chimes 102

Now that you know how to measure chimes, it is time to create your own chimes. Here is the theory of how to make the most awkward chimes (sorry Max, I will get to internet chimes soon!).

I was being bored yesterday and testing out some chimes. Here are my findings
- Vivid "genuine" enthusiasm is more powerful than sarcasm in causing awkwardness. You just have to be considerably more enthusiastic than everyone else in the conversation to make it really strange.
- Stating the bleeding obvious, or getting extremely excited about the topic of the conversation is a surefire killer.

So just before Chem NQE, there was some person speaking about a Pokemon movie... Some Pokemon was cutting something? I don't remember the details, but my chime was
"Oh, really! I don't remember that!" with convincing enthusiasm (btw no-one else was really interested so it's even more easy to look more enthusiastic). In addition I was only 1m away from the conversation as I moved to throw something into the bin.
In retrospect, that's not the most awkward chime I can muster. I think I would've said "OH YEAH! AND THEN HE FOUGHT MEWTWO, RIGHT?"
In the likely event I'm dead wrong, even though I'm hardcorely enthusiastic, would that make the chime even more awkward? Only experiments can tell.

Saying a chime that will make people laugh instantly resolves any tension (which is bad, btw). Again, in NQE, someone was having a very loud conversation, featuring the word "jizz" several times. My chime was "I like jizz!" with enthusiasm. But I failed because it was too far fetched to not cause laughter. The room was quieter for a few seconds, but people laughed and it was nowhere as effective as my previous Pokemon chime. In retrospect (and Brian agrees) that the perfect chime would've been
"Jizz is slang for semen!"
Maybe for added annoyingness I'd add "DID YOU KNOW!"

If Tree is reading this, you basically just pull a Viking slam, but for someone else's conversation. =D

I also got a SoundCloud cos it seems like cool stuff. When I cbf video-ing, SoundCloud can store my clips. Gay thing is the limit of 120m of upload time though =(
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