i dreamed

I was worried about only taking 10 units (I swear I added it together in my dream - I must've forgotten about Bio or something...). So there was something called 2U Painting. For some reason, no other, more mainstream alternative was available to me (where was eco, mod, even ext English.. anything more suited to my abilities than "painting"!!). So, begrudgingly, I took it.

Fast forward an indefinite amount of time. I was under the impression that it was right after the holidays. And I was in a said Painting lesson, and there was something due. Despite not knowing what the hell it was, I felt a sense of guilt/dread that usually accompanies forgetting to do hw (usually encountered in junior school). Everyone else (read: half the class; reread: most of the girls and only the most hardworking of guys) handed in something that looked like a game board. Oh, this class was pretty big. Like 20-ish people big ahaha.

Okay so like many people didn't hand it in, it was like the first lesson or something (that was my impression in the dream, don't be pedantic about how an assignment could be given before the first lesson) so I was like meh. Then we did some sort of painting analysis. Like we looked at a picture and took notes. I was typing shit up on a very badly formatted word doc so that my margins were huge and all my text was down a skinny column in the middle of the page. Kinda like an exaggerated form of this blog but I don't know how to change this layout :L. And some girl in front of me was writing as fast as people write in an exam, churning out 4 pages in like 3 minutes, with huge-ass writing like people tend to do in exams.

I resolved to see Connors and discuss my options because I kinda suck at this Painting class. Also the classroom smelt obscenely of paint fumes.

I don't remember if anything happened after this. But I did wake up quite soon after.

My first thought when I woke up was "Uhh I did take 12 units in real life, right... 4 maths 2 english 2 phys 2 chem 2 bio. Okay all good."

About 3 seconds later I was like "wait I kinda already finished the HSC."

A good deal my dreams are in school settings. Like last night we were doing a "study group" in some non-descript classroom, and it was past sunset, and we weren't really studying, just chatting and dicking around, and I swear there was at least one beer.
And then some male person I identified as the principal came along, and I wasn't wearing either a shirt or pants, and it was just wtf.

In unrelated news, I finally found shot glasses, and they were cheap as all hell. I also found citrus squeezers (the ones that are designed like a garlic press so hands never get dirty). All I need now is a citrus channel knife.


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