I saw this link after some College Humour videos (College Humour isn't what it used to be ;_;). I found it quite funny because some of them are things I do. Some of them I suspect aren't what most girls think (despite the title of her video) I feel like making my own comments =P

Yeah you don't have to watch it, I've summarised her main points and added my 2 cents

1) Why do guys watch the same movies over and over eg Fast and Furious, Tokyo Drift, etc.
Don't girls rewatch the same movies over and over again as well? Just different movies to what we watch, probably, but still! There's nothing wrong with re-watching a movie! Especially if it's an action movie and it's hardly about the plot and you're just watching for the cool effects. Like the battles in LOTR!
She says "I'd literally watch any fucking crap ass television show over a movie I've seen a hundred fucking times."
Really? Does anyone else agree with this statement? TV shows can get PRETTY CRAP if you search hard enough. I'm pretty sure my tolerance for even established soap operas is pretty bloody low. Compared to say, my tolerance for LOTR again.

2) Let's watch this movie! It started an hour ago! (Why would you watch a movie from middle to end?!)
If it's a movie I've watched before, I'd happily skip the first bit of, say, again, LOTR, to watch some hectic battles. I already know who the characters are so screw the establishment!
But if it's a previously unwatched movie then yeah I'd rather watch from the beginning. Mainly cos I have nfi what's going on otherwise.

3) Why do you want me to smell your farts?
I've never done this, can't relate.

4) Why, after a shower, do you leave your towel on for ever?
I DO THIS. Partially because it's too much effort to dry off completely in the shower. So wearing the towel covers what needs to be covered while evaporation does its thing.
Plus, evaporative cooling feels pretty hectic.
I suppose in the end it's a "because I can" thing.
And I don't get cold so why the hell get dressed? It's something society oppressively pushed onto us.

5) Why turn on the bathroom fan after a shit and leave it on till the end of time?
I turn on the fan before I take a crap. I turn it off afterwards if it wasn't noxious. If it is I leave it on and forget. So it has some truth. But it's for the greater good of humanity.

6) Why leave so much hair everywhere after shaving?
I am an Asian kid therefore do not have enough hair to relate. In my experience though, it's not that hard to wash your razor in the bloody sink.

7) Why ask her how long you should microwave stuff for?
Because I have no fucking idea. And guess who will scream at me if I boil/pop something in the microwave :L. It's a safety precaution for all parties.
Though it's pretty stupid to ask if I have microwaved it before, or there are directions on the packet.

8) Why turn on air conditioner when it's equally as cold outside?
Stereotypically girls are more sensitive to air conditioners than guys for reasons unknown. But personally I don't need airconditioning - tolerate whatever temperature, warm or cold, like our ancestors did. Fun fact - I didn't have air conditioning in my home until end of 2011. And this is the only summer that never got hot enough for air conditioning WOO

9) Why do guys get sweaty sleeping?
I don't think I get sweaty, though, of course, I'm asleep and I can't tell.

10) Why do you put peanut butter in the fridge?
That's like putting Nutella in the fridge but less punishable by death.


_allegory said...

dude. i watch fast and the furious and tokyo drift and LOTR 10 x over. although i admit LOTR is for legolas lmao.

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