to the teeth

Last night I had a dream where I lost most of the teeth in my mouth. This is not the first time I've had dreams about losing teeth, and I wonder what the hell it means.

My teeth were falling out and at first I tried to bite down to keep them in. That didn't work cos they were all falling out, so I stored them under my tongue until I could find something to spit the teeth into.

I found a random bag that I could spit into - however I had so many bloody teeth under my tongue (it was more than 20) that some of them seemed stuck near my salivary glands, and it felt distinctly uncomfortable.

I strolled into a dentist's clinic and told her about this (it seems that I randomly regained my molars for this part), and she told me it was a virus and it would "pass". And for some reason I thought it would be totally okay if the virus left - maybe I thought my teeth would grow back.

Man I'd hate to actually lose my teeth =(

Fun fact - When I was little and trying to grasp the English language, I often mixed up tomatos/mushrooms. Like if I saw a red fleshy fruit I'd think twice before saying TOMATO. Similary for a fugly brown black thing, I'd think twice before MUSHROOM. It makes no sense that I would mix those two up, unless I was way ahead of my time and grouped them together as key ingredients in Italian cuisine xP

And I found a possibly controversial post regarding feminism and its fundamental arguments that I wrote up a while back. Stand by while I re-read it and will probably post tomorrow =)


Anonymous said...

Ummmmmm losing teeth is one of the worst dreams to have as far as Chinese superstition goes: means one of your family members is dying/has died.

jwhero said...

I've had a teeth losing dream at least 5 times before in the past.

I don't doubt that 5 people related to me have died - however I probably was not aware they were related to me xP

Byron said...

I think teeth falling out in a dream is commonly held to be about subconcious awareness of aging & mortality. Makes sense to me. I often think dreams are for the most part a way for our psyches to get some air to things we haven't looked at during the day, which need to be looked at to keep us psychologically healthy.

jwhero said...

Aging and mortality seems like a better explanation - There's only one more year left in high school! =O

And it's conjectured that dreams are a subconscious way of consolidating knowledge gathered throughout the day (which means sleep before exams!), so this does make sense.

Thanks for reading =)

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