
Things that are so awkward and needs a social resolution
1) When you are walking in opposite directions, and you nod a brief greeting. Sometimes, the eye contact is held for a fraction of a second too long and it's so weird because you don't know whether they intend on talking but you're both walking so fast so fuck that.
2) When it's like 11.30AM and it feels stupid to say "Good morning", but it is not yet a "Good afternoon", while at the same time it's politer than a "hello". Also when the fuck does the "evening" start?!
3) When someone compliments something that isn't quite yours to claim credit of. Recent example is about my laptop. See, if the comment was "I like your laptop", I guess I could say "thankyou" as they were somewhat complimenting my taste in laptop chassis. If they said something more specific like "Your laptop is so pretty" or "Wow that laptop is so thin" I have nfi what to say.
It's not like I made the laptop. I merely purchased it. The compliment is not really for me because in honesty I have very little to do with how the laptop is. Exhibit A:
"Your laptop is so thin!"
Makes no cents (this is an ultimate pun holy crap I feel so clever)

And also lastly I really dislike reading "all but..."
See, I like it (and it makes sense) when people say something like "I splashed acid on all but one of the adorably fluffy rabbit's faces", because that means all of them but one (all of them except one) are having their faces melted.
But then the one I dislike is "Their faces all but vanished in a matter of seconds". Like where the fuck is the logic in that? Their faces did everything except vanish? I can assure you, their faces melted first and started stuff like nibble carrots later. Much much later. And it confuses the hell out of me every time I have to read something carefully (e.g. science comps, UMAT, etc). Especially in UMAT, where they mean polar opposite things in S1 and S2.
A quick Google of "all but" found that it should mean "almost". So "all but ruined their facial tissue" would be like Harvey Dent, rabbit style. Now I hate it even more. The intuitive interpretation of "all but ruined their facial tissue" implies 1% ruined bunny face, and 99% other stuff. The look-I'm-the-special-kid-called-English interpretation is somehow 99% ruined face and 1% something else.


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