loving under the spell

Remember this post? living under the spell? And I promised to write about how love (or "liking", as we conservative teenagers are apt to call it) is also like drugs?

Well you've probably forgotten but I haven't. Allow me to expand.

Have you ever looked at a couple and thought "How the HELL does she/he put up with him/her? They are being the BIGGEST DOUCHE and it's annoying EVERYONE ELSE."

Or even funnier is when, let's say the girl, says something like "Stop tapping the table, it's freaking annoying' after you've been tapping for like 5 seconds. A minute later her boyfriend (assume they're in the same class pl0x) starts tapping away, and she doesn't even raise an eyelid. LIKE ZERO REACTION. IT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE THAT SHE KNOWS IT'S HER BF TAPPING, BUT SHE SOMEHOW DOES? And it's kinda annoying and her earlier flaming of you only makes it more horribly hypocritical.

In that respect, being "in love" (for want of better term) is like a drug. It's like the Panadol that makes that annoying ache go away. That's not to say that your stomach/head/whatever isn't fucked, it's just that your brain doesn't think it's fucked. All those painfully annoying traits seem to disappear once there's some loving involved :L

But I don't have to be negative. Being "in love" is one of the funkiest and longest lasting highs. Your world is viewed through rose-tinted glasses, and it's easy to laugh. There really isn't much to look forward to except seeing them the next day (or to further the drug references, taking your next drag). You're just so happy, it's amazing.

Ehh the positive paragraph isn't long enough. So (to avoid making me look like a heartless douchebag) I'll make it look longer by saying synonyms. The happiness is just so pure and simple that it's impossible to make it more complicated. And saying many words to try and describe it will make it complicated. Because there is blissful, joyful, simple, giddy enjoyment something something... ahh screw it I can't finish the sentence because I don't even know what I'm trying to say any more. Let's just say one of the only benefits of drugs is that you get high and really freaking happy. Just like being "in love" will get you. Mmm it looks about the same word count as the negative paragraphs now. Woo visual trickery ftw. Even as I tell you I am trying to fill words, your mind is perceiving this text as in the "positive points" section, and so you are wasting time reading text that is here purely to fill space so that it appears I am giving relationships enough credit for being a source of wonderful happiness.

Now, to start making sense again, I'll mention the withdrawal symptoms. I'm looking up withdrawal symptoms of heroin on Wiki, and I got: (the [x]'s are ones that apply to break-ups)
[ ] Sweating
[x] Malaise (general feeling of unwell-ness)
[x] Anxiety
[x] Depression
[x] Akithisia (restlessness)
[Ditto] Extrasensitivity of the genitals in females
[x] Feeling of heaviness
[ ] Cramp-like pains in limbs
[ ] Excessive yawning/sneezing
[x] Tears
[ ] Rhinorrhea (runny nose)
[x] Insomnia
[ ] Cold sweats
[ ] Chills
[ ] Muscle/bone aches
[Possibly?] Nausea and vomiting
[ ] Diarrhea
[ ] Cramps (again)
[ ] Fever

The first lesson being "don't do drugs", or at least "don't do heroin", the second is that 7.5/20 of the withdrawal symptoms of a high-profile illegal drug such as heroin can be reflected in withdrawing from "love". I think we might make that 8.5 cos we can count "tears" twice :L

Next there is just the crappy drugs that just don't work. You smoke it and you get a headache. Or you pop the pill and you just pass out. Something like that. You can buy low quality marijuana (apparently called "cabbage" lol) or you can buy high quality marijuana (probably called "the good shit"). As an inexperienced teenager who is trying these things for the first time, how the hell are you supposed to tell which one is high quality, and which one is not? (btw yes I am objectifying people. But fear not, boys are being compared to marijuana too!)
How can you just look at a bunch of green leaves and think "yeahp that'd get me high" or "that's not even marijuana" unless you've been through the good and the bad?

By the way that analogy meant there are good relationships out there, and there are bad. And unless you've tried your share (or are just extremely lucky and found your OTP right off the bat (lol pun)), you won't know what your "type" is. And you can probably work that out through mistakenly trying the non-compatible types first.

By the way I'm not advocating drugs but it's just such a fun fun analogy! So yeah, don't smoke stuff, but you can pretend each other's tongues are joints of marijuana, I guess. And smoke that liberally. But please get a room before you do so. Sharing is so not caring in that instance.


Goldiieee said...

i love your last paragraph XD

BTW... what's OTP??

jwhero said...

Thanks! I made it up myself, believe it or not xP

As urbandictionary says, OTP stands for One True Pairing, and is often used by fangirls. This term is made appropriate by the context set up in the prequel post.

Lastly why do you link to your profile even though it has nothing on it?

Goldiieee said...

LOL i dont even know how to get rid of the link Blogger told me to sign in with my google account so i did hahaha

jwhero said...

Oh okay fair enough. I didn't even realised my name linked when I comment on other's blogs :L

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