i have some advice you should ignore...

I'm reading cracked.com again. And article is about how stupid the "advice" in the Cosmopolitan magazine is.
In reading this, I am worried about all the things I know or THINK I know. After all, a lot of "facts" I know are from sources just as, or maybe even less reliable than a Cosmo magazine.

PAGE BREAK because the pictionary below is COOL =)

It's said, and is probably true, that guys are less influenced by media such as TV, romance novels, magazines, etc when it comes to relationships. And guys learn more from actually being in a relationship than reading/watching stuff. And a girl (women's) magazine is Cosmo. If you've read the link, you'll understand why I'm cringing.
Just to clarify. If you've been cheated on:
Getting naked with a guy and crushing his balls is NOT a suitable form of revenge
Putting chili powder down his boxers is NOT a suitable form of revenge
Donating his LCD/plasma TV to charity is NOT a suitable form of revenge
Going to his best friends house wearing nothing but a trench coat is NOT a suitable form of revenge
Cooking a batch of brownies laced with laxatives is NOT a suitable form of revenge

Wait... if you've read the article, this isn't AFTER he's cheated on you. This is WHILE YOU SUSPECT HE IS CHEATING. This is psychotic..

Honestly, what kind of neurotic bitch writes this shit?! But the most alarming thing is that some of the "telltale signs that a guy is cheating on you" actually seem plausible, especially for someone gullible and also has never been cheated on. So yeah. Be scared, and question what you THINK is real.


yunskees said...


Anonymous said...

cosmopolitan's relationship advice:
is your relationship finally working out? sorry, he's actually cheating on you. now go and smash his balls.

the writer's exes must all be in hospital or something.

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