sheep gonna be sheep

I don't understand why a whole school needs to go into Nutella/peanut butter lockdown if a single kid has nut allergies. There are plenty of nuts in stuff like muesli bars, and like every food product in existence "may contain traces of nuts." So banning these delicious spreads does not provide a nut-free environment at all.

In the end the kid with the allergy will be actively avoiding any nut-based products, and unless some other kid flings their pb&j sandwich at them, then they wouldn't mind either way if the other kids have nut-based spread, right?

Although it is unfortunate to have any allergy, it doesn't make it fair to make the whole school suffer from a lack of a low GI spread made with real hazelnuts! Two wrongs don't make a right.

On an unrelated note, have you ever had the pleasure of someone volunteering your charity on behalf of you?
Let's just say someone (let's call them person A), asked me for a stapler. Person B asks Person A for the stapler, thinking that Person A owns it. Person A is like "YEAH SURE" as if they are the most charitable chums on this planet. And before I know it my stapler is half way across the fucking room and I'm like "does anyone remember that someone owns that stapler?"

Similarly let's say Person C wants to walk somewhere, and Person D has been invited to follow.
Person C: "Is Jeff coming too?"
Person D: "Yeah he'll come~"
Jeff: "..."

This concept has been aptly summarised in Monica's tumblr (cool pictures yeah?) -> Have a visit!

Woo also today was USYD Scholarship Info night. Got a nice booklet with lots of information (and a caption, quote: "Conservatorium student ___, whose scholarship enabled him to buy a new flute. He hopes to pursue an orchestral career." WOOP DE DOO. You know that flute cost him a motherloading $25,000?!")

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this dude in the front row (he was USYD staff) playing something that looked like Pocket God on his iPhone halfway through a talk. I hope nobody noticed me laugh.

a walk to remember.

I am aware that this title is a reference to some chick flick which is apparently quite good.

Now this post is separated into 3 sections:
-Differentiation Song
-Bro-ing it out in the hootchie !!! A hootchie is not a vagina, it is a tent-like structure.

an assortment

Good luck to all the candidates for Prefect! Our Prefect body will be an excellent one =)

Dammit lately I've lost my focus in work. I used to go home and open up my homework and do some. Now I'm just wasting away time, doing nothing. But from today, I am making an effort to refocus myself =D.

For all of you going on biv, Brian and I have made something epic (in theory), which the whole unit will be doing, and you will be surprised at how awesome it is.
And I will just emphasise that in the middle of September, cadets will be going on a LIVE SHOOT. WITH REAL GUNS. BLAM BLAM. Non cadets can be sour about life. Also non-cadets should come on one of our bivs and see how awesome it is. And be sour about life again. BUT if you're one of the cadets who expressed interest in the shoot, prepare to be raped should you not turn up to parade =D. Friendly remind on behalf of the CSM :)

It takes me uber long (like >30mins) to fall asleep at night. It annoys me =(

Dammit English is pretty horrible. I think I can only fit around 900 words in 40 minutes. Good luck to everyone, hope all the memorisation goes well!

The new Fruit Ninja update just broke all the old high-scores. I managed to score 871 on Arcade 8D. Btw the best pomegranate score I have scored so far is 42. If you rest your wrist on the table while raping the screen, you get a lot faster =). But yeah the pomegranate is so broken :L

My brother made me smile by campaigning like 3 times harder than I did. He even made posters behind my back! 8D. And he went around asking so many juniors; above and beyond the call of duty.
And if you were anything like me, you would've run out of votes after 20 seconds and see some name and be like "shit I wanna include that person". And then you look at the list and think "oh niggers who do I take off =(". Maybe I should've written a list before, so I wouldn't be so guilty afterwards. And so thankyou to those who voted for me, that is like a massive 5% sacrifice of your democratic power =D. But once again, goodluck to all, and we all know that if it were up to us, we would have have ~50 in the prefect body.

...Yeah I say ~50 and you can probably guess which 10 I mean that shouldn't be there :L

So yeah that is a good example of a shit essay. Has no fluency, and it just reads horribly. But it seems to be a decent blog post because it is just thought-vomit and people seem to be able to read that. Plus, it has decent grammar and punctuation. Hmm I feel confident with essays comparing two or more, seeing as we've done a few of those this year, but plays baffle me (HOW MANY TECHNIQUES CAN THERE BE?!), and so does analysing a single text. I have a formula for comparison of text essays, but my essay for analysing single text is still in its foetus form!

Kay that's enough spam.


My (quite) controversial interpretation of certain events in the Bible. If you may be offended by this, I do suggest that you don't click "Read More". This just purely a satire/parody thing, and probably WILL be offensive.

I basically wrote a mini-screenplay for each event, as I imagine them to have (supposedly) happened.

short but sweet

Firstly, for all ye bio people! Here are the photos as downloaded from the intranet, but in a handy zip file located here!

But if you really must find the photos/results on the intranet (there's no need, I tell you!), but here it is anyway.

By the way still taking expressions of interest for the BlogQuest (as introduced here). Which is what I'll call it from now on. I am already halfway to the required number of interested people! =D

Now I'll keep this short but sweet, like my title suggests
Think about sluts, players, cheaters and general broken hearts.
Think about the population crisis and world hunger and poverty.
Think about the threat STI's pose to the world.
Think about sexual assault and rape.
Think about the debate about abortions.

Would any of these be such huge problems if sex didn't feel so damn good?

what everyone's probably thinking

Why do you even bother asking? People either like you enough to vote for you, or they don't. Your asking will hardly push them over the edge. Sure it probably worked in year 2. But we're in year freaking 11.

-My opinion of you is based on the 4.5 years I've been at school and not the night before the vote.

-I voted for you if I like you and also think you won't make the school a retarded place. Not because you asked me.

-If I haven't ever talked to you, ever, and you ask me to vote for you, you should've saved your energy. I know I did when I didn't reply. What am I supposed to say if I'm obviously not going to?!

-Similarly I may like you and may vote for you, but that does not mean I will vote for your friends just because you say they're cool.

-Trading votes is the dodgiest shit in the world. There are people who promised that to at least 50 people. Accepting this is the stupidest thing you can do; it is a secret ballot and there is no way in hell you can be sure that the other person voted for you. And obviously if you're trading votes it means that you guys aren't close enough to trust tacitly that he/she will vote you and you will vote him/her back. So you obviously don't have great grounds to trust them to vote back.

-Intravoting is even dodgier. How the hell is the group going to be happy chappy if everyone gets in except for one or two? Though I would be willing to see an intra-mob fight. Sounds like fun. Especially if girls are involved.

-If you bothered to ask via blog or MSN personal message, I would like to hear how many retards actually voted for you because you asked them in a massively impersonal way.

In short: If you had to ask, it means you doubted that I would vote for you. And after asking, you can continue doubting just as hard.

You can tell people are somewhat troubled by the things mentioned above but aren't saying anything (probably to preserve vote-ability). Actually if you enjoy mini-rages check out Sandra and Sun's. But regardless of whether I'm on the ballot of 60 or not, I don't feel like I'm losing anything. I can express my opinion here, and if you don't like it and then I lose your vote, then all's fair in democracy, and you have the right to not vote for me. (holy moly that was a long sentence) Also I don't know why you would even vote for me if you're guilty of any of the above in the first place.

So vote for who the hell you feel like, not for who the hell you promised a vote to.

Woo *shields up*

will you marry me?

Once again I was reading, more specifically this article.

From this article I discovered the absolute genius of the diamond industry giant De Beers.

Prior to 1930's, proposing was not done with a diamond ring. In fact, diamonds were only for rich people who felt like it, and had no cultural significance whatsoever. De Beers wanted to change this fact. They wanted diamonds to appeal to the everyday consumer. So how do they do this?

THEY FREAKING GO TO HIGH SCHOOLS AND TEACH THEM THAT "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER". So in the 1930's, the tradition of proposing with a diamond ring was INTRODUCED as a marketing ploy by the BIGGEST DIAMOND COMPANY IN THE WORLD.

So now, every time someone gets engaged, the diamond industry seals a sale. At some shit like $15,000 a ring. And now, even if the boyfriend and girlfriend decide that diamond rings are unnecessary (they are), the boyfriend will still get judged for being a cheapo if he doesn't get a diamond ring. And the girl will inevitably get the unspoken "oh you poor girl" vibe from anyone who sets eyes on her un-diamond ring.

That genius in Marketing deserves a HUGE pay rise.

But that's not where it ends. Do you think diamonds are superduper rare? Is that why they're like $20k for a piece of diamond smaller than a mandarin seed? Well they're rare, but not THAT rare. De Beers will not allow too many mines to run at the same time! They intentionally halt mining at certain mines, or quickly buy out massive diamond deposits, so that the supply of diamonds is controlled and they can keep the elevated price of diamonds. I suppose this is to fuck over prospective fiances, just because they can. Or maybe the ridiculous price defines how much he loves her. As in, I-will-sacrifice-2-to-3-month's-salary-I-love-you. Relationships suddenly look a lot more material.

So if you think you're going hipster.
If you think you are dodging massive near-monopoly companies by buying obscurely branded items.
If you think you are immune to mass marketing techniques.
If you don't think your love for each other is defined by how much you [are willing to] spend on each other.
If you think you are better than all those weak-minded idiots out there, mindlessly buying well-established branded products just because.

Then too fucking bad, everyone expects you to get a diamond ring anyway. And you probably expect yourself to get a diamond ring too (from Tiffany, no less). You're just weak to the marketing as any other poor (like literally, my-house-has-been-mortgaged-three-times-and-I-sold-my-kidneys-on-the-black-market poor) chum out there.

before i forget

Creds to Tree and Brian who inception'd this idea!

Scrabble Mastermind

So like usual, we never use the Scrabble set to play Scrabble per se. But here is what they came up with, and which I joined after zone and played with 8D

So Mastermind is played with the 5 colours in some order, and you keep trying to guess, where the "Master" uses black and white dots to tell you that you have a "right colour in right position" and "right colour wrong position" respectively.

This translates to letters from Scrabble. After considerationz, we came up with the following rules:
- The "Master" can construct a random bunch of four letters, not necessarily a word.
- The "Master" is can only construct a bunch of letters with a total score value of 6 or less.
- Having two of the same letter is allowed, but triples are banned. (Keeping in mind the total letter score value must be 6 or less)
- The guesser is not allowed to count the letters to see which ones are missing.
- Blanks may be used as a substitute for any named letter.
- Once you used letters in a guess, you may not take them off and reuse the letters.
- Your guesses are not limited, however if the Master has a letter, let's say D, and the guesser uses all his/her D's, then that's just too freaking bad.

This was played on a piece of paper, where the Master would draw filled and empty circles according to the standard Mastermind rules.

The score limit of 6 means that the Master cannot use any letters with score value of 4 or above. This means all those "rare" letters instantly become junk letters, and you can use those in conjunction with non-junk letters to determine what's useable or not. And then in something I call "breeding junk letters", I test letters like A and I and O, which have like a bajillion of each, and in the likely chance that the Master did not include that letter, you can then keep using those letters as new junk letters.

And this is beautiful because it is impossible for other people to want to join and then force us to ba the game for a massive crowd of players (FTQ, anyone? Bullfish was alright but then got retarded). By the way "ba" is the opposite of "imba".

Alright I don't think I missed any other rules =D. Please remind me if I missed one!

now that i have some breathing space

Firstly guys
Meme =/= survey
Trolling =/= tricking someone

Please use the right terminology =)

Firstly I am planning a massive game. For those like. 10 people. That managed to watch my song from this post, I am going to make a massive inter-media link maze thing. This will involve going across social sites, across other people's blogs, and I will make it as diverse as possible. The prize for reaching the end will be mentioned at the start of the game (provided you unlock the start 8D). I will post the start under a new pictionary, when I finish setting everything up 8D. I aim for the game to take at least 30 minutes.

But if few people are actually interested in this game, then I cbf. So tell me, in comments, in the chatbox, on msn, a text, ANYWHERE! if you're interested in playing this game. I think I'll need at least 12 people who'll play before I can be bothered :L

Alright now I'm hiding a SURVEY (not meme).

let there be light

Yay if anyone wants to trade 3U stories I am happy to oblige
Secondly I am so disappointed that only 9 people have unlocked the link. That is pathetic, children :L.


I think there exists a thing such as a god. Or several gods. Who knows. But not in any way we can perceive, so I don't think it's worth even trying. This god may have a physical presence, or may not. But it's highly unlikely that humans, no matter how collectively we work, could ever document the workings of this god in some way satisfactory. Secondly, the god does not give a shit what you think as an individual.

I'll show you what I mean.

The unperceivable god

Ants are living happily in a colony. Once a year I visit and dig up their nest (woot woot). According to a quick Google search, 1year is 6 generations of ants. Which is equivalent to something like 400 years in human terms.
Now I highly doubt ants (even if they were smart) would be able to perceive that I am the source of the trouble and think "ahh that fricking Jeff again". They would be more like "HOLY FUCK THE WORLD IS EXPLODING AND I DON'T KNOW WHY"
As a more intelligent and relatively omnipotent being, 1 year is a pattern that I can see and consistently perceive. However a period of 6 generations is quite a lot for ants. Just like 400 years is a long time to confirm any pattern.

The unpredictable god

Now, if I go to this particular park, I may also choose to NOT dig up the ant's nest. I may choose to throw a few breadcrumbs (oh, I know, ants. I am a generous god) or choose to destroy in other ways, such as flooding with water. Now the patterns are even more messed up and harder to discern, for my poor, stupid ants.

The unoriginal god

ANOTHER FACTOR. I am not the only human to walk in this park. Surely some OTHER bored kid has also played with these ants? Interacted with them in ways that the ants would not understand? Would the ants all assume that it is the same power interacting with them each time? It's not like they would be able to discern between the different humans...

The uncaring god

If ants were to set up shrines and shit and worship me, I will never ever find out because I don't care enough. If they started praying... well let's not go into that. As a relative god to the ant colony, I do not care what they do as individuals. If the whole nest swarmed me as I was attacking them, I would get the message. But as I am using a shovel, their perception will be fucked up and they don't even understand that a human is behind the shovel. They will MISS COMPLETELY BECAUSE THEY CANNOT PERCEIVE WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A HUMAN DIGGING UP AN ANT'S NEST.

BUT I do respect the power of religion, I am impressed that people have that amount of faith in anything, and would like some of that stuff. However it doesn't appeal to me xP. Oh and I don't like "In God's own time" or "God works in mysterious ways".

Say like you miscarried, or your house got smashed by your tree, or if you're Joseph, your virgin wife is fucking pregnant. (Seriously how come Joseph is so chill. He's just like, yeah she's pregnant. Yeah course she's still a virgin. Duhh.) And you go "WHY GOD WHY". And some smart guy answers "God works in mysterious ways".

WELL next time I break your shit, kill your unborn baby, or screw your previously unscrewed wife, I am not an asshole. And you will not punch me. Because I'm fucking mysterious.

Disclaimer: No ants were harmed in the making of this post.


Alright so I have an acoustic song that I said I was working on. I uploaded it onto Youtube as an unlisted video. Have a link =)

Lol jokes.

Alright I don't think anyone cares enough to remember this (pause to sob quietly). So here are some hints.

Lol jokes break these pictionaries first.

This clue would help if you scrolled some, or ctrl-f'd some key terms =)

Or another clue,

This clue would help if you scrolled some.

Lastly, for all those people that just can't find the YouTube link, I'll make it public in a few weeks and relink you here :D

rondo alla turca!

After half a year or so I have finally got Rondo Alla Turca close enough to perfect that I am satisfied.

I first started out just learning the sheet music (reading only the treble because I have so much trouble reading bass guitar is a treble instrument and can't do bass notes anyway).

Luckily, the first way I learnt it was economical in the way I did not have to change positions unnecessarily, and therefore I change positions at the same places in the final version and when I first started. Needless to say the part with all the semiquavers was a huge pain in the ass. It's like the musical equivalent of a wall of text (wait actually, that's the music that Kerry is playing right now. Rondo Alla Turca has nothing on that). Seeing as I suck at reading sheet music I was compelled to ragequit but I powered through.

About half a week ago I had a minor epiphany and decided to minimise the use of my right hand for picking, as most of my unclean playing was lack of coordination between my right and left hands for the semiquaver part. As you would see in the video, my right hand doesn't pick very much at all in the semiquaver part.

My other epiphany was to use a metronome. Prior to recording this video, I listened to the metronome for a minute straight, until I breathed, thought, LIVED at 120bpm. I am happy with this as the tempo I settle on; 120bpm is already a bit above the "allegretto" tempo direction anyway.

I was a little choppy at the start but not horribly so. Then it gets better. Then at the end (the outro, no I don't know the classical term) I barred the metronome completely, but I don't think you would notice haha.

Wow I can ramble so much. Without further ado, here is the video!

To Shelley, who massively jumped the gun and found my video before it even finished processing, it's because Youtube was still processing the video and that's why it was all messed up haha. I'm very surprised you managed to find it that fast!

i do believe in fairies

I am still very much a kid.

I find it fun to rub my feet on carpet and zap people.
Shoving freezing cold hands down someone's back is a great idea.
It's still fun to use those plastic tubes to water cannon and shoot people.
There's still something immensely satisfying with shouting like an idiot and running around the oval.
I would sprain my ankle just to prove someone sucks as a goalie
It's immensely funny when you go up to a girl and say some stupid line as if you're trying to pick them up.
It's even funnier to dare someone and watch them
Why walk around stuff when you can jump over it like a retard parkour?
I've made it a point to jump off the W block railings every day after rollcall to avoid the mass of bodies shuffling towards C block.
I like not caring enough about exams, knowing that my teachers won't (really) care either.
There's not much that matches the high of wailing Bohemian Rhapsody at the top of your lungs in some sick, twisted "cover".
Everything you say can still be retorted with "your mum" or "your face"
Calling "that's what she said" can still be hilarious.
Having a grade thing (these days its "sour about life") is freaking awesome.
Punishment chair. Say no more.
Burning things still mesmerises me
Laughing at inappropriate racist and dead baby jokes is still acceptable at this age (Y)
Bowties are fucking awesome.

I like my life not being defined by a number
I'll miss when you can get high just from being a retard.
I enjoy laughing until I can't breathe and until I have tears streaming.

The end of high school is way too close.

Sorry was that a downer?


We look at the past as being misogynistic and sexist.
Women were oppressed, stayed at home, cooked and cleaned, and raised the kids. The man of the house was the only guy to work.

But keep in mind that these things made perfect sense to the family back then. To deviate, that is, for a woman to go outside and get her own job, is a breach of the mutual expectations they had for each other - much like nowadays when you go into a relationship there's a mutual expectation that there will be no cheating. Who knows, in the future promiscuity may be encouraged, and people look back and think "what a fucked up and oppressed society. I mean, people can't even have sex when they feel like it?!"

It's not fair to the people of the past to look at their society condescendingly and click our tongues at the asshole-ness of men in the traditional household. Because it wasn't just the men oppressing the women. The women were oppressing themselves too, in a way. It's in their entire mindset about what a marriage should and shouldn't be.

So what I'm saying is, until we get it perfect (we don't), we don't have a right to ridicule other methods.

This holds true for condescension towards your peers. A few people tout their own opinions as facts. Opinions extrapolated from what little they actually know about the topic. The complicated thing involved is when you start waving "credentials". Which is often an older sibling who has done the HSC, gone to uni, etc etc.
Firstly of first, just because your sibling has been there, doesn't mean you know shit. And does not mean we have not done any research.
Secondly of first, just because your sibling has gone to (we'll use uni as an examples because it's the first to pop in my head) does NOT mean that he/she has extensive knowledge of entrance procedures, course details etc, of EVERY BLOODY COURSE AT UNI. Even less likely is the fact that they have passed any knowledge onto you.
Firstly of second, as a younger sibling it's easy to believe everything your older sibling says. They're like the fountain of knowledge that comes in junior size, and is easily accessible to you. So you take from it regardless, blindly, no matter how dodgy and obviously half-assed the answer is. If you are a younger sibling and find this hard to read (mainly because it may sound exactly like you), then consider this: The amount of times you have waved your brother/sister's "utterings of truth" in front of other people's faces suggests you admire them more than you care to admit to yourself.

So that went off on a tangent, but the point is:
-Just because you heard it, it does not mean he/she is answering your properly (or at all). I cannot imagine the amount of times I have said "yes" without listening to the question.
-Just because your sibling said it, does not mean it's true.
-Just because your sibling is somewhat involved in it, does not mean that you have ANY knowledge on the topic

And finally
-Just because you think so, doesn't mean you're right.

medical milestone

Yay thank you guys for reading and helping me hit 5k views =D
In just under 50 posts too =)

On a related note, I realised that the old blog I shared with Max still gets about 450 views per month. Which is something like 15 posts per day =D. Which makes no sense at all but is still quite interesting.

Aaanyways I know a vast proportion of you aspire to be something in the field of medicine. There are a few professions that I have to address, before you rush off and make the same mistakes.

When I walk into your office, I don't get why you ask me "How are you?". "I'm very good, doctor. I just wanted to visit and see how YOU were doing!"
The GP from where I used to go has it down pat: "How may I help you today, Jeff?" Now THAT is an accurate greeting =)

WHY do you insist on having a conversation when you are cleaning my teeth. Ngy ouh ih wige ohan. That is dentist chair speak for "My mouth is wide open". I cannot pronounce 90% of the consonants in the English alphabet, and yet you insist on asking me shit. There is a lovely little time called "before" and a wondrous time called "after", but "during" is just retarded.

Also the sucking tube thing makes my mouth so dry that I feel like gagging when I swallow. Not that there's much you can do about that, unfortunately. I also have great trouble finding a good place to hide my tongue. You know, generally it goes next to my teeth but unfortunately that doesn't work so well...

I also feel awkies when the tools fling spit into your face. It's not my fault, per se, but it still is kinda gross. But I'm glad you don't even acknowledge it.

Physio (style treatment)
I am CERTAIN there is a better way to find out what is wrong with my joint/whatever apart from the "Does it hurt?" technique. I mean usually it doesn't hurt that much because I personally haven't got major injuries. But I can imagine that kind of test going epically wrong.

Lastly I am working on a guitar arrangement of Rondo Alla Turca =D. I have shown a few people what it looks/sounds like now, and if you wanna listen just tell me on MSN and I'll send you a recording. I think I found the sheet music last year, and background project'd it all the way until today. And I magically found a way to voice it nicely yesterday and it sounds BETTER, but not perfect because I still need muscle memoriez =D

Yayay personal to do list, just because I feel like I need it SOMEWHERE:
Get estimate
Ag report/exam
3u story
Bio report
2u shakespeare


Greetings, you can unbate your breaths now. Because obviously you all enjoy reading my thinly veiled rants about stuff I don't like. And eagerly await the next installment. If you like it then you should've put a ring on it. Or in less metaphorical terms, just follow this blog (handy link in right column) =D

Anyways props go to leads in the 2011 production of The Boyfriend. I'm sure other people can go into more detail than me in gushing about whatever there is to gush about. Chorus, set crew, sound&lighting, orchestra, hair&makeup, stage crew, even minor leads, we both know that no-one really gives a crap about you. Even though without you, the show would be rather retarded, you know the audience doesn't give half a shit about you. But good job nonetheless. Spiffing job.

My favourite song musically was the Carnivale Tango. Good for me, it was also really damn easy on guitar. Sadly for me, the freaking chorus blocks my view of the lower stage which means I miss 3/4 of the Tango. So I will totally need to steal a DVD =). I'm sure the other dances were great but I did not know the songs very well at all and juggling reading sheet music (which I am not amazing at in the first place) and watching Mr Best is pushing the capabilities of my masculine un-multitaskable mind.

Saturday audience was just filled with retards who over-react to everything. Roger, who was next to me, joined in on the facepalming at the crowd who cheered and coo'ed at anything that moved or spoke or otherwise remotely showed signs of life. That's not to belittle the actor's performances, at times they were truly hilarious. At other times, they were just forwarding the plot. Which isn't remotely funny.

Btw *hi5* if you cheered for Ben, or for the girl who played the Big Ben midnight bell chime properly. Wait hang on, nobody gives a shit about the orchestra. Just for "The rage of the continent. Gaspard and Bonita. Pedro and Lolita. Pepe and Lesquisha(spelling?).", then =)

living under the spell

There are two things too similar to drugs for me to ignore. Those two are TV shows and dating/going out/love etc. I'll begin with the less controversial one.

Drugs. From what all those PDHPE classes have taught us, they activate the "reward" and "pleasure" centre of our brain to maximum capacity. Obviously something that isn't achieved very much in day to day life. And you experience a feeling like no other before. After your trip, suddenly the normal world is in muted colours. No happiness is good enough for you. You know how to experience that high again. You go back for another trip. And the cycle continues.

Not to mention you end up screwing up your career and your life due to your extreme obsession with said drug. Now if you like TV shows and may be offended by an untraditional view of TV dramas, I advise you to not continue. Actually I have a better idea. Why don't I make you say something that'll crush your soul if you care enough.

Repeat after me: