
Found on Facebook, linked by Jeffery Wang in year 12.

And so I watched. It's a security feed. There is a man-mountain talking to his man-regular-sized friend. The cashier girl gets up from her chair, clocks the man-mountain over the head with a catalogue-like roll of paper, and sits back down. The man goes and confronts her. She stands up defiantly and receives a roundhouse punch to the face. According to the video description it broke her jawbone.

And so I saw a comment:
Let this be a lesson to women everywhere.
You can't get away with it, if we can't.
Yeah I filtered the potentially sensitive word. I was never brought up to find it offensive (I don't think my parents even know the word :L) but I know it has epic offending power. So even in a blog of quite liberal swearing, this word has to go :L

Anyways, instantly we see white knights going "SO IT'S OKAY TO HIT A WOMAN? YOU ASSHOLE?"
These kind of over protective assholes don't even read properly. Did YOU read it properly? Click Read More to find out =D

Did the comment say that it's okay to hit women?

I believe the comment says that it's not okay to hit people, regardless of which gender you belong to. Which is true.

Yes I do agree that breaking her jaw is excessive. But you mess with a guy who is triple your size you get fucked.
If a weedy dude went up to a man-mountain and slapped him randomly, then the weedy guy shouldn't feel like he's got more than he deserved if he ends up with no facial bones.
Why should a girl have a different set of morals? This is the 21st century. If her uterus isn't preventing her from attacking people (which it traditionally did), it shouldn't protect her from being attacked neither (which it also traditionally did).

The thing that stops me from hitting a guy three times my size is the same thing that should've stopped her from doing so.

And in this breakneck revolutionary 21st century, with its "gender equality", what is supposed to be the difference between hitting (provoked or not) a female, or a male with a slighter than average build? Why do we feel different levels of indignation for the same circumstances, different gender?

Just to clarify, I felt that the man-mountain was entitled to retaliate, just not with bone breaking force. And I would feel the same if it were a dude. A push or a non-lethal slap would've been fine. A roundhouse punch to the face is excessive force in any case. You just don't hit anyone that hard, outside of professional fighting, defense against imminent personal crime (ie mugging with a weapon, rape, a hitman lol), and street fights. Those are the only times where it isn't morally incorrect to wail on people. Doesn't make it morally correct, I never said that. It's just not incorrect.
And the man-mountain is the bloody security guard of the place, so should show some more professionalism.
But it takes a shitload of stupidity and a craptonne of idiocy to think it's okay to smack a guy who probably hits the roids, over the head. It's just... I have no words for the extreme lack of common sense and self-preservation. She was just unlucky that her poor judgment caused her to be hit by a 150kg-ish guy. It was coming to her sooner or later.


Anonymous said...

gender equality, my ass. sorry but genders wont ever be treated as equal because females and males, are different, physically mentally. etc. so you're saying that because of gender equality it is okay for a man to hit a woman as it is for a woman to hit a man. no. a woman punching a man will never be the same as a man punching a woman. imagine this: a mouse and a lion. the lion hitting a mouse will do a lot of damage, whilst a mouse hitting a lion will only cause a tiny bit of damage, but a lot of irritation and annoyance. so in the case of the video, it would only be fair if the male hit back at the female, the amount of pain the male felt( relative to his own how-much-pain-i-can-take level)

jwhero said...

No, that is not what I'm saying. I'm saying a woman hitting a 150kg man is the same thing as an (average to slight build) man hitting the same 150kg man.

I don't care what gender you're from, you're still an idiot for wanting to hit that dude.

I don't care what gender you're from, you still deserve to get hit if you mess with a massive man-mountain.

And if a random dude came up to me and slapped me for no reason, I would not be inclined to slap him back. The randomness and unprovokedness of his attack would warrant for a greater retaliation force.

Anonymous said...

anon... You realise that there IS a female version of a lion right? It's called a lioness.. fyi it does all the hunting. but that's beside the point.

please stop disgracing anons everywhere with your idiocy.

Anonymous said...

The Olympic world record for men's high jump is higher than the women's world record.

Am I disgusting chauvinist pig now?

jwhero said...

@olympics dude

I fail to understand your point. Are you agreeing or disagreeing with anyone, or are you just stating random facts? I can't even say you're trying to appear cool, because what's the point in doing that if no-one knows who you are?

Anonymous said...

Male brains are separated into more distinct hemispheres than women, due to being flooded with testosterone as a foetus.
Now this results in men being more able to more completely separate emotion and logic (well at least to me, when I watch a guy and a girl argue, the girl very rarely makes sense). It's also more unlikely that something that happened at work will hardcore-ly negatively impact family relationships. Conversely, it can mean guys being douchebags and bad at empathy stuff.

As women have more joined hemispheres, they are better at empathy and communication. This is when they're not upset. When they're upset everything just gets fucked up and you might as well be talking to a moose. This also reduces rational thought under fear - it's not just the right side of brain going OH SHIT while the left side thinks about running away. It's the whole brain going OH SHIT and then cringing and squeezing eyes shut and internally hoping that the danger will pass (usually doesn't). But yeah the relatively joined hemispheres would do wonders for semi-creative, semi-logical subjects like English =D

Anonymous said...

sorry for the misunderstanding. anon1

jwhero said...

Well that's nostalgic and all but I love how related it is to anything at all.

Anons are disappointing me in this post, man. Up your game!

jwhero said...

My respect for you has gone up a notch. Unfortunately I have nfi who you are so nvm about that :L

emily said...

interesting post. but yours always are haha. i agree with your point (Y)

jwhero said...

YAY MY FIRST NON-ANON! (that's a palindrome!)
Hi5, and I tip my hat to you!
Respect UP! =D

Unfortunately you did not post a controversial opinion. Otherwise it would be epic respect 8D

Goldiieee said...

I'm personally a don't ever hit a girl person


I like your point about the 21st century gender equality and how that should equate to a girl hitting a guy being the same as a guy hitting a guy and anyone else hitting a guy.

and also women always complain that there are less women in positions of power (CEO's of companies and big executives in firms and stuff) and I've always thought that maybe they should spend less time arguing about how there are more men up there and spend more time proving that they could do a better job and just get the position.

Isn't feminism about equal treatment for both sexes not about BETTER treatment or special consideration for women just because they're a woman. Shouldn't it come down to this PERSON is better qualified than the other PERSON? If that PERSON who is more qualified happens to be a man then what of it?

Am I on a complete tangent or is this still related??

jwhero said...

Although I hold these "equal opportunity violence" I am probably never going to hit a girl, probably because I wouldn't hang around any that would provoke me to that point. That being said, I'm unlikely to punch a guy in the face like that too. For similar reasons.

BUT! Extremes comes to extremes, let's say a girl was mugging/attacking an elderly person. As if you wouldn't resort to physical means (doesn't have to be punching, a headlock will do) in such morally challenging situations!

About the CEO's... It has the potential to be biologically difficult (for women). Once you are known to have the potential of taking maternity leave, people are reluctant to put you in charge. You can't just leave your company for nine freaking months. This is obviously not any fault of women, but practically speaking, it's a bloody bich to the company to have a pregnant CEO (because she is not there, lol).

And yes, your last statement is basically my view since eons ago =). I don't hold doors for a girl because she's a girl. I hold doors for whoever the hell is after me. Because I can and it's good manners. Similarly for other "chivalry" stuff.
BTW I don't pull out chairs. First date, MAYBE. But never again. I hope to never find anyone that gets pissed at me for not pulling out their chair. In fact I would rather they get pissed at me if I DO pull out their chair 8D

And just to clear your doubts, you were most definitely on topic (Y)

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with your post.
I mean, I'm a girl, and I think it's just plain unreasonable and sexist that "guys shouldn't hit girls".
Being a girl doesn't mean you have the right to provoke someone and expect that you won't get hit in return. I honestly don't understand why it's okay for a guy to hit a guy but not for a guy to hit a girl - under the same circumstances.
Is there a real reason why girls shouldn't be hit in return? If they do something to deserve it, they deserve it. No buts.

Anonymous said...

But... I love hitting butts. Actually it's the only "girl person" body part I hit. Because as girls are anatomically different. They are blessed with a much softer rectum. While men with the exception of the obese have less tender buttocks which are consequently much entertaining to hit.

tl;dr I like to hit butts. It's unfair that you don't allow me to hit your butt. And that if you are really as anti-anti-discrimination as you say you are; you should let me hit your butt.

tldr;tldr; I'm a perverted man.

jwhero said...

@girl anon
Yay thankyou, that agrees like totally 8D. I guess girls are less likely to provoke attack though. They're less asshole-y in general. And asshole-y-ness is the stuff that makes people wanna punch other people :L

@perverted man
I don't get how you can hit hard enough to feel their rectum.
And bro I never said "it's okay to hit women for funzies", I just said "if women are doing stuff that, if they were a guy, would get them punched, then I don't see why the woman is getting protection"
And in my view that "it's not okay to hit women for funzies", it also extends to "it's not okay to hit women's butts for funzies, because incidentally, the butt is part of said women".

And bro, ~25 words does not warrant for a tldr.

cloudier said...

women are actually disadvantaged in obtaining executive positions in companies: when a person becomes one usually they need someone to vouch for them or something along those lines. people find these vouching people through 'old boy's networks' which are filled with old guys. when a woman spends a lot of time with one of these old guys these relationships are typically thought of as distasteful romantic relationships rather than professional relationships. so either needs to stop assuming that people of opposite sex must be in a romantic relationship or a 'girl's network' must be formed before women are not disadvantaged in obtaining top-tier positions in companies. (err I read about this in an article about a woman in an executive position at Facebook.)

Byron said...

Good post, with points well covered. Sad but very true.

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