riff raff

I also like the word "hoi polloi". It's so counterintuitive, it doesn't sound very much like what it means.

I have a few notes on my iPhone that I will just recount here.

On T2 biv (yes this is yonks back), we developed a #YOLO mentality. One of the things we did was urinate, in a particular fashion. If you'll cast your mind back, we once experienced the joys of peeing into a fire (and not standing downwind). This time, it was peeing while walking. There were a couple of guys who were unwilling to try it. It turned out pretty awkward for them cos they were surrounded by a few guys walking closer to the end of the trail than usual, with a faint trickling sound. It was hard to stop laughing :P

Also here are some peeves/observations/whatever that I found

-When there is a car at an intersection/roundabout, and you are a pedestrian trying to cross, how do you cross? Do you cross in front of the car? Unless you are prevented from walking behind the first car, or there is a marked crossing there, it's totally better to just walk behind the first car. I have missed many gaps because pedestrians cannot decide if they should cross or not (in case I hit them or something). A problem easily solved by walking behind the first car - pedestrian has no chance of being hit, and the driver has free choice to turn whenever there's a gap. We all win.

-Start quote
Day 1:
A asks B a question, say "Do you remember what reactants the Haber process uses?" (for the purposes of this demonstration, usually it's something much more obscure, but I can't think obscure atm)
B answers: "Nah I haven't studied chem yet"
A: "Oh okay."
Day 2:
A says: "Oh, by the way, I found out that it was nitrogen and hydrogen"
B: "Yeah"
So the implications of answering "yeah" instead of "oh okay" or "thanks" are that you knew that all along. I feel like I've blogged about dominant/passive roles in conversation but I cbf finding. And if you knew all along I wish you'd have told me on the first day kkthnx.

-This terrible logical fallacy is not really a peeve but I just wanted to share for the luls. I don't remember who this was with, so hopefully they won't either. I have the main idea of the conversation in the phone down and I don't want to change details because it'll lose the excellence.
Start quote - The topic of the day is brand names. I hear the brand Kenzo mentioned.
Me: I think my aftershave is Kenzo branded.
Him/Her (all laughing and shit): Kenzo is a brand for women.
Me: Forgive me, for I have been using aftershave for women then.
I am aware that it is possibly a niche niche market for women who want to use aftershave on their legs after shaving. But had they asked, they would have found out it was liquid aftershave.

- It makes me uncomfortable when I hear/see someone jump and land heavily on their heels. I get like sympathy pains or something and it feels terrible just thinking about it. Like holy shit can you imagine how destroyed your cartilage is going to be in 20-30 years. And when you brace yourself against the impact, and all the force is transfered to your brain, you're killing more brain cells than if you drink a pint of beer (see points 4/5, and 7). Turns out alcohol doesn't kill ANY brain cells, unless you make drinking until you black out a common occurrence. Even then, relatively serious cases cause reversible damage to the dendrites with no actual cell death (reversible if addiction to alcohol stops). IMO it would be difficult and expensive to kill a brain cell by drinking. Of course, we can't account for the concussions you'll sustain as a result of your reduced motor skills.


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