just sayin'

Thank god girls don't ask guys out. I know this applies to many guys, me included; guys don't find it easy to turn people down (especially girls). Similarly, guys also find it hard to break up with girls, and instead of breaking up, we just become an even bigger jerk than we already are, in the hope you would get mad and break up with us, and we guys don't have to get our hands dirty.

Camp was fun.Was planning to crash meatloaf but then got caught and he just stood in the door until I left. And I couldn't really get back in without the chance of being majorly fucked, so w/e we just made a porno and slept homostyle in my cabin. Yeah we got bored and all slept before midnight yay. Then I woke at 7 and so got 1.5 REM cycles and felt shit because getting interrupted is shithole.

Hop was the most stupid movie I have ever watched. It had more plotholes than a recently harvested potato patch, not to mention the "Son I am disappoint that you have no job. Oh wait. You're the Easter Bunny. I am of the fucking proud, son!" Everyone who has been a father turned a little bit in their grave when that line was scripted.

Gotta love group 2, who were the awesomest. Lol at our puzzle thing. The 3step one was the biggest mindblow that we have ever experienced, and contributed to global noise pollution with our cheering. But lol at the 2step puzzle which we solved and they were just like O.O WHAT and then kinda kept feeling stupid about the 3step one. Obviously, our teamwork was flawless. It was just... the puzzle solving skills LOL


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