printing moneyz

36) Who my best friends are
It's already been answered. Yeahp, right here
37) How many kids I want in the future
2 or 3. Probably 2. 3 seems like too many an 1 seems to lonely.
38) My idea of a perfect date
Any stupid shit seems fun as long as you're doing it with the right person. If you get bored you can just sit down romantically and stare out into the sky.
39) What I'm really good at
That's not up to me to decide. Why don't YOU tell ME =)
40) Most traumatic experience
I don't remember being traumatised. Even if I have I've probably suppressed it. Yeahp. Suppression still working, if it is actually suppressing anything. Minor mindfuck time? 8D

Tree linked me to this a while ago

My only idea at the time - Print a printer for infinite money!

I can't even be bothered making a real post so just deal with this kaykay? =P


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