hate everything

True facts of life
Anyone who knows less than you is ignorant.
Anyone who knows more than you is obsessed or needs something better to do with his/her spare time.
Anyone whose opinion differs to yours has formulated his/her opinions on flawed information. Or is conceited.
Anyone who disagrees with your opinion is a bigot and closeminded.

Seems like this is how people (me included) react to what is otherwise known as "losing". How many times do you walk away from a lost battle and think "That person was such a _____ At least I'm not a ______". Or maybe "That person was so bad at _____."

We are attached to the fact that opinions cannot be wrong. And if we close our minds and refuse facts, we technically can not ever be "wrong" in saying something nuts like "[race/gender/sexuality/etc] people are the bane of human existence". Because if we don't want to look at statistics, we don't have to be wrong.

Don't think I can name anyone who looks objectively at all evidence in any opinionated debate because everyone knows our own opinions are the ones that matter and fuck everyone else.

Woo this took many minutes out of my 4hours of work. I have nfi what I just wrote. Check for grammar and logic pl0x


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