esprit d'escalier

And other Frenchy terms.

Today I will talk about jamais vu. Well what I have isn't really jamais vu I think but it's pretty damn weird as well and it's starting to annoy me.

What's happening to me is that I keep getting the sensation that something hasn't happened, but I know for a fact that it has.

I have the very weird sensation that UMAT is not over. ie, I still get the urge to talk about things that remind me of Medentry papers (especially stupid shit I see in Bio) or perhaps theorise about what will "come up" in the UMAT paper.

Like today I was reading about memory T cells and I was about to go 'REMEMBER THAT GRAPH ABOUT ANTIBODIES IN THAT MEDENTRY PAPER'
Before going 'wtf brain nobody gives a shit anymore except you.'

Somebody halp me, what best describes my situation?
a) Suppressed memory because something really terrible actually happened during that exam
b) Did the exam under the influence
c) Did not actually do the exam, even though I really think I have, because of the Matrix or something
d) Wtf these kind of jokes are irrelevant after the UMAT stfu


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