psychology of instant noodles

The other day, I saw instant noodles with the dessicated vegetables already with the noodles (and not in a separate packet). Then I thought about it - why the hell does any part of it have to be in a packet?

The only reason I can think of is that perhaps if the packaging breaks in transit, beef flavoured MSG won't spill everywhere, but that's not very convincing. In any case, surely they can just make a stock cube and put it in the middle of the noodles.

I reckon it's to give you the illusion that you are not an utter failure at life, especially if your sole diet is instant noodles. How depressing is it to "just add water" and make all your meal? Having to rip open the packets and pour them in feels like you are contributing at least some skill. Like, without you, the noodles wouldn't be complete.

If it was all ready for you, every time you pour your boiling water into the instant noodle cup, a little bit of your soul drains away as you slowly realise that the noodles do not need you. They are just a cup of hot water away from being self-sufficient.

Meanwhile, you'd die in about a week without the noodles. The noodles won't die without you. With the seasoning all ready, they don't need you. But you need noodles. Subconsciously, you perceive yourself as one of sub-noodle standard, and this translates into the real world, as you fail to get a job.

Without a decent source of income, you turn to noodles for sustenance.

And the noodles will be waiting.

No but seriously, I don't recall freeze-dry food having shitty packets unless it was actual liquid sauce. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Anonymous said...

oh I think its also cause some people cook it like in a step by step process. As in, they first heat up the noodles in warm water and then add the seasoning and microwave it, as opposed to chucking it all in and adding water.

But I guess if you had a stock cube, you could alleviate that problem as well...

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