before i forget

Creds to Tree and Brian who inception'd this idea!

Scrabble Mastermind

So like usual, we never use the Scrabble set to play Scrabble per se. But here is what they came up with, and which I joined after zone and played with 8D

So Mastermind is played with the 5 colours in some order, and you keep trying to guess, where the "Master" uses black and white dots to tell you that you have a "right colour in right position" and "right colour wrong position" respectively.

This translates to letters from Scrabble. After considerationz, we came up with the following rules:
- The "Master" can construct a random bunch of four letters, not necessarily a word.
- The "Master" is can only construct a bunch of letters with a total score value of 6 or less.
- Having two of the same letter is allowed, but triples are banned. (Keeping in mind the total letter score value must be 6 or less)
- The guesser is not allowed to count the letters to see which ones are missing.
- Blanks may be used as a substitute for any named letter.
- Once you used letters in a guess, you may not take them off and reuse the letters.
- Your guesses are not limited, however if the Master has a letter, let's say D, and the guesser uses all his/her D's, then that's just too freaking bad.

This was played on a piece of paper, where the Master would draw filled and empty circles according to the standard Mastermind rules.

The score limit of 6 means that the Master cannot use any letters with score value of 4 or above. This means all those "rare" letters instantly become junk letters, and you can use those in conjunction with non-junk letters to determine what's useable or not. And then in something I call "breeding junk letters", I test letters like A and I and O, which have like a bajillion of each, and in the likely chance that the Master did not include that letter, you can then keep using those letters as new junk letters.

And this is beautiful because it is impossible for other people to want to join and then force us to ba the game for a massive crowd of players (FTQ, anyone? Bullfish was alright but then got retarded). By the way "ba" is the opposite of "imba".

Alright I don't think I missed any other rules =D. Please remind me if I missed one!


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