience (so I can finally use my wah without making it sound like a porno)
Little Wing - Jimi Hendrix Experience (need to learn the whole song it's so pretty)
Floods - Pantera (I'd never get that tone out of a Strat though)
Blackbird - Alter Bridge

Open to suggestions (if I like the song :P). If I end up liking it and doing it, I'll dedicate a Youtube cover to you bahaha

what you can find on the internet

I found this article linked on reddit. I forgot the context, but the title made me wtf. Without spoiling anything, I'd say that the article is interesting, to say the least.

WARNING: Rape issues

Discussion below!

Okay I have to do some screening to prevent irrelevant comments:

phrases to use to pretend you're not a bad person

As promised, just a little bit late.

No offence

Usually followed up by something offensive. I've seen about 3 cases where the following statement is not offensive. And it just seemed like the person used "no offence" for no reason whatsoever.
Granted, offence is taken and not given. Hence, saying "no offence" does not stop you from giving offence. Depending on who you're talking to and what their values are, they may take offence for the most seemingly innocuous comment, or they may be happy with you making jokes about Hitler and the Jews.
That is why comedians can make the darkest of jokes and the audience still laughs - luckily only those that do not take offence came to watch the show.

I'm not a racist/sexist/etc, but...

Usually followed up by something prejudicial. A comment that is clearly inappropriate, and the person who says this is trying to pretend this is not their usual way of thinking or something.
But usually leaves a lasting impression of racism/sexism/etc, so uber duber.

Just saying

Usually followed by something that everyone else wishes was not said.
Tries to justify the existence of their stupid statement, but in the end the statement undermines its own value.
A milder form of "no offence", in that it's not guaranteed to offend (of course, it could, though, if the listener decides to take offence).

Frankly/To be honest/Not going to lie/etc

Feigns a sense of objectivity where none exists.

I hate to be a told-you-so...

Usually followed up by said person being said told-you-so.

I was being sarcastic/trolling/ironic

For those that really have no idea how those work. "Covers up" a bad joke because they've seen people use these terms to explain jokes that the perpetrator did not understand. It's really pathetic when I see this whipped out, when there is no trace of sarcasm or irony. Don't get me started on what "trolling" actually is.

return of the riddle

Haven't done one of these in a while.
Solve the puzzle, you get a survey yay.

Hints will become progressively available when I feel like it.
1) Courtesy of Monica: Those yellow things on the left and right are moons, not bananas.
2) E, G Ab B E, B F#, B D E