so, toilets.

Before I begin I would like to clarify the question inflection.
If you were asked by someone like a teacher, ie you were being tested ("So, what is the final velocity of the particle?"), it is totally fine to answer "62metres per second, 20 degrees to the horizontal?". Because it makes sense if you put "is it..." before it.
Now if someone is asking you for your opinion or for your help or personal experience or something where the asker doesn't know the answer, like my example before: "How did you calculate the square root?", you do not say "Use a calculator?" because you are not asking your friend "Shit bro, did I use a calculator?". You are saying "I used a calculator", but with the question mark it means "Is there any other way than to use a calculator? (presumably followed by "you fucktard?")"
Now if you really need situational clarification, feel free to ask me :L

And an addition:
Ellipsis is the extreme assholery form of question marks.
Lol's and haha's at the end of explanations is just redundant. It makes no sense but it's probably condescending :L

And @anon I have yet to meet someone who really uses the question inflection while explaining their own opinion, explaining a fact, or while recounting an anecdote.

So today in the break after Intuition I was talking with Yun and Gina in Subway.

We were talking about calories after they commented that I probably eat 1000 calories a day. I insist I more than likely eat more than 2000, but I can't quantitatively disprove them since I cbf with the maths :L

Anywhos Yun made the comment: "I wish I were a guy, it seems so much easier"
Gina: "I don't"
Me: "Guys don't have to wait in line for toilets"
Yun: "Girls don't cross swords while peeing"

Which is the point when everyone goes "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!"

And during English a while back, Crystal was all like HOW DO YOU PEE AT A URINAL? WHAT IF SOMEONE TRIES TO LOOK AT YOUR PENIS? ISN'T IT WEIRD STANDING SO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER? and I think Bonnie was also curious but I forgets.

I'm interested - what the hell do girls think goes on in boys toilets?

And do girls ever have naked pillow fights? :L

So here comes the belief system again regarding the other gender. Really, nobody knows what it's like being the other gender and should stop guessing as to whether it's easier or harder.

You know how they say when it comes to relationships, women form expectations from TV shows and novels? (implication that men form expectations from experience)
I finally found the comeback with an equal amount of truth: When it comes to sex, men form expectations from porn.



Anonymous said...


jwhero said...

Like never, ever?

Then I praise the genius who first made that up :L

Anonymous said...

No naked pillow fights ever, nor is there any sitting naked in a room together. Most girls are generally dressed at sleepovers . Underwear = max we'd go.

From a girls point of view: I always thought guy's ''compared'', and had 'sword fights' and stuff haha. As yun so aptly described. And I too ask: ISNT IT AWKWARD? Can you see anything? Does anyone ever look?D: Do guys really do the awkward acknowledgement nod to each other you see them do in movies? Like 'Hey, I'm peeing, I see you are too, we're in the same urinal'

FYI: I can guarantee you I'd be freaking out if someone was inthe same urinal as me, no matter how public. I'd be biting back a 'GTFO DUDE, IM BUSY' . Do most guys use pubic urinals or do guy toilets have cubicles?

I am now very curious

- Girl

yunskees said...

omg i feel so honoured- im featured in your article!!!!!!! about sword fights but who cares :DDDDDD

Anonymous said...

NEVER EVER NO NAKED PILLOW FIGHTS. i bet sum people out there do that though.

Tom said...

Here's a page out of For Men by Men, ed.193 for you curious womyns.

"Male Etiquette 102:
Shaking twice is an universally agreed upon necessity performed by males after urination to clear away excess discharge, however should you see another gentleman forget to or is unable to perform this hygienic maneuver it is courteous to rip a piece of paper towel roughly 4x4cm in area and gently dab their problem areas."

You ladies can thank me later.

Anonymous said...

hahah freaking hilarious post. but seriosuly, isnt it kinda disturbing if you find out that on of your mates has a small penis...

because aocording to how i met your mother, guys freak out when they discover stuff like that that. but what if you accidentally find out?? does it really change your perception of that person? :/

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