Battle of the Bands 2011

Born Thursday, June 30, 2011
Died Friday, August 5, 2011

May your integrity never be destroyed.


Read more for eulogy =)

It was going to be epic. But now that it got knocked back I don't see anything wrong with posting the full details of it.

Please turn your sound on right about now, for a suitable backing track to this solemn occasion.

We were up to about square 40 of planning (as opposed to square 1, which we are now). All the dates were planned out. On the word go, we could've zipped off without looking back.

Bands were to begin auditioning 17-Sept. Each grade was to submit 2 bands, approx. The bands would also draw a quick logo (hand drawn), which our team would then process and turn into a professional looking logo.

The successful bands were to be announced in a Prefect News, with their logo, on 11-Nov.

The actual assembly would've been on the 9th Dec, the week before Annual =D.

We were going to divide them into senior (yr10-11) and junior (yr7-9) divisions. Each division will play to the audience.

At the same time, there were going to be people holding buckets, wearing a band logo, so that people could vote for their favourite band by chucking a coin into the bucket.

The prize was going to be the best shit ever. It was a personalised CD, with a recording of the band's performance of their track.
Like we were literally going to print on a CD, then also print all the papery bits in a CD case, then burn their live performance onto the disc, then give it to them. (This is logistically possible but I cbf explaining here).
This was going to be recorded with my brand new Zoom H1 Handy Recorder.
Like seriously. A professional looking CD with a live performance burned onto it.
Here is a photo of a sample that Sun made, with photos taken of me and Brian at the formal.

LOOK AT THIS SHIT, MAN. LOOK AT IT! WHAT KIND OF SELF RESPECTING MUSICIAN WOULD NOT WANT THIS! (Creds to Sun for those, in case I didn't make that clear.)

We would've invite teacher judges - there were prizes including Best Dressed, and Crowd Favourite (based on loudness of cheers - gets a box of Favourites!).

We could've also had a teacher performance, or Road to Canaan if we really run out of ideas (I swear they come back every year we do BOTB).

We could've had a Prefect body rendition of Black or White, as performed by Abbi, and possibly a cover of Under the Bridge by RHCP.

But unfortunately, we voted against a BOTB, and instead to have a Talent Quest. Then the subsequent movement was to vote against a Talent Quest and just have a bunch of performances in the assembly.

As I commented sourly and loudly at the meeting:
"We already have an event like this - it's called "Performers and Composers Evening", and about 3 people go to that."

Yes I am sour as balls. And, as I'm sure, are Sun and Brian. I'll let you decide if this is justified.

Oh you can ignore this Youtube box... It just creates mood music =D. Props to Monica for the find =)


Crystal said...

lol so sour ..... ==

jwhero said...

"Yes I am sour as balls. And, as I'm sure, are Sun and Brian. I'll let you decide if this is justified."

Well, yes.

emily said...

shame that got knocked down, it sounded like, beyond epic :L

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry, but this post is representative of everything a prefect SHOULDN'T be.

go play your sad violin in a corner or something, but don't think that it's okay to diss the entire prefect body just because your mirage of an event was realised as a bad idea by the rest of your "friends" (in quotation marks because of the way you talk about them).

jwhero said...

Ahaha yeah.

Our Prefect body is highly opinionated. Surely you've noticed. Unfortunately I am not in the exception.

And you're just being an asshole now. "mirage" was "realised"?

How about I "realise" your "mirage" and tell you that this performer's assembly is quite lacklustre?

Lots of people are disappointed, I just put it into words.

You want to attack me, anon? Am I meant to have a reason to be scared of someone who's too scared to back their argument up without their name?

Is your sly passive-aggressiveness the epitome of good, Prefect-worthy behaviour?

Anonymous said...

rawr rawr rawr, boomshakalaka.

come at me bro.

jwhero said...

Thanks :)
But oh well shit happens. Tis a shame, that what but could've been!


Sun said...


okay, let me just jump in here.
couple things. Jeff, you were wrong to bad-mouth the prefect body as a group because this idea didn't pass because well, people obviously are going to have differing opinions and it wouldn't work at all if the rest of us didnt agree on it anyway. We have to work together for a year and it's not going to help if we start off like this. I'm just as disappointed as you but really we shouldve had that discussion beforehand and figured that all out before anything was planned.

now. anon. you have to realise that this was something that jeff spent lots of time and energy planning out and something he was looking extremely forward to. That's our bad primarily for not talking it over with the rest of the group first but the signs we were getting from others was that it was a decent idea. the ones we asked anyway.

short sighted as we were, jeff isn't emotionless. he's sorely disappointed. I mean that's obvious from the above post. we don't need extra hate thrown in from both sides to fuel it and if you could just accept that we made some poor decisions, spent far too much time and effort on something preemptively and feel quite down it would be appreciated.

please. we don't need talk of "friendship" with something like this. I'm sure that jeff does not dislike anyone in particular because they didnt agree with him. perhaps the way some things were said may have annoyed him. but most of all his frustration is directed at the loss of something he has put effort into, rather than specific people. the people only embody a symbol of something that caused his frustration.

I know i cant really speak for jeff but I will apologise on his behalf for any rudeness that may have been displayed in frustration. the worst thing we can do is let this spiral into hate and cracks between us. please. can we all let this go?

Andrew said...

Challenge for the prefect body now is to conduct a talent quest that could've been as well thought-out and planned as Jeff's concept for Battle of the Bands was. Battle of the Bands in previous years was always enjoyable, RIP indeed. A talent quest is reminiscent of primary school to me where kids are commended for effort and enthusiasm. :P Hopefully the Prefect body can prove me wrong and stage a talent quest as good as the Battle of the Bands from previous Prefect bodies. ^^ Actually have decent acts guys, I don't want to stay entertained because the performers screw up heaps or something ... :(

@Anonymous - funny how your comment contributes nothing to the topic concerning Battle of the Bands/a talent quest. You sound like someone already playing a sad violin in a corner, like you know what a prefect shouldn't be ... since you're not one ;)

Anonymous said...

Loved Battle of the Bands in previous years :'(

Anonymous said...

Jeff, I am sad too. I see your disappointment, and imo a competition style talent quest/BOTB would've been cool

@anon i dont feel offended as if jeff has dissed anyone, nor do i believe anyone was "dissed" at the meeting. geez. speak for yourself please.

- shelley

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