that's why i treat you like trash.

WOO YOUTUBE FINALLY LET ME UPLOAD IT YAY. Enjoy, if anyone bothers to watch these 8D


What I learnt from this video:
-It's okay to be a douchebag, as long as you say "sorry", or buy her a flower afterwards.
Conclusion: Be an asshole until you can no longer get away with it. Then be nice, and blow her mind. Conversely, if you try to be nice until you break up, then you got nothing better to pull out. So which option seems awesome?

I couldn't find the original Korean one. Not that the song is necessary at all.
What I learnt from this video (this is a WaterWorks production):
- The unco girl deserves the eyes so she can have a second chance at being unco. Dude, she (a hairdresser!) gets shampoo in his eye. Then she spills the vividly purple juice that the guy was drinking over his photos. Last but definitely not least she spills chemicals in her own eyes. HOW MUCH MORE UNCO CAN YOU GET.
- It's not good enough to donate one eye. It's only a sacrifice if you donate both.
Conclusion: The girl always deserves the best =) Even when she's a uncoordinated moron you picked up on the street by randomly taking pictures of her with your camera. I wish I was kidding or exaggerating somewhere.

What I learnt from relationship columns:
-They only exist in women's magazines (actually I feel more comfortable browsing through a women's magazine than men's magazines.) So if anyone's actually flicked through ZOO or Ralph or whatever, please tell me if relationship columns exist there? =D
- They are more often than not, wrong, as is mocked clearly in this post

Well this may seem harsh. If the cynicism is toned down a little (but not much), it's a decent guideline to how most guys view these videos. Most of the time when the gooey stuff happens, guys are trying to pinpoint exactly why the guy is being so stupid. What motivated him, how can he possibly think that's a good idea, and most of all HOW DID IT WORK?!
Guys getting drama stuff is about as common as girls getting guy humour - see link That's collegehumour, and those bastards won't let me embed (loljokes I love these people. They wasted good hours of my life).
Okay I can imagine lots of girls finding that funny, even though it is technically "guy humour". My point has half failed. But yeah I give up WOOOO.


Leanne said...

Jeff, I agree that some of these relationship columns or movies feature ridiculous advice or entirely stupid plots and characters. However, I think that it's not fair and slightly chauvinistic to generalise and suggest that society (including your implication that all girls) think like some trashy magazine columnist or channel the beliefs of a badly written film or a video that is purely satirical.

jwhero said...

Alright fair enough, I'm sorry, and I guess some adjustments are in order.

I guess I should restart proofreading my posts then =)

Anonymous said...

idk how any girl could date you >:

Anonymous said...

Very nice guitaring :)

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that your post is a 'decent guideline to how most guys view those videos'. In my opinion, males view the videos the same way that females do, yet as a result of societies conventions and the such, males tend to crush their first and original impressions of such videos instead expressing a viewpoint that is much more 'macho'. As such, the reason males don't react the same way as females is because if they did, they would be considered 'weak', and 'pussy' like. When viewing those sort of videos, guys often tend to pay extra attention to the video purposely to pull out parts to which they can make a witty remark at, in an attempt to gain the approval of their friends.
ALSO. Your conclusions after the 'Nice Guys' video link seems to show that you believe relationships to be things in which you should only be pursuing to get some sort of reward out of. Good luck in having a good relationship if that's your mindset. :)

jwhero said...

Haha I'm not encouraging it. I think that reflects in my attitude :L

Thank you dearly, kind sir/ma'am

Or maybe most males view the video as I detailed but society prevents them from saying that they do.
Secondly you also sound like a girl from the way you use your pronouns.
And I don't think my conclusion is about rewards. I'm just saying, in the video, the girl is unrealistically unforgiving.
And again, I'm not trying for a relationship.
And super-finally, relationships shouldn't be about supersacrifice of your own happiness and sense of reward. If it's to truly work, you should feel rewarded whenever you make your significant other happy. And unless you feel a sense of reward in making the other happy, that relationship will be shit and kinda boring.
Because no I would not make these kind of sacrifices for someone I don't care about.

ronjny said...

hi guys
i like rewards.

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