let there be light

Yay if anyone wants to trade 3U stories I am happy to oblige
Secondly I am so disappointed that only 9 people have unlocked the link. That is pathetic, children :L.


I think there exists a thing such as a god. Or several gods. Who knows. But not in any way we can perceive, so I don't think it's worth even trying. This god may have a physical presence, or may not. But it's highly unlikely that humans, no matter how collectively we work, could ever document the workings of this god in some way satisfactory. Secondly, the god does not give a shit what you think as an individual.

I'll show you what I mean.

The unperceivable god

Ants are living happily in a colony. Once a year I visit and dig up their nest (woot woot). According to a quick Google search, 1year is 6 generations of ants. Which is equivalent to something like 400 years in human terms.
Now I highly doubt ants (even if they were smart) would be able to perceive that I am the source of the trouble and think "ahh that fricking Jeff again". They would be more like "HOLY FUCK THE WORLD IS EXPLODING AND I DON'T KNOW WHY"
As a more intelligent and relatively omnipotent being, 1 year is a pattern that I can see and consistently perceive. However a period of 6 generations is quite a lot for ants. Just like 400 years is a long time to confirm any pattern.

The unpredictable god

Now, if I go to this particular park, I may also choose to NOT dig up the ant's nest. I may choose to throw a few breadcrumbs (oh, I know, ants. I am a generous god) or choose to destroy in other ways, such as flooding with water. Now the patterns are even more messed up and harder to discern, for my poor, stupid ants.

The unoriginal god

ANOTHER FACTOR. I am not the only human to walk in this park. Surely some OTHER bored kid has also played with these ants? Interacted with them in ways that the ants would not understand? Would the ants all assume that it is the same power interacting with them each time? It's not like they would be able to discern between the different humans...

The uncaring god

If ants were to set up shrines and shit and worship me, I will never ever find out because I don't care enough. If they started praying... well let's not go into that. As a relative god to the ant colony, I do not care what they do as individuals. If the whole nest swarmed me as I was attacking them, I would get the message. But as I am using a shovel, their perception will be fucked up and they don't even understand that a human is behind the shovel. They will MISS COMPLETELY BECAUSE THEY CANNOT PERCEIVE WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A HUMAN DIGGING UP AN ANT'S NEST.

BUT I do respect the power of religion, I am impressed that people have that amount of faith in anything, and would like some of that stuff. However it doesn't appeal to me xP. Oh and I don't like "In God's own time" or "God works in mysterious ways".

Say like you miscarried, or your house got smashed by your tree, or if you're Joseph, your virgin wife is fucking pregnant. (Seriously how come Joseph is so chill. He's just like, yeah she's pregnant. Yeah course she's still a virgin. Duhh.) And you go "WHY GOD WHY". And some smart guy answers "God works in mysterious ways".

WELL next time I break your shit, kill your unborn baby, or screw your previously unscrewed wife, I am not an asshole. And you will not punch me. Because I'm fucking mysterious.

Disclaimer: No ants were harmed in the making of this post.


futurama ~ said...

God: Bender, being God isn't easy. If you do too much, people get dependent on you, and if you do nothing, they lose hope. You have to use a light touch. Like a safecracker, or a pickpocket.
Bender: Or a guy who burns down a bar for the insurance money!
God: Yes, if you make it look like an electrical thing.

"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all. "

jwhero said...

I can't tell if you intend to contradict anything I said above;

But holy moly if you are content with calling what's going on in the world "right", then you need to watch the news.

futurama ~ said...

was more of a, religion is pretty darn silly thing


but in the context of "right"
what's "right" isn't in the view of the one recieving the judgement, it's the one dealing it.

farmer john needs to kill the dying sheep or it will suffer a horrible death. right thing to do is put it down (this is arguable but let's just assume it is for lack of a better scenario) the sheep is probably going, holy balls i'm getting killed, this isn't right at all. most likely unaware that its infested with parasites

if there's some dude watching and taking care of us, who knows what their intention is for his doom and gloom around the world, we just need faith that we'll come out on the better side of it, learn a lesson or two maybe, hell he could be telling us DON'T LIVE THERE

but i'm not much for believing someone's doing it all, i can't explain it, but i hope to avoid it all

oh yeah this is tree btw, fuck 3u i like futurama 8D

Anonymous said...

Your ants example is just making me glad you're not God.
Also for the "mysterious ways" thing, welcome to the problem of evil.

cloudier said...


(bring the checkboxes back please)

jwhero said...

Lol okay. I'm sure hurricanes and earthquakes are awesome things too

And Claudia I WOULD IF I COULD BUT I SUCK TOO MUCH AT HTML. And this is not a default template so it doesn't work =(

Anonymous said...

i commend ur bravery in producing such a controversial post! :D

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