what is love? baby don't hurt me

Whatever the fuck was going on in As You Like It, it was not love. It's hardly even infatuation.

I bet you anything that if I even remotely liked a girl, if she dressed up in drag and we talk while she is in her "disguise", I will freaking recognise her.

Like honestly, it's a freaking "man" with a non-broken voice, with feminine face bones, with presumably breasts... Maybe she wears so much makeup in the court that as soon as she takes it if she's unrecognisable. Youtube makeup gurus are the epitome of this :L

But it's true. She's just horny. She only wants a "man in [her] belly" teehee. Sorry I just had to use the euphemism. Shakespeare is a freaking genius xP

In other news the LifeProof case arrived today but I don't have a phone yet woot woot. My plan is to receive the phone and case it up asap so that it does not get exposed to the harsh elements of the real world.


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