Yay the list of people who are interested are growing! Thanks Vaish, Susmitha, LJ, Matt, Shelley, Albert =D

I'm a little worried that maybe stylistically peeps may not agree with the song. I don't know if people visualised it as happy-go-luck or super virtuousic or what... sooo I made a more beautiful version of the sample.
Jokes I made the beautiful version of the sample as proof of concept.

Should I put it on SoundCloud... hmmm :P.

EDIT: Yeah why not. I'll put it on. Don't bash my singing =P

This track comprises of 3 clean guitar tracks, 3 vocals tracks, and 2 distorted guitar tracks. I only wrote 1 vocal melody atm but with some more composers we can go nuts on harmonising if that floats your boat. In case it wasn't clear, that is indeed the tentative chorus to Project Semibreve.

It still feels bloody empty without a bass and drums but oh well a demo's only a demo.

I need a catchy name - somebody suggest one! My tentative naming is "Project Semibreve" atm =P. Then we'll give the song a real name later. But the project needs to have a flash name 8DD

To the people who explicitly said they'd like to help, I will send out an invite to sync the files. PLEASE TELL ME EXPLICITLY IF YOU WANT TO HELP, I'm I don't want to make any assumptions =P.
If you volunteered for video tech I'll send you an invite a bit later because right now I don't have anything to put into that folder and that's just awkward.

Possible things you may be good at:
Composition/Lyrics (need these guys first!! Preferred program Guitar Pro 6, set up will be sync'd to you if you don't have it!)
Sound Techs (preferred program: Audacity)
Video Techs (preferred program: Adobe Premiere)
Instrument players (Guitar, Bass, Drums, Strings, Piano, + whatever!)
Admin-y people (to help gather the sound/video files. This includes people who know how to sing and can help those that are struggling to get their note =))

Please ask for more than one if you are good at more than one =D

Anyone fancy themselves a tune-writer or a poet? I NEED BLACKUP.


Sun said...

sounds fun, bit worried that if you have more than one song-writer everyone will want to take it different ways. will help with whatever you ask me to, time permitting 8)

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