how to vote

Not here to post any political opinion, but I find it hilarious when candidate reps hand you brochures with "HOW TO VOTE" written on it in huge ass letters, looking very official.

I honestly believe that a not-insignificant number of voters would
1. Get a brochure
2. Say "No thanks I've already got one" when other people try to hand them one
3. Follow what's on the brochure
4. ???
5. Nek minnit uninformed vote

Especially those with shithole English or otherwise having some trouble understanding how to vote.

A "How to vote" brochure actually isn't a bad idea in a compulsory vote system :L


Have you ever watched someone who is "perfect pitch" pick up a guitar that you know is in tune, then "tune" it, then play a chord and it sounds like shit? I have and it's funny.

On that note (hurhur) I was bored and not studying for the forthcoming exams, and started noodling around on Michael Jackson's "Beat It", and realised that the intro + verse were very easy to voice for both guitar + vox together.

Then I got to the chorus and I have no idea how to voice that shit but I will find it and it will sound good :L

Also not looking forward to the EVH solo, but if he can play it on a Strat, then goddamn with enough practice so can I.


So like ever since I got my wisdom teeth out, I've had to rinse my mouth after every time I consume solid food. I don't really understand why exactly the pockets are even there, seeing as my wisdom teeth hadn't crowned(terminology?) at the time of the operation.
My theory was that the teeth was "filling out" the gum, so that it was tight with my molars (I believe the notation is 17, 27, 37, 47), but once my wisdoms were removed, my gum sits slightly away from the gums.

Now remember that story by Roald Dahl called "The Twits", where the dude licked his own beard for a second meal? Well I'm not going to say it outright, but rest assured that I didn't mention this part for nothing.

Also, after finishing our assignment for this TP, I am now practicing string skipping and learning my arpeggios on guitar. I haven't played properly for a while :(

paypal rox

In response to everyone who loves PayPal for enabling their crippling dependence on retail therapy, I've often quipped that PayPal isn't as angelic as it may appear. I had previously read articles about PayPal being shitty to buyers who want a refund, or to sellers dealing with refunds, fucking up charity donations and etc. Today I found this article, so I have something to dig up next time someone goes "what do you mean PayPal isn't a godsend for gratuitous spending?".

I'll break it down if you can't be bothered reading it.
- Lady sells violin that survived through WW2, for $2500
- Transaction goes as normal
- Buyer receives item, then disputes its historical authenticity
- PayPal tells the buyer that it is a counterfeit (hardly PayPal's job)
- PayPal informs the buyer that he must destroy the violin in order to receive a refund
- So the buyer does, gets his refund, and the seller is left going "what the fuck"

Also, please sort out your terminology/understanding of credit card vs debit card. It could end up costing you a lot of money in the event you use one instead of the other.

Actually I searched on for "PayPal" and, through a massive swamp of "I got swindled out of $x by PayPal" and "Bitcoins ftw", I was reminded of this case, where a teen kid finds a security flaw in PayPal's website. Most websites have a bounty program, where they pay a decent amount for bug finds. But since this kid is not 18, PayPal takes the submission, and straight out refuses to pay him. When the kid asked for some recognition so he can put it on a resume, etc, PayPal then proceeds to just straight out ignore him. Note this kid has been paid previously by Microsoft and Mozilla. PayPal just does not give a fuck since it's almost a monopoly.

my incidental find on asian glow

Journal article I found. Yeah... this isn't peer reviewed. It's like one step above a blog post, I guess. In any case I'm half basing it on lectures we've had, and half basing it on the article.

Quick medicoscientific basis:
1) Alcohol
2) Enzyme called ADH converts it to acetaldehyde
3) Enzyme called ALDH oxidises this into excretable acids so your kidneys help you piss it all out

Everyone, unless they be majorly messed up, has adequate ADH floating around
But something like 10% of Caucasians and 60% of East Asians are missing that important ALDH enzyme.

As far as I can tell it's not the ethanol itself causing symptoms of facial flush, nausea, increased heart rate, headache, feelings of shittiness, and other Asian/hangover style symptoms. Rather, it's the buildup of acetaldehyde that causes these annoying symptoms.

This article claims that ALDH-deficient individuals are at greater risk of oesophageal cancer, since acetaldehyde meddles with your DNA and shit which is like recipe for cancer. However, it doesn't state what the increase in risk is, as a percentage, nor does it cite any articles to support how it came to the conclusion that this is true (this is what you get when it's not peer reviewed). However, if you're curious about how acetaldehyde affects DNA in your lymphocytes, which is linked to oesophageal cancer by ??? mechanism, you can always look up T. Matsuda et al., Chem Res. Toxicol. 19, 1374-1378 (2006) or H. Ishikawa et al., Mutat. Res. 615, 134-142 (2007). I can't be bothered because I don't care that much, and also who the hell cites with the shortened journal names wtf.

The article does vouch for the effectiveness of Zantac and other "antihistimines" [sic] in reducing the facial flush, although obviously this does nothing for the acetaldehyde levels. Yeah this article wasn't so much of a great find after all... I shoulda just done a search on MEDLINE about acetaldehyde buildup.

choice is an illusion

Just watched this video on the near-monopoly that a company you've probably never heard of, Luxottica, has on the eyewear industry. Think like every fucking eyewear brand that you can think of.
Not content with just owning all the top brands of eyewear, they also fully own outlets like Sunglass Hut and OPSM.

If you watched the video, the CEO is one clever but slimy guy. You can just tell he's a genius but he won't hesitate to take advantage of others. It's pretty genius to maintain the illusion of choice by maintaining a huge variety of brands so it's all "free market" and shit. Although it's not like that same shit isn't happening with stuff you'd find at the supermarket. (Although that's significantly less price-fixy or whatever the monopoly equivalent of that is)

Now switching from O.O to :D:
This thing might be as old as the internet, but I only just discovered it. I couldn't stop laughing at some bits.
It's a guy going to a chatroom, initiating cybersex, then progressively ruining it for the other party.

body is not ready

I went for a run today in the first time in ages. I went for a 5-lap run around a soccer field, which is almost exactly one mile.

Yeah, so I couldn't run the whole way without slowing down to a walk in order to let the nausea subside (I think I'll call it the "Barf of the Weak"). Also around 3rd lap I started to feel that I literally could not lift my legs as high as I could before. So both my muscular and cardio fitness have gone down the drain. Scrap that, I'll admit that on the warm-up jog to the park (distance of <1km) I got a stitch within 300m.

On the way home from the field I did a hill-sprint, which was probably 60m, maybe 1:5 slope (I'm not very good at estimating). I didn't feel particularly bad on that, but it probably wasn't as fast as I was when I was 15. I feel old when I say that LOL.

Fortunately I didn't throw up but I did harbour some shame. I don't think anyone was watching me closely enough to realise how shittily I was doing. So while I was not wallowing in vomit I was wallowing in self pity and general feelings of inadequacy.

Luckily I have every Tuesday "off" for this half-sem, so perhaps I'll make it a thing to run more often. I will probably chuck in some core-strengthening exercises, once I work out a routine.

On the subject of bodies, how the fuck do you get drunk off beer? Having 3 beers is already 1L of carbonated fluid in your stomach. That's a piddling 4.2 standard drinks. If you want to get your daily recommended intake of water through beer, that's 6 beers and 8.4 standard drinks. So even if you deprived yourself of water for the day, and made it up with beer in one hour, you wouldn't get very far. While 8.4 standard drinks is not a trivial amount of alcohol, it is definitely not worth distending your stomach to 50-100% of its capacity (depending on stomach size).