the hunger theory

Today we ran the cross country.

Alternated between running and strolling wooo so get off the track in reasonably time, don't get too tired, don't get into zone. TRIPLE BLOW.

Screw the cross country I want to talk about hunger. So a bunch of us were sitting in a circle chilling out during uber long lunch.

Jeff: I'm not hungry at all after running that
Max: It's the caveman theory/reaction (I can't remember which word he used)
All: ???
Max: When you have been running for ages and you don't feel hungry. Because if cavemen had been running around for ages it probably means there's no food.
Somebody Tree: But what if cavemen were running to hunt stuff? [Add extra stuff: Like humans were weak shits and instead of actually fighting animals they just ran at them until they got tired.]
*brief pause*
Jeff: It's so you can carry the food home and not eat it on the way, to impress the babes and then bone them
*general lols and agreement*
Tree: So in order to feel hungry, you have to walk equal distance to how far you ran, carrying something heavy on your back.
*a greater amount of lols*

So yes we traced the biological roots of why we don't feel hungry after excessive exercise.

And so begins the return of the papers woo.
Goodluck don't stress yourself too hard. Unless you want to, then whatever go ahead.


tree said...

Lol i chimed with the running to hunt for stuff, cause that's how human's actually hunted lawl.

Midi said...

Adrenaline, remember?

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