
Don't forget to take advantage of your NSW student status to snatch Windows 8!

Even if you don't want to install it now, just snag the key in case they deregister us from the list, and then you find out you need it later.

Remember to take a screenshot and/or copypaste your key, because the onthehub servers will forget your key in 31 days (although it obviously remains valid with Microsoft indefinitely).

ie, you can store this key to use a few months later. Once you put it in, you can use it indefinitely.


Use your 431... number and register and then you can download each of Microsoft Office for Windows 2010, Office for Mac 2011, and Windows 7 Ultimate.
Go to http://nsw.dec.onthehub.com/ to claim your spoils.
It's a good idea to take a screenshot or copypaste the serials into a text doc because if you don't use the serials within 30 days it's gone from the NSWDEC server and you can never retrieve it again.
If you, for some reason, want to license the Office on your red laptop, you do not need to download the program files. After you've graduated your laptop, if you try to open Office it will just tell you to try to plug in a serial (which you will have!!!)
If you are over that red piece of junk, and are installing it on your own computer, you obviously need to download the program files for Office 2010 (removing any other installs of older Offices if applicable).
Obviously you should all snap up Office for Windows, but I also recommend taking an Office for Mac just in case you wanna go hipster. And a Windows Ultimate in case you get a new machine with no OS.

You're welcome.

poe's law

Poe's law all up in this article

Basic gist - since an unborn foetus is technically a person under their state law, shouldn't she be allowed to drive in the carpool lane?

Pro-life is derpy. I understand anti-abortion, even though I don't agree with it, so long as they aren't claiming that it actually is a person by law inside.

If a woman miscarries because she couldn't break her smoking habit, is that manslaughter?! I mean look at those things. Behold my well sourced Wikipedia quote, "Studies using very sensitive early pregnancy tests have found that 25% of embryos are aborted by the sixth week [since the woman's last menstrual period], even if a woman does not realize it". What now, punk?

dream is collapsing

"In order for a nucleus to be stable, the strong nuclear force needs to be much stronger than the forces of electrostatic repulsion between the positively charged protons in the nucleus."

Come on, BOS. Lift your game. Wtf is this shit...

found on reddit

Found this anecdote on Reddit -

I am a medical professional. I arrived on a scene that had two patients. One was a victim of rape and severe battery. Can't say her age, but she was young. The other was the near-death rapist. The rapist was the victim's father. The mother had caught and subsequently beaten him with a baseball bat.

I let him die en route to the hospital.

*A few edits for clarification:

1. She lived.
2. The mother was not prosecuted, as far as I'm aware. I've never been contacted by her or her family.

3. I am not proud, nor am I gloating. I have never (and will never) do any such thing again. It was the wrong thing to do. I was young, inexperienced, and it was the most violent and grotesque scene I'd witnessed up to that point. I'm human, and I snapped. I sought therapy, and have come to terms with it. It's never happened again, even to those who some might feel deserve it.

Turns out, apart from the emotional trauma of having patients die on you, there's also the weird ass side where you are obliged to do your best to save anyone.

Don't know if courtroom lawyers really get a choice who to represent but that shit is even more likely to make it hard to sleep at night.

By the way I completely condemn the actions of this person and I hope everyone who is doing an interview in the next few months also condemn him/her.

throws like a girl

Do you think the term "throws like a girl" is a fundamentally sexist term?
Do girls, as a gender, throw worse than boys?

I was watching this video of Eva Longoria on the Ellen show, trying to dunk Tony Parker. That timed link skips to the throwing, and the first thought in my head was "they throw like girls". I haven't spent much time thinking about the mechanics of a throw, but here are some things that are characteristic of a "girl throw" in my mind:
- Forearm too vertical
- Arm not extended enough, the elbow travels the same distance as the ball, and hence leverage of the forearm is wasted. In a "boy throw", the elbow leads and "flicks" the forearm.
- No rotation from the hips, often steps forward with same foot as throwing arm.
- A "girl throw" follow-through is cut short and cuts straight across the body and finishes at around shoulder height, while a "boy throw" follow-through is diagonally across the body and finishes near the hips
- "Girl throw" includes releasing too early, leading to a high ball that flicks off the fingers, like Obama's throw from a link below.

For those that believe they don't have a "girl throw" and hence don't know what a "girl throw" looks like, try throwing it with your non-dominant hand. The timing of the throw is just terrible and it'll go like 1/4 of the distance of your dominant hand. The girl throw and boy throw (sorry I just cbf with quotes you know what I mean. If I miss any more, put your hands in the air like you just don't care) is not about strength it's about technique. The timing of the throw is more important than how far it goes, in determining a boy throw from a girl's.

A fun, biased, poorly sourced infographic for all. From Washington Post

I googled "throw like a girl" and came up with this Washington Post article, which I acknowledge isn't the best source, but it talks about some study that may or may not have been done. It is the source of the above infographic. While I admit I have potentially unreliable sources, I didn't find any studies that showed that girls and boys throw in the same way, and I'll be glad if someone can Google any sort of information that leans either way.

This one talks about Obama's girly opening pitch, and breaks down what it means to "throw like a girl".

Whatever the fuck Jezebel is, here's an article that sounds terribly biased, that kinda backs up the gender gap but in a way that's slightly offputting to read ("and, to be brutally honest, even the bad-at-throwing boys are probably better than the very strongest girls.") By the way, a post will be coming up on those crappy phrases that feign objectivity, such as "to be brutally honest" in this case. It's only more confusing when you read the author's name...

Here are some that try to equalise the playing field (ho-ho), by demonstrating how a man's non-dominant hand throw is a "girly throw", while PopSci gives us a case study of a female QB. I guess I agree but they don't address my question of - do girls, as a gender, throw worse than boys?

This, however, doesn't justify the validity of the claim that girls have a "girly throw". The label has to be shown to be an actual characteristic of girls, and not just some shitty prefix to make the poor thrower feel emasculated. I am obviously not asserting that no girls can throw, but I am quite sure that >50% have a "girly throw". On the flipside, there has to be a significant underrepresentation of men who throw with that particular form, say <20% . I don't think that these are impossible figures, and wouldn't be surprised if the ratios were even more skewed. I'm happy to debate what you think these numbers are, though, if you feel the need to. The Washington Post link posted above suggests an intrinsic difference between males and females, and it's not just environment (e.g. boys play more ball games than girls), that leads to the differences in throwing form. However, I don't know where they found Australian Aboriginals who still hunt for food?!?!

What I've found doesn't justify the attachment of the word "girl" to describe this particular style of throwing.
It just justifies that what we are now calling a "girl throw" is indeed inefficient and is not the technique you want to use to maximise your strength. Curtly, it is the wrong way. I'm just pondering whether it is valid to pin the label of "girl throw" on this incorrect throwing technique. Because, do females, on average, throw worse than males?


So now that I've registered with the AEC, I just received some letters as a part of a campaign.

I didn't really feel like caring so I chopped them in half and turned them into coasters for iced drinks =D.

Oh I also bought highball glasses and cocktail glasses. 30% at David Jones Warehouse in Birkenhead Point! Absolutely nobody cares because nobody else wants glassware!


I took the old Rubik's cube out for a spin

Remember this thing hasn't been in for like 4 years.

And I managed to do ALL of it, in under 90 seconds too.

I was giggling as I did last layer, because the OLL and PLL moves are just muscle memory and holy shit it was just on automatic it felt so fucking awesome. Omg everyone who could do the cube please try it's the coolest feeling.

riff raff

I also like the word "hoi polloi". It's so counterintuitive, it doesn't sound very much like what it means.

I have a few notes on my iPhone that I will just recount here.

On T2 biv (yes this is yonks back), we developed a #YOLO mentality. One of the things we did was urinate, in a particular fashion. If you'll cast your mind back, we once experienced the joys of peeing into a fire (and not standing downwind). This time, it was peeing while walking. There were a couple of guys who were unwilling to try it. It turned out pretty awkward for them cos they were surrounded by a few guys walking closer to the end of the trail than usual, with a faint trickling sound. It was hard to stop laughing :P

Also here are some peeves/observations/whatever that I found

-When there is a car at an intersection/roundabout, and you are a pedestrian trying to cross, how do you cross? Do you cross in front of the car? Unless you are prevented from walking behind the first car, or there is a marked crossing there, it's totally better to just walk behind the first car. I have missed many gaps because pedestrians cannot decide if they should cross or not (in case I hit them or something). A problem easily solved by walking behind the first car - pedestrian has no chance of being hit, and the driver has free choice to turn whenever there's a gap. We all win.

-Start quote
Day 1:
A asks B a question, say "Do you remember what reactants the Haber process uses?" (for the purposes of this demonstration, usually it's something much more obscure, but I can't think obscure atm)
B answers: "Nah I haven't studied chem yet"
A: "Oh okay."
Day 2:
A says: "Oh, by the way, I found out that it was nitrogen and hydrogen"
B: "Yeah"
So the implications of answering "yeah" instead of "oh okay" or "thanks" are that you knew that all along. I feel like I've blogged about dominant/passive roles in conversation but I cbf finding. And if you knew all along I wish you'd have told me on the first day kkthnx.

-This terrible logical fallacy is not really a peeve but I just wanted to share for the luls. I don't remember who this was with, so hopefully they won't either. I have the main idea of the conversation in the phone down and I don't want to change details because it'll lose the excellence.
Start quote - The topic of the day is brand names. I hear the brand Kenzo mentioned.
Me: I think my aftershave is Kenzo branded.
Him/Her (all laughing and shit): Kenzo is a brand for women.
Me: Forgive me, for I have been using aftershave for women then.
I am aware that it is possibly a niche niche market for women who want to use aftershave on their legs after shaving. But had they asked, they would have found out it was liquid aftershave.

- It makes me uncomfortable when I hear/see someone jump and land heavily on their heels. I get like sympathy pains or something and it feels terrible just thinking about it. Like holy shit can you imagine how destroyed your cartilage is going to be in 20-30 years. And when you brace yourself against the impact, and all the force is transfered to your brain, you're killing more brain cells than if you drink a pint of beer (see points 4/5, and 7). Turns out alcohol doesn't kill ANY brain cells, unless you make drinking until you black out a common occurrence. Even then, relatively serious cases cause reversible damage to the dendrites with no actual cell death (reversible if addiction to alcohol stops). IMO it would be difficult and expensive to kill a brain cell by drinking. Of course, we can't account for the concussions you'll sustain as a result of your reduced motor skills.

it's the milky bar kid

In the fun sized bars, it appears that all the chocolates are upside down compared to the wrapper.

Can someone explain?

I noticed this a few years ago and hadn't had Milky Bars in a while.

Got some today and they're still fucking upside down.

This displeases me greatly.


This needs no introduction I can't be bothered. I think I was surfing comedy skits and decided on a whim to click these.

Can someone explain why the fuck all these women think it's okay to go ahead and touch it?! If this happened the other way around, somebody is fucking going to jail.

Not to mention the one at 0:51 that just fucking hops on and starts humping?!
If touching (what they thought were) penises is not sexual assault, I don't think there's much denial about that second one.

And this one kinda proves that some forms of clothing are just not suitable.

lols were had

It always amazes me how intense and surprisingly genuine the fangirl response can be. Luls were had

aitch ess see

Woops neglected to wish you guys luck

So goodluck, everybody.




Rubric Words
Perceptions of ourselves and the world
Relationships between language and text
Interrelationships among texts
Clarify meaning and develop new meanings
Context, purpose & register, text structure, stylistic features, grammatical features, and vocabulary
Meaning conveyed, shaped, interpreted and reflected in and through texts
Ways texts are responded to and composed
Ways perspective may affect meaning and interpretation
Connections between and among texts
How texts are influenced by other texts and contexts

Remember, don't use these words if you've never used them before, but instead use them to brush up on vocab that you have lost in your stress :P

hurr durr

Have you ever come across anyone who has anyone ever used their own ignorance as an argument?
The great thing about an argument like that is, you can't call them out on it without looking/sounding immature.
This is kind of like arguing with someone who refuses to follow a basic logical flow. You're not losing, but you're definitely not winning either.

Allow me to elaborate:
So I was on Reddit today because I'm a hk like that. Stare that HSC shit down.
And then I saw a post about some guy not understanding /r/guitar. I have never visited that subreddit before but whatever.
So one of the comments goes along the lines of
"So if you post a $1k+ guitar, they will love you and upvote you forever, but if you post a Squier, they will downvote you to oblivion. And there isn't really that much of a difference between a Squier and a American Strat."
Terminology - Squier is an entry level guitar, costs like $200-300. American Strat is mid-upper range for about $1.4k

To put into context, I also do not see the point for me to spend $300 on sick moulded IEM earphones, when 60-something bucks can buy a decent pair of Sennheisers. Nor do I really see the difference within a range of tennis racquets, for example.

But that doesn't mean that there is no difference between the products. Just because I'm not interested enough in the field to perceive the difference, doesn't mean the difference isn't there. There is some cognitive bias where people tend to assume their perception of the world is everyone else's perceptions of the world. And hence what they need is also what others need. Forgot the name, but that's what's happening here.

This also happened with my LifeProof case. For some reason it was extremely difficult for some to understand why I would sacrifice aesthetics, in order to increase functionality. I mean sure, most people wouldn't need waterproofing, but does that mean nobody needs waterproofing?!

Back to the reddit dude. It's not like you can say "You can't tell because you suck" because then you'd come across as a 12yo. Some guy explained it really nicely, something like "The $1000 difference between the Squier and the Strat is definitely noticeable, and worth every dollar, but if you buy the Strat you have to be justified in appreciating that $1000 difference for you to be taken seriously".

Something I disapprove of, though, is paying for $300 pairs of shoes because they are shiny. What the fuck is that. Actually, anything that is extra money purely for aesthetics, I find superfluous. But then again, I guess if they feel justified for spending that extra $x, then they ARE justified in spending that extra $x.

english is balls

We are native speakers of English, so we subconsciously can differentiate between:

- The "th" sound in "theatre" and "the", even though they are quite different.
- The 50 shades of "-ough", e.g. Dough, Through, Cough, Rough, Thought, Thorough, Plough
- The role of "y", in yes, day, ply, only.
- Phenolphthalein (Fee-nol-THAY-leen, according to wiki. Primary stress on THAY, secondary stress on Fee, in case that wasn't clear.)
- The stupid ass plurals such as goose-geese, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, ox-oxen, or the Latin based ones like stratum-strata, datum-data
- To change to possessive form, just add 's. Except for it-its.
- I before E except after C and except in words like weight, sleight, height...
- Why are "overseer" and "oversight" so different
- Our prepositions are insane. How is it that when the alarm goes off, it's different to when the light goes off? Or why is burning up and burning down a house the same thing.

I bet I'll think of more but this will do for now for now.

zone out

My (handwritten) creative story says
Maybe you know what it's like their

I hang my head in shame. Must've been wasted.

easier than writing something meaningful

Let’s start off with your Facebook relationship status:

Could you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
You can have sex with anything if you want it bad enough

Is the last person you kissed also the next person you’ll kiss?
Almost impossible (I think in probability it's more correct to say "almost certain" and "almost never" in order to account for law of large numbers or some shit)

Have you been disappointed in the past three days?
Yes, when I found out the lack of decent HSC English papers to do.

Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three months?
Yes I live in a house with other people. It's almost certain

If you were drunk and you couldn’t walk, would the person you last kissed take care of you?
Yes, out of general human kindness.

Have you ever kissed someone who was high?
Nope that sounds like it'll taste weird.

Have you ever fallen asleep in school?
Not in my memory. Definitely not in class (Y)

Who’s the biggest douche bag that you know?
Isn't this kind of slack? Also, I don't rate douchebaggery. You either are a douchebag or you are not. There's only one level of douchebag and it's not like I feel like talking to them to find out which one is more douchebag than the other.

Person you have feelings for shows up at your house RIGHT NOW, you say?
Hey, does this smell like roofies?

Do you think you will have the same best friend a year from now?
Ooft tough call.

Who was the last male you talked to?

Do you dislike anyone?
(Almost) everyone dislikes someone.

Do you have empty bottles of alcohol hidden somewhere?
What the fuck. How can the bottles be "of alcohol"' if they're fucking empty. For the record I do have empty bottles that once held alcohol because I use them to practise free-pouring with water.

Who was last to touch your butt?
I derno but I bet it's a dude.

Are you missing anyone/something?
Yeah my throwing arm is off today.

What do you think when someone kisses you on your forehead?
Unless it's a really tall girl, it's probably a guy. And I'd go "what the |fuck|, mate". If you're going to go there you might as well finish the job and give me head.

What do you usually do right when you wake up?
I look at the time and see if it's reasonable.

Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast?
Milk for strong bones.

When was the last time you were told you were cute?
I think when I was talking about formal.

Are you taller than most people your age?
I don't know, bogans are pretty tall.

Do you still talk to the last person that kissed you on the lips?
Not really

Tell me about the shirt you’re wearing?
A Kathmandu shirt that has a fingerprint that is stylised to look like contour lines and says "In our DNA". I found it witty. My mum bought it though.

Is there someone you wouldn’t mind kissing right now?
"Wouldn't mind kissing" is non-commital. There's plenty of people that I "wouldn't mind" kissing.

Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over?
Errrrrrr no. I'm a goddamn teenager how bad can it be.

Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you?
I don't even know when the last time I held hands was. So I'm hesitant.

Honestly, are you happy with the way things are?
Yeah how can we complain?

Do you always care what you look like?
Almost never.

Relationship between you and the last person you texted?
Probably distant cousins, 100 generations back.
Hey I was thinking about this today while walking - there are 180 people in our grade. I can't remember the number of girls so I'll assume there are 90 girls.
Assume that each new generation is born at the same time, and each person in each generation finds a partner and mates (for the sake of this mathematical demonstration) exactly once. Also assume that each of our genes are unique enough so that it's not inbreeding after like 2 generations.
Generation I (present) - 180 "families"
Generation II - 90 families
Generation III - 45 families
Generation IV - 22 (full) families
Generation V - 11 families
Generation VI - 5 families
Generation VII - 2 families
Generation VIII - 1 family.
A group as small as ourselves can sustain ourselves for up to seven generations without incest. I wonder how hectic that last baby would be.

If your ex said they hated you, you say?
Hate is such a strong word...

Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
Don't see why they would be.

Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
What the fuck is with this kissing. Fuck off with the kissing.

How many people are you texting?
Nobody atm

Do you think people think bad things about you?
Pretty sure people out there dislike me.

Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
Sober. Wasn't 18 back then :L

Ever liked someone whose name started with a M?
Ooh why yes I have. Primary school

Did you ever wasted time on a certain boy or girl?
Hmm in all ways you could "waste" time, isn't it possibly also a learning experience for next time? It's never really a waste...

Have you gotten into an argument with the last person you kissed?
Yessiry ofc

Do you believe your ex thinks about you?
Every night.

Whats currently bothering you?
You forgot the fucking apostrophe.

Are you afraid of the dark?
I don't enjoy it but I'm not scared to go downstairs :L

Who was the last person you had a phone conversation with for more than 2 minutes?
Hmmmm no idea

Who have you ever had the longest conversation with on the phone?
Still Rebecca. Haven't had that much time since :L

Would you ever consider piercing your lip?
Would you ever consider piercing your clit?

Have you ever gotten a sunburn so bad it hurt to move?
Not that bad.
My homestyle therapy for sunburn is stand under a cool shower for like 15 minutes. Then chuck some aloe vera gel on that shit. I haven't peeled since I formulated this. Patent pending.

Do you toss and turn for hours at night or fall right to sleep?
I don't toss and turn, but I just can't fall asleep. Fucking daylight savings.

Has anyone ever hung up on you?
Not out of madness I don't think

Did you speak to your father today?
Nah he left before I woke up

How have you felt today?
Not bad. Need to start work soon though

Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle?
Hmm like maybe a bus or something

Ever had a boy best friend?
Yes, and that shouldn't be surprising.

Do you wear a lot of makeup?
You haven't even seen my skin, ever.

Do you straighten your hair often?
I actually curl it.

What are you up to this weekend?
Cram English, no doubt

Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
Probably not.

Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
Yes lol

Who’s the last person you kissed?
Ctrl-F "kiss". 18 matches. Minus 5 that I said in my answers. You asked about making out 13 fucking times. I suspect that has a direct correlation to the quiz-writer's age.

Where’s your ex at?
Probably at home or library. How many people answered this question with a definite answer. You're probably doing it wrong.

What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekend?
We're going to dick around very hard after HSC.

Do you know anyone currently in jail?
No. Oh wait, Sally Tomato, who gives me "weather reports"

What do you currently hear?
The gentle whir of my computer fan. The clickety clack of my keyboard.

If you could make your lips bigger, would you?
All the better to kiss you with, my dear? Wtf what benefit would that have.

Do you like your hair?
I am beginning to feel I have a bit too much penis to do this quiz.

Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?
Well if it weren't daylight savings, I would have a chance....

Where do you want to be right now?
I'm happy studying now. Party later.

100 truths because the mean guy at the end said so

Saw this flying around Facebook.
I've never been tagged because either nobody likes me, or just none of my friends are annoying >=D
I've missed doing surveys so here is one

1. Real name: Jeff (sans -rey)
2. Nickname(s): "fuzznut" died.
3. Favourite color: Royal Blue
4. Male or female: Male
5. Elementary School: West Ryde Public School -> Carlingford West Public School -> North Rocks Public School (the shithole)
6. Middle School: We don't do that shit here
7. High School: James Ruse
8. College: Apparently college is somewhere where you live on campus. Wtf is with that I thought TAFE was college. Maybe TAFE is TAFE. Anyways I wanna go to UNSW and no idea where I'll live, but wherever it is I'll be poor.
9. Hair Color: Black
10. Tall or Short: Slam dunk on tippy toes
11. Sweats or jeans: I'm wearing sweatpants now. They're so much softer and don't cup my balls inappropriately when I sit down.
12. Phone or Camera : Phone, because there's an app for that.
13. Health freak : I don't really pay special attention. You know what I'm freaking out about? Sometimes the your question has a space then a colon. Sometimes there's no space. Freaking hell.
14. Orange or Apple: I don't fucking know mate. It's like comparing apples and oranges, which you apparently can't fucking do. I like eating apples more. That's right I divided by zero.
15. Do you have a crush on someone : Nice weather today isn't it
16. Eat or Drink : Chilled drinks are so much better than eating.
17. Piercings : Prince Alfred(s)
18. Pepsi or Coke : Coke. Pepsi is the retarded cousin
19. Been in an airplane : Yes. They used to be the shit as a kid. Now it's just something to be endured.
20. Been in a relationship : Yes
21. Been in a car accident : Yes! Two minor ones. I shouldn't be alive
22. Been in a fist fight : I went to a Wing Chun class but I cbf going in HSC year. I might go karate after HSC it sounds like fun
23. First piercing : The Prince Alfred that is down the middle.
24. Close friend(s): You'll see in uni because I'll still talk to them
25. Are you gay: As a daffodil (? quote correct?)
26. First crush : It was like in goddamn kindy. I can't even remember her name, but I'm 99% sure I was like "I'ma gonna marry you." I don't exactly remember what happened next but I probably went to play with Tazos.
27. First word: I don't know but it must've been in Mandarin. And honestly any baby sound could correspond to a poorly formed Chinese charcter :L
9. Last person you talked to: Vaish on MSN, Crystal SMS, probably Max IRL. Phwoar dem acronyms
30. Last person you texted: Oh.
31. Last person you watched a movie with: I watched Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows alone. Uhhhh honestly can't remember the last movie before that
32. Last food you ate : Maccas... at maccas
33. Last movie you watched : Sherlock Holmes.
34. Last song you listened to : Whatever the last song is on Queen's greatest hits... We Are The Champions!
35. Last thing you bought : I BOUGHT. Pineapple juice, lemonade (lemon squash), cranberry juice, grapefruit juice!
36. Last person you hugged : Probably Andy.

37. Food : I just sat there for 3 minutes trying to think of the holy food but I couldn't find it so screw it I pass.
38. Drink : I guess Coke is unbeatable. Actually what the fuck is Coke. It tastes like nothing natural that I've ever eaten. It's just goodness with black coloring.
39. Bottoms : Yours.
40. Flower : Let me list all the flowers I know. Rose, tulip, orchid. Chrysanthemum. Uhh daisies poppies. Do you know how I order a corsage? "Blue dress. Help me pl0x. Here's munny"
41. Animal : In what respect?! As a pet? To look at? To reincarnate as? To eat? Far out.
43. Movie: I enjoyed Shawshank Redemption and Inception. But I've got a lot more movies to watch bejesus
44. Subject : I actually enjoy all my subjects contentwise. *confessionbear*

(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [ ] fallen in love with someone. (wait wait how the fuck did the person I steal this from say "no I haven't been in a relationship" but "yes I've fallen in love".)
46. [ ] celebrated Halloween
47. [ ] had your heart broken
48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone. (dont ask me what it means it just sounds like something i'd've done)
49. [ ] had someone question my sexual orientation
51. [ ] got pregnant. (this would've been great for s2 UMAT.)
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [x] did something I regret. (short term yes, long term no)
54. [x] broke a promise. (not in my memory, but I'm unwilling to claim that I've never done so)
55. [x] hid a secret. (easy peasy)
56. [x] pretended to be happy. (also easy peasy. actually if you don't make eye contact nobody cares anyway)
57. [x] met someone who changed your life. (yay everyone changes my life)
58. [ ] pretended to be sick.
59. [x] left the country
60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing. (if you mean my eyes sweated but I wasn't exercising)
62. [x] ran a mile.
63. [x] went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends. (probably?)
65. [x] disliked someone.
66. [ ] stayed single for 2 years since the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend. (wow this stat surprises me)

67. Eating : Lots of mouth bacteria
68. Drinking : Saliva
69. Listening: My dad snoring LOL
70. Sitting/Laying : Sitting
71. Plans for today: HOLY FUCK ITS 1AM?!?!?!??!
72. Waiting for : no John Mayer today. Waiting for HSC to be over I guess

73. Want kids : I decided that reproduction is the meaning of life (on principle ahaha).
74. Want to get married : Yes
75. Career : Med guy
76. Lips or eyes : Why the fuck is this under "future"
77. Shorter or Taller : Ehh same height. Fuck I feel old, for being past puberty and answering this quiz.
78. Romantic or spontaneous : A balance. Romance is boring and spontaneous is unsustainable.
81. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship is nicer
82. Looks or personality: Looks to decide if I want to talk to you (mainly manner and behaviour, appearances most likely have an influence too). Personality to decide if I want to ask you out.

83. Lost glasses/contacts : 20/20. I'm not actually sure if I'm 20/20 so I'll just say "no glasses/contacts"
84. Snuck out of a house : No.
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Nup. Go straya
86. Killed somebody : Why in the holy smokes would it ever be a good idea to admit to this on Facebook.
87. Broke a heart : Ladies, one at a time. Heartbreaking is pretty tiring stuff.
88. Been in love : 1) There is a question above that already asks this. 2) No
89. Cried when someone died : When my parents found out maternal grandfather died (when I was about 5 or younger) my mum cried. I cried along because I thought it was socially appropriate, and not out of any genuine emotion (cos I'd only met him like 5-10 times prior).

90. Yourself : I feel like I'm pretty accurate in assessing my potential to achieve stuff
91. Miracles : Nah. Not by the "divine intervention" definition anyhow
92. Love at first sight : I've always thought of it as "lust at first sight". What do I know I'm only young.
93. Heaven : Nah. I don't even care where my soul goes anyway, it's just a soul.
94. Santa Claus : Dude if you tell Santa you want a skateboard, you are more likely to get a skateboard than if you prayed to God for it. Empirically. I am not using this data to draw any conclusions about ANYTHING.
96. Ghosts : No. Though I've read some pretty creepy shit about lucid dreaming that sounds pretty supernatural.

97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now : it's 1am they can wait.
98. Do you know who your real friends are : yeah there are like 5 of them.
99. Do you believe in God : I am open to it. But if this God exists 1) it does not care about you as an individual 2) definitely does not give a shit about prayers 3) probably just governs the laws of the universe as opposed to micro-ing human civilisation. So definitely not the Biblical God
100. Post as 100 truths: Okay I did. Fucking youths and their shitty manners these days.