my day in a nut (no shell)

16) My favourite songs right now
I haven't listened to music for too long. But right now I've got Moon River as performed by Audrey Hepburn stuck in my head. Cos Crystal was singing it, and also Audrey's smile at the end if the song is so... priceless :L
My songs don't come and go with the seasons because most of the new stuff coming out is going in a funky direction that I don't really like.
17) How my last kiss went* down
I don't know how to answer this.
18) What I find attractive in the preferred sex
A certain confidence, feeling like our personalities match enough to keep us agreeing, but different enough to keep us interested... Responds well to flirting 8D
19) All of the pets I've ever had
Had two baby chicks before. They disappeared one day. My dad theorised that a neighbour's cat ate them =(
Now have budgies (about 5 total). They are kept in an outdoor cage so some of them randomly die =(
I think that's it.
20) Favourite flavour of ice cream
I don't really like chocolate ice cream. It doesn't taste like chocolate. I like vanilla and strawberry when it's not being too sweet. Straying beyond the Neapolitan three, the mango and the coffee flavoured ones are nice too.
Lemon sorbets are pretty good 8D
But I guess the funkier flavours that Sara Lee, Weis, etc come up with are usually pretty nice.


My pickup line of the year:
When I see you, I get an electric shock through my body
It must be AC cos it feels like a SINE

Vaish's reply:
"That's funny cos I tan-d to do that to people"

The ultimate sadface combo:

Conspiracy theoriests
Here are some conspiracies that we were making on the bus to sport:
- The standard "what if everyone sees colours different to me, and we just can't tell?!"
- What if everyone is a robot and actually has no brain? How do you prove anyone has a brain?
- How do you know you are going anywhere when you are on a plane? You can see the takeoff and the landing. But the bit in the middle is like a massive "loading" screen. What if the government is tricking you into believing there are many countries? How can you be sure that there are other continents?
- How do you know that the Parliament we see is the actual government? How can you prove that they're the ones making decisions and changing shit (lol actually I don't think anyone believes that they're doing jack all in the first place, so moot point)

And one I made up that blows my own mind and anyone else who would listen:
Our Universe is believed to have originated from a singularity. The singularity is an arbitrary point in nothingness prior to "the big bang".
I think that the "nothingness" is actually an infinite space for these "singularities" to occur.
Our Universe does seem massively big, with 100billion stars in a galaxy, 100billion galaxies in the Universe.
But maybe our Universe just expanded in relation to us, and in the grand scale of things (ie the nothingness that existed before) we are just another singularity in which time arbitrarily exists.
The nothingness is an infinite dimensional space - a singularity is 0 dimensional. On a simple 1D shape we call a line, is made up of infinite singular points.
Just like "stacking a square" infinite amount of times gets you a cube.
Having these infinity^infinity singularities sprouting Universes and possibilities... ahh it is wonderful.

PS Brian you will never be a gentleman


Anonymous said...

sorry about my anon status. just commenting to say it makes me very happy when you post daily :)

jwhero said...

Aww that's sweet =)

I'm glad that I'm making someone happy =) Unfortunately I don't know who that is =|

Goldiieee said...

mind blown.
unless you heard it from another person in which case mind unblown.

but on a serious note if there were an infinite space in which our universe is taking place and we think our universe is expanding how do we expand in relation to the infinite nothingness outside our universe o.O

do we actually expand or does our point of singularity just remain the same??

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