just sayin'... more stuff

Thank god girls don't ask guys out. I know this applies to many guys, me included; guys don't find it easy to turn people down (especially girls). Similarly, guys also find it hard to break up with girls, and instead of breaking up, we just become an even bigger jerk than we already are, in the hope you would get mad and break up with us, and we guys don't have to get our hands dirty.
From just sayin'

After Annie talked to me about this, apparently (some?) girls also find it awkies to say no to a guy asking them out. I've always had the impression that girls are exponentially better than guys at it... so guys + girls, are YOU comfortable with turning down a guy or a girl?

Also, another point made was saying "I love you". If one says it to another, even if they're not quite there yet, saying it back seems like the better option.

Oops this was meant to be posted a while ago but I must've forgotten. Or maybe I did, and it got screwed by the downtime...

So how would YOU react to a guy/girl asking you out, but you're not THAT interested, and also how would you react if your significant other told you they loved you but you don't feel QUITE ready?


Anonymous said...

if a guy/girl asked me out but i wasnt interested then i'd tell them "sorry i dont like you that way" CLICHED I KNOW. turning down people is extremely awkward especially in school because you have to see them everyday. i'd rather be rejected than have to reject someone else.
also hypothetically, i think it'd be harder to turn down/break up with girls. sorry i know thats pretty sexist :|

the phrase "i love you" is so...vague. i guess i'd feel happy that they love me. i think if i was in my ideal relationship then we should be able to talk about our feelings towards each other. so if i only "liked" them then i would tell them that i like them. if they can't accept that then...thats too bad? i think its worse to say "i love you" without truly meaning it than to tell them you're not in love with them yet. i mean the least you can do in a relationship is be truthful right?
...i have feeling im not going to be a very good girlfriend LOL

G-na said...

If someone asks you out and you're not interested, you say no; cos it's slack to lead them on? Unless they don't mind a unique kinda going out but not really status.. (If you get what I mean? :/)
As in they know you're not reciprocating, but they don't mind, and just want a relationship (that makes sense in my head)

For the 'i love you' I've always highly regarded that phrase. If you're not ready, don't say it. :) Tell your significant other you're not ready to say it.. It just means that when you DO say it, it means that much more :)
Oh but these days, I seem to throw it around a lot more.. Especially with girlies lol

ronjny said...

if it's a girl i have a fancy for i'd probably have trouble saying no, even if it was not such a good idea (bad timing, for example)
if i'm really not interested a "sorry i don't like you that way" sounds pretty fair/respectful imo.

and agree with anon with the love thing.

ronjny said...

even if it were not such a good idea***

jwhero said...

I think everything you said was pretty fair. Would not make you a horrible girlfriend =). I think it's also how the media portrays girls taking breakups (read: like a huge bitch). And once again, everything you said is quite agreeable.

and @gina
again, (Y) with the opinion on the love thing =D

haha yeahp turning down is some hard shit. it's really not that logical to turn down a girl we like, and our minds can't handle more factors so we're just like "JUST SAY YES. IT'S BETTER THAN NOT SAYING YES" And then shit happens.

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