see right through me

It just struck me that things of high wavelength can pass through stuff
Stuff of low wavelength can pass through stuff.

Stuff in the visible spectrum is a piece of shit and gets absorbed or reflected.

Like radiowaves and microwaves can pass through a lot of things
So can Xrays and gamma rays.

But noooooo ROY G BIV does not want you to see through stuff. It just wants you to see the surface.

If we could perceive the EM radiation that can pass through things, that essentially gives us "x-ray vision", though many types of wavelengths can grant that ability, not just x-rays. However, if we looked at other people, their retinas would be some deep soulless black shit because if humans are able to see these wavelengths, then their retinas must be able to absorb them.
So that's pretty cool.

Actually I just realised since X-rays and shit could pass through your skull in random directions we'd need like radiation shields around our eyeballs except for our iris to prevent interference from a ray passing through the back of my head.

Okay so by Occam's razor it is acceptable we can only see what we see in the visible spectrum.



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