and pi and theta and pi and alpha

Gosh rolling wheel/disc questions are so annoying seeing as radians and lengths are in the same units, and you can multiply them with each other at will, and then you kinda lose what the crap you were doing =(

Good luck to everyone! Don't stress yourself too hard... Think of it as a warm-up. Why push yourself in a warmup?

People, I strongly urge you NOT to drink energy drinks before the test. I used to think energy drinks help me think, especially in a morning test. It kinda screwed me up. You don't concentrate great and you keep making stupid mistakes. I tried to take a yearly/halfyearly without energy drinks, I think in either year 9. In year 9 I didn't really learn enough in class cos Alder teaches in a way that doesn't get through to me, but seems to work for others. In year 10 I studied harder than I ever had before, and in return I kinda put myself under a huge load of stress+pressure and bombed that too lol. But in the year 10 yearlies, I did better than I had ever done before (except maybe year 7, not under the influence of energy drinks either lol. I started in year 8). And from now to the HSC, I'm never going to take energy drinks before a test. If you've never tried not taking energy drinks before a test (and aren't usually hooked to caffeine), then try it for the test you can afford to try it on - the 2u maths test. Seriously, see if it makes a difference to how well you think! Unless you seriously underslept the previous night, you should do fine or better :L

In addition to screwing you up, it also makes you wanna pee more lol. Just addin'...

Sleep early tonight! Get your 8hours sleep, or even more, and then wake up not groggy.

Again, good luck all (plus the music people, I suppose...). Get a good night's rest and ace this crap!


Anonymous said...

ahhh so inspirational jeff
hope you did well xx
i agree, after i have energy drinks sometimes i get very shaky and cant think clearly, its horrible |: NEVER AGAIN

jwhero said...

haha ty, but I know i've lost at least... 4 i think =(

yeah energy drinks were a horrible mistake haha

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