
Greetings, you can unbate your breaths now. Because obviously you all enjoy reading my thinly veiled rants about stuff I don't like. And eagerly await the next installment. If you like it then you should've put a ring on it. Or in less metaphorical terms, just follow this blog (handy link in right column) =D

Anyways props go to leads in the 2011 production of The Boyfriend. I'm sure other people can go into more detail than me in gushing about whatever there is to gush about. Chorus, set crew, sound&lighting, orchestra, hair&makeup, stage crew, even minor leads, we both know that no-one really gives a crap about you. Even though without you, the show would be rather retarded, you know the audience doesn't give half a shit about you. But good job nonetheless. Spiffing job.

My favourite song musically was the Carnivale Tango. Good for me, it was also really damn easy on guitar. Sadly for me, the freaking chorus blocks my view of the lower stage which means I miss 3/4 of the Tango. So I will totally need to steal a DVD =). I'm sure the other dances were great but I did not know the songs very well at all and juggling reading sheet music (which I am not amazing at in the first place) and watching Mr Best is pushing the capabilities of my masculine un-multitaskable mind.

Saturday audience was just filled with retards who over-react to everything. Roger, who was next to me, joined in on the facepalming at the crowd who cheered and coo'ed at anything that moved or spoke or otherwise remotely showed signs of life. That's not to belittle the actor's performances, at times they were truly hilarious. At other times, they were just forwarding the plot. Which isn't remotely funny.

Btw *hi5* if you cheered for Ben, or for the girl who played the Big Ben midnight bell chime properly. Wait hang on, nobody gives a shit about the orchestra. Just for "The rage of the continent. Gaspard and Bonita. Pedro and Lolita. Pepe and Lesquisha(spelling?).", then =)


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