a very self indulgent post

Hi kids who found out "waterfall". Scroll down to the bottom to read the name :L

Alright I'll make a post that most people would not be bothered reading because it's very self centred. So you have permission to skip this post =)

But I think you should stay cos it'll be my last post for like 3 weeks.

So I'm leaving after period 4 tomorrow (Tuesday), to go to Beijing. There, we are going to spend a week climbing a famous mountain, Huang Shan (Yellow Mountain). Then we are going to eat at Quanjude, probably the best Peking duck. Yeah I don't know what we're doing after that... :L

Just saying drums is really fun. But it also sounds rather boring to practise haha. But still. Whacking stuff is so fun 8D

Devious idea! I'll do a survey, and hide sections behind cryptics. And they're going to be so much better than Crystals cos they won't be UBER HARD 8D.

By the way, no caps for anything, and spaces where necessary.

Eee sorry it's not formatted very nicely, encryption destroys line breaks and I'm too lazy to HTML it in =) Sorry =D
Okay since I have nothing better to do, I'll HTML the harder ones first. Then I'll HTML the easy ones 8D
I cbf re-encrypting, but if you get them, please don't share >=)

Just as an unencrypted thing, I'm writing an acoustic piece/song. I'm calling it "As The Rain Falls". So far it's like 5 minutes long but I know there's more to come. I will show you guys when I'm done =)

And I hope that'll keep you busy for a week or so, and I hope that in my absence you will all have fun solving these cryptics (sort of)

So toodles, until next time!


G-na said...

your encryptions are harder than Crystal's posts! ):

jwhero said...


ronjny said...

crystals are impossible unless you know her....
these ones are detective work and a bit of smarts :D

jwhero said...

Yay thanks Max =D

Yeah if you care enough you'll be able to find out.

James said...

You leave just as I start reading your blog XD
Enjoy your time in Beijing.

jwhero said...

Haha hopefully I left this interesting enough, though!

Cheers! =)

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