a quip

You want something done, you do it yourself.

Also, do you think people would hate each other less if there was no internet?
I was reading an article (since lost the link but I'm sure a quick Google of "facebook news feed optimisation" will bring up a similar one) on information tailoring on Facebook, that is, if you seemed to be reading more articles on, say, right-wing politicians, then your newsfeed will return more items on right wing politicians, including more "news" articles as well as status updates and wall posts.
Which is like confirmation bias that you can't even help.
We can only pray that Google is a non-biased way of searching for information. But the Google-cookie-based-ad-streamlining makes me not so sure that the first page of Google results is so unbiased after all :S. They can tailor ads, they can tailor results too, can't they :L

This may also explain the startling lack of "omg I love God and Jesus and the Holy Ghost. Like this if you want to go to Heaven and ignore if you want to go to hell <3<3<3" posts that I've seen on my Facebook newsfeed recently. Or are people just not posting that any more. WHO KNOWS. CONSPIRACY, NOTHING IS REAL.


ronjny said...

haha it was cracked.com dude; about 5 ways the internet is killing communication or something

Midi said...

Don't want to be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information age of hysteria.
It's calling out to idiot America.

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