100 truths because the mean guy at the end said so

Saw this flying around Facebook.
I've never been tagged because either nobody likes me, or just none of my friends are annoying >=D
I've missed doing surveys so here is one

1. Real name: Jeff (sans -rey)
2. Nickname(s): "fuzznut" died.
3. Favourite color: Royal Blue
4. Male or female: Male
5. Elementary School: West Ryde Public School -> Carlingford West Public School -> North Rocks Public School (the shithole)
6. Middle School: We don't do that shit here
7. High School: James Ruse
8. College: Apparently college is somewhere where you live on campus. Wtf is with that I thought TAFE was college. Maybe TAFE is TAFE. Anyways I wanna go to UNSW and no idea where I'll live, but wherever it is I'll be poor.
9. Hair Color: Black
10. Tall or Short: Slam dunk on tippy toes
11. Sweats or jeans: I'm wearing sweatpants now. They're so much softer and don't cup my balls inappropriately when I sit down.
12. Phone or Camera : Phone, because there's an app for that.
13. Health freak : I don't really pay special attention. You know what I'm freaking out about? Sometimes the your question has a space then a colon. Sometimes there's no space. Freaking hell.
14. Orange or Apple: I don't fucking know mate. It's like comparing apples and oranges, which you apparently can't fucking do. I like eating apples more. That's right I divided by zero.
15. Do you have a crush on someone : Nice weather today isn't it
16. Eat or Drink : Chilled drinks are so much better than eating.
17. Piercings : Prince Alfred(s)
18. Pepsi or Coke : Coke. Pepsi is the retarded cousin
19. Been in an airplane : Yes. They used to be the shit as a kid. Now it's just something to be endured.
20. Been in a relationship : Yes
21. Been in a car accident : Yes! Two minor ones. I shouldn't be alive
22. Been in a fist fight : I went to a Wing Chun class but I cbf going in HSC year. I might go karate after HSC it sounds like fun
23. First piercing : The Prince Alfred that is down the middle.
24. Close friend(s): You'll see in uni because I'll still talk to them
25. Are you gay: As a daffodil (? quote correct?)
26. First crush : It was like in goddamn kindy. I can't even remember her name, but I'm 99% sure I was like "I'ma gonna marry you." I don't exactly remember what happened next but I probably went to play with Tazos.
27. First word: I don't know but it must've been in Mandarin. And honestly any baby sound could correspond to a poorly formed Chinese charcter :L
9. Last person you talked to: Vaish on MSN, Crystal SMS, probably Max IRL. Phwoar dem acronyms
30. Last person you texted: Oh.
31. Last person you watched a movie with: I watched Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows alone. Uhhhh honestly can't remember the last movie before that
32. Last food you ate : Maccas... at maccas
33. Last movie you watched : Sherlock Holmes.
34. Last song you listened to : Whatever the last song is on Queen's greatest hits... We Are The Champions!
35. Last thing you bought : I BOUGHT. Pineapple juice, lemonade (lemon squash), cranberry juice, grapefruit juice!
36. Last person you hugged : Probably Andy.

37. Food : I just sat there for 3 minutes trying to think of the holy food but I couldn't find it so screw it I pass.
38. Drink : I guess Coke is unbeatable. Actually what the fuck is Coke. It tastes like nothing natural that I've ever eaten. It's just goodness with black coloring.
39. Bottoms : Yours.
40. Flower : Let me list all the flowers I know. Rose, tulip, orchid. Chrysanthemum. Uhh daisies poppies. Do you know how I order a corsage? "Blue dress. Help me pl0x. Here's munny"
41. Animal : In what respect?! As a pet? To look at? To reincarnate as? To eat? Far out.
43. Movie: I enjoyed Shawshank Redemption and Inception. But I've got a lot more movies to watch bejesus
44. Subject : I actually enjoy all my subjects contentwise. *confessionbear*

(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [ ] fallen in love with someone. (wait wait how the fuck did the person I steal this from say "no I haven't been in a relationship" but "yes I've fallen in love".)
46. [ ] celebrated Halloween
47. [ ] had your heart broken
48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone. (dont ask me what it means it just sounds like something i'd've done)
49. [ ] had someone question my sexual orientation
51. [ ] got pregnant. (this would've been great for s2 UMAT.)
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [x] did something I regret. (short term yes, long term no)
54. [x] broke a promise. (not in my memory, but I'm unwilling to claim that I've never done so)
55. [x] hid a secret. (easy peasy)
56. [x] pretended to be happy. (also easy peasy. actually if you don't make eye contact nobody cares anyway)
57. [x] met someone who changed your life. (yay everyone changes my life)
58. [ ] pretended to be sick.
59. [x] left the country
60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing. (if you mean my eyes sweated but I wasn't exercising)
62. [x] ran a mile.
63. [x] went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends. (probably?)
65. [x] disliked someone.
66. [ ] stayed single for 2 years since the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend. (wow this stat surprises me)

67. Eating : Lots of mouth bacteria
68. Drinking : Saliva
69. Listening: My dad snoring LOL
70. Sitting/Laying : Sitting
71. Plans for today: HOLY FUCK ITS 1AM?!?!?!??!
72. Waiting for : no John Mayer today. Waiting for HSC to be over I guess

73. Want kids : I decided that reproduction is the meaning of life (on principle ahaha).
74. Want to get married : Yes
75. Career : Med guy
76. Lips or eyes : Why the fuck is this under "future"
77. Shorter or Taller : Ehh same height. Fuck I feel old, for being past puberty and answering this quiz.
78. Romantic or spontaneous : A balance. Romance is boring and spontaneous is unsustainable.
81. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship is nicer
82. Looks or personality: Looks to decide if I want to talk to you (mainly manner and behaviour, appearances most likely have an influence too). Personality to decide if I want to ask you out.

83. Lost glasses/contacts : 20/20. I'm not actually sure if I'm 20/20 so I'll just say "no glasses/contacts"
84. Snuck out of a house : No.
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Nup. Go straya
86. Killed somebody : Why in the holy smokes would it ever be a good idea to admit to this on Facebook.
87. Broke a heart : Ladies, one at a time. Heartbreaking is pretty tiring stuff.
88. Been in love : 1) There is a question above that already asks this. 2) No
89. Cried when someone died : When my parents found out maternal grandfather died (when I was about 5 or younger) my mum cried. I cried along because I thought it was socially appropriate, and not out of any genuine emotion (cos I'd only met him like 5-10 times prior).

90. Yourself : I feel like I'm pretty accurate in assessing my potential to achieve stuff
91. Miracles : Nah. Not by the "divine intervention" definition anyhow
92. Love at first sight : I've always thought of it as "lust at first sight". What do I know I'm only young.
93. Heaven : Nah. I don't even care where my soul goes anyway, it's just a soul.
94. Santa Claus : Dude if you tell Santa you want a skateboard, you are more likely to get a skateboard than if you prayed to God for it. Empirically. I am not using this data to draw any conclusions about ANYTHING.
96. Ghosts : No. Though I've read some pretty creepy shit about lucid dreaming that sounds pretty supernatural.

97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now : it's 1am they can wait.
98. Do you know who your real friends are : yeah there are like 5 of them.
99. Do you believe in God : I am open to it. But if this God exists 1) it does not care about you as an individual 2) definitely does not give a shit about prayers 3) probably just governs the laws of the universe as opposed to micro-ing human civilisation. So definitely not the Biblical God
100. Post as 100 truths: Okay I did. Fucking youths and their shitty manners these days.


ronjny said...

Blue dress. Help me pl0x. Here's munny

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