Will be the name of my upcoming song. It is an acronym for something random =D.

It's a really fast and it is quite tiring to play trolol. I'll SoundCloud what I've got so far...

HAIHEW by jwhero

Here I'll do a survey cos I haven't done one of those in a while.

If you were to marry the last person you texted what would be your last name?
Wang lol. Isn't that coincidential? OH WAIT I DON'T FUCKING CHANGE MY LAST NAME, IDIOT.

When’s the last time you fell asleep watching a movie?
I don't think I ever have... I haven't watched that many anyway.

Are any of your texts in your inbox locked? Why?
No, because my phone can't do that now, can it.

Is there that one guy/girl that you’ll always have feelings for no matter what happens?
What the eff. A lot of things can happen. I can find out they're abusive and are serial murderers. I can fall into a pit and die and be incapable of feeling. Apart from those extremes, still no :L

How many cell phones have you had in your life?
I can remember owning 3. Probably had more.

What’s the last thing you laughed really hard over?

When was the last time you were told you were cute?
Some noob finds it cute when I correct their grammar. This was from a while ago but the oddness of hearing that word ingrained it in my head.

What was the last drink you had?
Aloe drink. Fuck, the bottle is still on the ground next to me. Will chuck it... tomorrow.

Who called you first today?
My mum I believe

Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?
Oh yeah. People were wishing me luck for ag and it was heartwarming 8D

Any summer plans for 2011?
Not really.


The last song you heard?
The makings of HAIHEW. It's a pretty nice song. Maybe I'll perform it one days :L

Do you like anyone?
Naww. But give me a good reason to and I probably will (Y)

Are you missing someone?
No I do not believe so.

If you could go back in time, how far back would you go?
Not too far back that I wouldn't know how to get back to the future. TO THE DELOREAN!

Are you the youngest person living in your house ?

What do you think of Shia LaBeouf?
I can't remember who the hell this guy is

Have you ever quoted a line from a movie?
Is it possible to not have, after 16 years of living in the Information Age?

Do you and your best friend look anything alike?
Lol all asians look alike okay

Gummy bears or gummy worms?
Ahh so much fucking difference.

Do you like candy corn?
Never had

Did you ever want to be a lawyer?

Got anything you wanna say to someone?
I believe notly. Why hold it in when you can tell them to their face that they're being freaking annoying?

Is anything bothering you right now?
Umm I don't like finishing a whole redskin cos there's SO MUCH SUGAR IN IT.

If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard could you still type?
Oh yeah. I might get effed by the placement of my right hand occasionally though.

Do you have a bad temper?
I haven't been provoked to explosion to date.

Still speak to any of your classmates from elementary school?
Over Facebook, veyr occasionally.

Do you remember the first rated R movie you saw?
I don't know what's R. Probably Saw? Yeah probably that.

What is one thing you spend way too much money on?
I have spent quite the sum on guitar stuff... But it's kinda easy to quit cos I can go for ages without buying more ahaha.

Anything you’re currently looking forward to?
I will need to make notes for subjects. Not looking forward to it, but I'm looking forward to completing notes because I'm a hk and I can.

Who were the last friends you saw?
Cadet dudes.

Did anything special happen today?
Yeah lemme think. Wait.

Oh yeah fucking HSC Trials.

Who was the last person you talked to in person?
Apart from family, Kerry Xue I think.

In winter would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?
Hoodies keep the wind out.

Do you have any obsessions?
No I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with stuff haha.

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
I wish I was a in a swimming pool full of cash. Unfortunately for me, I am not. Wah.

What are you drinking right now?
Saliva cos it tastes so guuut

What will you do tomorrow?
I will probably catch up on maths that I have foregone thanks to Trials. Then make notes for sciences. And for other subjects. LOL JOKES I DON'T DO ANY OTHER SUBJECTS. Except English. Failwhale.


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