and i dreamed

41) Where I would like to live
I would like to grow up in Australia. I have no wishes to be in any other country. As much of a hole it is in terms of culture, music, fashion, w/e, it has treated me well thus far =D
42) The nicest thing anyone's ever said to me
Oooh... The same words out of different people's mouths have different effects on me... I can't decide on that.
Lol as true as the above may be, I just don't bother remembering specific quotes. I'm sorry if you expected me to.
43) Do I like where I am right now
Yes I do. Actually there's one more puzzle I need to solve before I'm like "yeahp I can chill now". I estimate a total of two people will have any idea what I'm talking about :L
44) What I can hear right now
Whirring of computer, and "Hate This & I'll Love You - Muse" playing itself over and over in my head.
45) My relationship with my siblings
Pretty good (Y). We talk and have fun and stuff.
But something I don't talk about with my brother is girls. I just find it weird. And people seem surprised that as close as my brother and I are, we don't talk about girls.

I wonder if dreams are a reflection of your personality and your perception of the world.

A while ago I asked on my Formspring for descriptions of dreams.

Here are some diversions (as in, places of diverging) I found, and some traits that I associated with them (based on patterns from like 20 people. Don't hate!):

Presence of the supernatural in dreams
This means stuff like mythical creatures, your own ability to walk through walls, shoot fire from your hands, etc.
The (few) people who dream about magical stuff all seem to be religious. I don't exactly know about their RPG gaming habits, but it might just as well be due to that. Of course there were Christians who didn't dream in magic. I don't know, possibly this demonstrates a greater acceptance of the supernatural?
Personally I have never dreamt about anything visually supernatural. I have never met anyone producing flames, etc etc. I did have a dream about a vampire once, but if I didn't "know" that he was a vampire, he could've just been a dude that didn't like me. I wouldn't classify it as "supernatural" cos he couldn't do anything special.

Are your dreams about you fighting stuff?
You can be verbally or physically fighting, against real people or monsters or something. Well this one's obvious... a short temper seems to fuel these dreams. Or maybe just an overdose of MMORPGs makes you think that killing anything anywhere will give you money and loot.
I've also personally never dreamt about fighting anything. If I'm ever in trouble I usually walk briskly. For some reason I never get caught if I do that.

Are your dreams in realistic setting? Is it set in someplace that looks like it could exist on Earth?
I've heard people dream about stuff like being "submerged in a ginormous building full of different pools" (Julia). I've never had anything so surreal.
I don't know what this would imply about someone's personality. Maybe having realistic dreams means you're more down to earth and less liable to fairytales. Or maybe it just means you're less creative. Who can be sure until we've got more data!
My dreams are set in places that are definitely urban. I remember being in a shopping centre. When I woke up I could tell that it was like Macquarie Centre, but not really. The most surreal dream I've ever had was when I was at Carlingford Court, and a walk-in Easyway was where the fish shop currently is. The walk-in Easyway had a fridge from which you could pick your own topping - there was a massive variety of toppings, including raspberries. Then we went to the carpark and my bro was driving. And he kept going up the levels (the carpark was not unlike Chatswood Westfield). Then on one of those suspended ramps, there was a massive carshaped ditch and he got our car stuck in that.

Do they have a storyline, or are they brief "clips" of ideas?
A storyline means having a real plot. And you can come out of the dream and tell a story. A brief clip is basically a photograph, or 10 second clip. It's just an idea embodies into dream form.
What could this suggest. I really have no idea. But from what I can tell, the people with short dreams consistently have short dreams, and people with storylike dreams also consistently have those. So it must mean SOMETHING.
I always have long dreams with actual storylines. Sometimes there may be several clips, but they always come together to make a story (I think. I don't remember that clearly trolol)

Are your friends in your dreams?
I don't need to explain what this one means.
I guess this can mean how much of a role your friends play in your life? Like how much they impact you and how much you depend on them.
I am unclear whether I dream about my friends or not... I have humans in my dream definitely. I don't think their features are clearly defined, yet in my mind I fill in the blank with an identity. Often the humanoid figure representing the identity is nothing like the friend, but I don't give a shit and I can make my dream however I want. I don't think I look at people's faces much in dreams... It's more about the ideas.

Do you always dream about yourself? Was there ever a time when you were not the subject of your own dream?
By this I mean you were like watching a movie. You are not conscious of yourself at all in the dream. Being in first person and watching people is not good enough. Neither is watching yourself from third person. It's like, ACTUALLY NOT ABOUT YOU AT ALL!
I don't have enough people who've ever dreamt in third person, ie completely detached from the dream, to make any sort of guess.
That includes me. I'm as self centred as a geocentric model.

Some loose things related to dreams:
- I have had a dream in which I died but stayed asleep. So I "felt myself dying" and stayed asleep. It was weird.
- Even when I have dreams about vampires and shit, I always always always see them in human form, but due to dream intuition, I can tell they're even.
- Dream intuition is the best. You see something and you're like "that's fucked" even though it's just a table or something. And hey, it turns out to be fucked!

So tell me! Did you belong to one of those "dream groups" I posted above, but your personality does not match my wild hypothesis? I'm really interested to see how every else dreams!


G-na said...

dude my dreams are so amazingly interesting that majority of the time I wish I could just go back to sleep.
OR remember them perfectly and recreate them into a movie - that is just how awesome my dreams are.
LOL :)

emily said...

DREAM ANALYSIS YAY :) Dreams are so interesting.

I've never had supernatural dreams and I'm not religious/don't game so I guess that fits XD And my dreams are a mix of normal and surreal settings, or like, sometimes it's a normal setting that doesn't strictly operate in a normal way, if that makes sense.

Dying in your dreams seems pretty creepy and awesome, i can't imagine how that would feel o__o

jwhero said...

That was so subjective, that I'll just ignore it :L

YAY thanks. So far the supernatural thing is looking pretty accurate! And yeah I'll be damned if any kid out there that has dreams that are always 100% logical :L
And dying in my dream was interesting, but in retrospect kinda scary because... how am I supposed to tell if I actually died or not :L

cloudier said...

The faces I see are the same as yours - no features with the identity filled in. But once I had an extremely vivid dream in vibrant colours and I think that in that dream I could see faces. Which is weird, since I find it extremely difficult to visualise faces in my mind when I'm awake.
Once I died in a dream because a guy with a gun shot me in my hip after a bit of chasing. Again, same as yours :L I knew I was dead but I could still see things happening. Earlier in that dream I remember I fell off a roof.
Do you guys sometimes dream that you are about to fall and brace yourself for it so much that you sit up in bed and wake up?

Anonymous said...

oh this isnt going to make much sense but..

sometimes, im first person in my dreams, so it's me acting and doing things and stuff, but at the same time you dont really have control of yourself? like you either go along with whatever the 'you' in your dream is doing, and then when something comes up that's about to go wrong inside your 'head' you think WATCH OUT or DONT DO THAT but then the 'you' in the dream does it anyway and completely disregards you.

and then when i wake up, i remember the dream and keep thinking WHY DIDNT I DO THIS or I SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS. or i forget the dream, but throughout the day, i do/see something and you remember the snippet of the dream that was related to it...

also my dreams embody what i really want to happen in real life. like if ive lost something i really want to find, i dream of all the places it could be hiding in, and i dream of finding it.

but then sometimes my dreams are about morphing spiders freaking the hell out of me, places which are familiar but i dont recognise, but also at school...sometimes they have story lines, sometimes they're just a series of random ideas.


jwhero said...

Holding an image of someone's face in my mind is hard for me too. I can do it, but I lose the image within a few seconds =O
Also when I died, I just... stopped "perceiving". I didn't go on to watch other stuff, like yours. My "consciousness" just ended.
No I haven't ever sat up! I thought that only happened in movies! However, when I take jumps(rarely), there is somehow a realistic "stomach dropping" effect and a whoosh of wind.

I never had a "NO DON'T DO THIS" moment within a dream. I often DO wake up and think "what the fuck was THAT all about?!" But I don't take the time to regret my actions LOL

AT THE LOSING THINGS OR FINDING THINGS. THAT IS THE MOST ANNOYING THING EVER. It's like "I swear I've paid you... Or it could've been a dream. Shit"
And it's always so disappoint as a kid when you dream about an awesome present but your parents are way too boring to buy it in real life =(

I would love to think of more criteria, and find out what people think about them. Dreams are interesting things!

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