
I am here to post what I think alcohol does to inhibitions.

I personally don't think alcohol could persuade me to do things I wouldn't do for x amount of dollars while sober.

A conservative estimate for the value of $x is 1 drink = $5, 2 drinks = $10, 3 drinks = $20, 4 drinks = $40, etc.
The empirical formula is $X = 5*2^(n-1), where n is number of drinks had, n>0. I will be watching out for this in the future, and you should too so you can contribute to my hectic data ;D

I derno I'd like to collect other's opinions about just how stupid alcohol makes you. Like could you ever go "drunken rage" and bash people if you didn't, deep down, actually feel like bashing said people? I've seen FMLs of people who have impulse bought lots of stupid shit online while drunk, but ???. Must experiment more with how effective alcohol is.

Alcohol probably wouldn't be able to convince me to do something that I knew, deepset in my morals, was bad for me, e.g. getting behind the wheel. Though I haven't had too much experience with that and I will keep you updated in case I ever do :L

So far it seems like the first symptom is talking louder and with more confidence, then it's laughing and general euphoria, then it's the need to piss, then after that it's feeling that cognitive function is greatly reduced and balance is somewhat off (as if brain felt liquidy and shouldn't be swished ahaha), then quite intense short term memory loss (anecdote: I put Max's soju in my bag and managed to forget about it 6 times, eventually taking it home with me T.T). I also had some trouble following sentences that were longer than 10 seconds in duration. I'm guessing next is loss of ability to walk, actual memory blackout (despite short term memory loss at the time, I can still remember what happened that night), and then the hectic stuff like passing out and stuffz.

Of course once you've drunk enough to pass out, no amount of money can justify being ducttaped to the window.

Here are some facts that I know will be useful to some, as they make the transition from underage to "I can buy my own beer".
On an empty stomach, 20% ABV is the most quickly absorbed. On an empty stomach, 40% ABV (ie most spirits) is a better idea than 20% ABV (liqueurs like Baileys or wine). On all bottles, you should find both an ABV statement and a standard drink counter. If you're at a restaurant you can ask the bartender if you don't fear sounding like a pansy.
On a full stomach, 40% ABV gets diluted and hence is more likely to get you drunk.
After feeling drunk, it's important to boost water levels with non-alcoholic drinks like coke or water, because the metabolism of alcohol in the liver is very dehydrating. Part of the hangover is terrible dehydration.
Drinking many different types of drinks will more likely give you a hangover. I think it overloads the liver and it just ragequits and poisons the fuck out of you. So be nice to your liver, and streamline the processing process lol. Also cheap liquor that you bought for $3 a bottle will probably not be that good for you tomorrow morning, seeing as they can't be fucked distilling it, and probably do something shoddy like decanting the alcohol LOL.
To calculate the number of standard drinks, look at ABV (alcohol by volume). Lets say we have a 700mL bottle of Smirnoff. For vodka lets say it's 40%. So we have 40% * 700mL = 280mL of alcohol. But alcohol is .789g/mL, so 280*.789 = 220.92. One standard drink is defined as 10g of ethanol, so divide that by 10, you have 22.092 standard drinks in that bottle. Fulleh sick now you can count drinks ohoho. A standard drink is also the amount of alcohol you should be able to metabolise in 1 hour.
Each drink will raise your BAC by ~0.025. So each drink = +0.025, and each hour since your first drink = -0.025. As a guideline, the legal limit for full drivers license holders is 0.05 BAC. Of course it's different for each person, if you're skinnier and/or shorter than an average man, then adjust accordingly (Y).

Btw when I say "each drink" in this post I mean "each standard drink".


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