memories so far

Just want to note down a few things that I would appreciate remembering later:


When our whole table, before our meal, joined hands and said the grace from Madeline - "We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all, we love each other."
Bahaha we got a weird look from the waitress who clearly did not get the reference.

Nothing else was that highlight-ful, except for the pleasant surprise of the DJ that actually tried to mix songs instead of just playing a goddamn playlist. Some of the transitions were pretty cringe but others were actually really smooth (Y).

English Table Congregation

We were meant to have some drinks and watch LOTR at Crystal's house, but instead we had drinks and watched some of Forrest Gump and most of The Vow while playing pool at Bonnie's house. Sick ability to stick to a plan.

Over the day I made:
Virgin Mojito
Made this one first for Crystal the ex-party girl who will stay on the good side of the drink for the time being.
The mint taste may have been a little too strong so perhaps I'll cut back on the number of leaves I put in.
I think she enjoyed the mint garnish though LOL

This was sad. There is no way it can taste good with 1.5oz vodka, 0.5oz sour apple schnapps, 0.5oz Cointreau. Danal said it tasted like cough medicine but he also said that the Cape Cod tasted like cough medicine (they have no ingredients in common except for vodka) so perhaps he's just sensitive to vodka.
I tried a couple different recipes after but none made me happy. Next one I'll try is 1oz vodka, 1.5oz schnapps, 0.5oz Cointreau, and 1oz apple juice.

But perhaps

Vodka Martini (Stirred)
Marcus commented: "This martini is very dry", for I used dry vermouth.
Both Marcus and I prefer actual martinis (with gin), but mixing vermouth with vodka does make it much more pleasant than straight drinking vodka.
Garnished with a lemon twist cut using the bluntest knife in existence.

Cape Cod aka Vodka Cranberry
Apparently it didn't taste alcoholic at all. It's also pink-ish.
Good for getting drunk without you even realising.

Needed more cranberry juice! A personal success for me.

Vodka Lemon Drop
I think this was the favourite! It's dead easy to make (1:1 lemon juice, 1tsp sugar per fl.oz. of drink) but was a surprising hit. I would recommend the whiskey sour (I tried it with JD) and I think the tang of lemon compliments the smoke in the whiskey

Bahaha I hope you guys enjoyed one of your (I think few) nights where you a) were with friends and b) alcohol was actually consumed responsibly :L.

Oh and we played pool, from now on I will forevermore refer to the corner pockets as "vajayjays" and the side pockets as "a-holes", after Danal's charming story about his friend who says that it is really damn hard to pot balls into the a-holes, but so much easier for vajayjays.

And then Danal's super subtle double entendre's regarding his ability to strike straight, and his uncanny ability to pot in a-holes but not in vajayjays.

Btw stay tuned for tomorrow, when I will upload a video that will strike close to home for half the grade.


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