i do believe in fairies

I am still very much a kid.

I find it fun to rub my feet on carpet and zap people.
Shoving freezing cold hands down someone's back is a great idea.
It's still fun to use those plastic tubes to water cannon and shoot people.
There's still something immensely satisfying with shouting like an idiot and running around the oval.
I would sprain my ankle just to prove someone sucks as a goalie
It's immensely funny when you go up to a girl and say some stupid line as if you're trying to pick them up.
It's even funnier to dare someone and watch them
Why walk around stuff when you can jump over it like a retard parkour?
I've made it a point to jump off the W block railings every day after rollcall to avoid the mass of bodies shuffling towards C block.
I like not caring enough about exams, knowing that my teachers won't (really) care either.
There's not much that matches the high of wailing Bohemian Rhapsody at the top of your lungs in some sick, twisted "cover".
Everything you say can still be retorted with "your mum" or "your face"
Calling "that's what she said" can still be hilarious.
Having a grade thing (these days its "sour about life") is freaking awesome.
Punishment chair. Say no more.
Burning things still mesmerises me
Laughing at inappropriate racist and dead baby jokes is still acceptable at this age (Y)
Bowties are fucking awesome.

I like my life not being defined by a number
I'll miss when you can get high just from being a retard.
I enjoy laughing until I can't breathe and until I have tears streaming.

The end of high school is way too close.

Sorry was that a downer?


Anonymous said...

>Shoving freezing cold hands down someone's back is a great idea.
FUCK YES i love doing it
except its easier to shove them up girls' shirts since most dont tuck their shrits in

jwhero said...

I do hope that you are a girl.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying it's not fun to shove hands (cold or warm) up girl's shirts xP.

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