i don't want to forget this

I have three things to write about today

The first is an anecdote

The second is an observation

The third is (are?) some cynical comments arising from Bio

The Anecdote

I'll call the mystery person X. Because I can. But I bet we can work out who it is :L
Also it's from yesterday but who cares.
X: Hey, do you guys have varicose veins?
Me + Max (at the same time =O same words =O): We're fucking 17...
X: But look at my legs!
Me: That's not varicose veins.
X: Then what's this blue stuff?
Me: They're normal veins you dipshit.

Sadly no-one else finds this as funny as I do =(

The Observation

Have your parents ever asked you something then immediately say something that has taken away any illusion of choice?
Like "Hey Jeff - do you want pizza or Subway for lunch?"
Me: "Hmm I think Subway today"
Them: "Well the thing is, we're stopping by so&so, and so we could pick up pizza at the same time. Let's get pizza."

The Cynical Comments

Every time I read a Bio question "If person A has blah genotype who marries B with blah characteristics, what kind of offspring do they have?"
And many times I think "This is only assuming that they only have sex with each other. You'd think that's a guarantee if married..."

I also found it amusing that in class, the teacher asked "What has been something detrimental to the progress of science (biology in particular)? What has slowed it down?"
And the instant answer was "The Church". And that was about the only answer.
I guess we're talking about intelligent design vs evolution, creationism vs big bang, geocentric vs heliocentric, noah and the ark vs logic, etc
Food for thought.

I hyperlinked it because I thought maybe I'd write more than that, but I got lazy so too bad.


Anonymous said...





None of this proves anything, of course.

This all said, young earth creationism is an awful, awful idea that should never ever be allowed within a hundred kilometres of any science classroom anywhere.

Goldiieee said...

Intelligent design isn't actually about evolution but actually about the fundamental forces in the universe such as the gravitational constant and nuclear strong force.

So intelligent design doesn't really vs evolution.

snowine said...

The Church always got in the way of everything.

athy. ♥ said...

does it make it more amusing that i was the one who answered and i'm Christian and actually super hate science :L

jwhero said...

If those links are proof that Catholicism gave direct support and pushed for paradigm changes and further research into basically how the Bible is wrong, then I stand corrected.
But looking at the heliocentric/geocentric debate or the evolution/creationism debate, it's clear the Church (back in its heyday) oppressed the shit out of anything that said we weren't special.

Would it help if I just said "7 days of creation".

Back when the Church was an absolute power it did manage to delay science considerably. More secular = more scientific knowledge yay

You may have been one of the ones that answered, but there definitely was more than one person answering.
But why study a science if you hate it so?

Anonymous said...

First anon here, overjoyed to finally use this link.

You at least managed to avoid directly invoking the exact name, but you're not doing much to impress me via your astounding grasp of the history of Renaissance-era science.

I realize there is very little actual in this post aside from sarcasm, so see here for something actually substantial.

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