survey away

WOW I LIKE BLOGGER'S NEW COMPOSE SCREEN. WOW SO CLEAN. Anyways to celebrate 50 votes and also my return, here is a survey that I meticulously filled out. I started it on 24/Apr so some "what r u doing rightz nao" questions may be out of date but who cares.

Umm I couldn't be bothered waiting for 50 votes because the trend was pretty obvious.
Winner: Riff2 (60%)
Runnerup: Riff3 (29%)
Wooden Spoon: Riff1 (11%)

I will upload a new one with drums courtesy of Sun, after some re-recording, as the first version has a couple of timing errors, and I also forgot to add delay to the distortion bit.

The people have spoken - here is the winning riff. WE ARE READY TO RUMBLE

Anyways to dive back into posting, have a survey which I filled out over a couple of days because it's just so damn long.

can you fill this out without lying?
[24/Apr] Mostly I will tell the truth. To a lesser extent I'd lie by omission. Sometimes I'll lie straight out because I want to.

whats the last thing you put in your mouth?
Orange juice. Still drinking actually

have you ever kissed anyone named Matthew?
Not in my memory

where was your facebook picture taken?
Year 10 formal.

last person you rode in a car with under the age of 20?
Michael drove us to paintball

can you play guitar hero?
Bitch please, I play guitar. Yeah I can play hard difficulty alright. Expert is pushing it a bit on the shred songs.

name someone that made you laugh today?
I don't remember laughing very much today - ANZAC parade drained any frivolity out.

how late did you stay up last night and why?
I stayed up till like 11.30. I should've slept earlier but my sleep patterns were in holiday mode. So I put on some music because that invariably makes me sleep faster - based on what songs I remember hearing, I slept at very close to 12.

if you could move somewhere else, would you?
Hmm I don't hate it here - it's quite nice. I haven't experienced enough of the world to establish that yet.

ever been kissed under fireworks?
Nahh never gone fireworks with anyone other than family.

which of your friends lives closest to you?
Sun lives pretty close. Not sure if absolute closest but it's as close as it gets.

do you believe ex’s can be friends?
Yeah but probably not best friends.

calling or texting?
I prefer texting because that means my mum is unlikely to ask "IS THAT YOUR GURLLLFRIEND"

how do you feel about dr pepper?
I haven't tasted it yet.

when was the last time you cried really hard?
I don't remember. I imagine this to be like, wailing, which I cannot imagine myself doing.

where is your biological father right now?
He's in China doing stuff.
Why is it so important to stress biological father? You might've opened some deep wounds >(

where are you sitting right now?
In my room, and I'm on my laptop, typing this shit.

what bed did you sleep in last night?
My own. I cried myself to sleep because it wasn't someone else's

what was the last thing someone bought for you?
I derrrrrrno who the hell buys shit for me apart from my parents?!

who took your profile picture?
I don't remember (facebook), but the other ones I took it myself.

who was the last person you took a picture of?
I video'd Victor Khou being a shadow dancer thing.

was yesterday better than today?
Yesterday was the holidays, man.

can you live a day without TV?
I've spent at least 3 months without TV. Unless watching movies from a hard drive DVD machine on the television screen counts as "with TV".

are you mad about anything?
Mad about YOOOOH baby~
Wtf am I doing. Uhh not especially, my emotions are kinda apathetic these days.

do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
Of course! They're great fun, and even if it's not with your ~one true love~ they're still rewarding.
The relationship part is fine. The break-up part isn't so flash but seriously you'll be fine. Unless it happens near an important test then lol you're fucked.

when was the last time you were disappointed?

are you a bad influence?
Not in the classic sense of booze and drugs... But I don't know - I might get you into lesser forms of trouble if you hang around me too long.

night out or night in?
Night in because that means I can sleep.

what items could you not go without during the day?
I feel empty without my phone. I would probably actually die without my brain though.

would you share a drink with a stranger?
No. Unless it was a hot chick.

who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
I don't freaking know. Stop annoying me

do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced?
[It's the 25th today] I don't see a problem with that. I mean, you'll be a douchebag, but that doesn't change your gender preferences in any way.

have you ever thrown shoes on a telephone wire?
No because I am not an aforementioned douchebag

what does the last text message in your inbox say?
A boring admin text about 3on3 basketball rules.

how do you feel about your life right now?
It's pretty good - don't think I have the right to complain about much.

how many times have you been pulled over by the police?
None. I've only driven 50h

do you hate anyone?
Nahh no-one's that annoying. Yet.

if we were to look in your inbox, what would we find?
SMS inbox - texts
Gmail inbox - emails

can you easily tell if someone’s fake?
Yes, when you poke them they don't move. Plus, they don't freak out when you take their clothes off.

say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass?

has anyone ever called you perfect before?
No and I don't think I've called anyone else perfect neither.

what song is stuck in your head?
I'm thinking of "your love is my drug" because I was wondering if I could put that wittily into the drug test question.

someone knocks on your window at 2am, who do you want it to be?
Santa Claus so I can catch him and make millions and make about 30% of the adult population instantly lose their sanity.

wanna have kids before you’re 30?
Bit early to decide now, but yeah, the earlier the better apparently. Biology's good to go from whenever. Stupid society is holding us back until we have like, a job and all that shit.

name something you have to do tomorrow?
Go to school and presumably learn shit.

can you whistle?
Yes but my range is utterly shit because I don't do it very often

do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?
Stomach/side, never back because my head is shaped in a way that makes it really difficult to face upwards.

do you think too much or too little?
What kind of retarded sweeping generalisation is this.

do you smile a lot?
Yeah it's not hard to make me smile

who’s your last missed call from on your phone?
My mum x3. I called her to ask her to pick me up from Carlo Bowling Club. Three times. But she didn't pick up. So I walked home with my bro and Sun. She called me while I was walking on Pennant Hills Rd, but of course I couldn't hear that, and couldn't feel it either, the sword was bumping around. So yeah walked home and that's the end of that crappy story.

when’s the next time you will see the person you like?
"... something something I LOVE YOU ALLLLL" (quote from The Boyfriend).
This would be a lie by omission, note carefully of how sneaky it is.

can you handle the truth?
Humans are programmed to not process the truth. They listen to what they like and amplify it by biasing their further search for information.

do you get 8 hours of sleep everyday?
Yes, even today, when I woke up at 5 to go to Dawn Service.

what was the last book you read?
[28/Apr] Herp derp books hmm. Non-fiction is Chem textbook, fiction would be something like Pride and Prejudice LOL

do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
No he is quite pleasant. I cannot remember who I talked to last but I'm sure he's just charming.

is there something you always wear?
I wear something with pockets so I can always carry phone and wallet.

what were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Playing along with Beatle's LSD song =P

who was the last person to tell you they love you?
I dunno man but I bet it was a dude in a moment of intense passion LOL

did you have an exciting weekend?
Uhhhhh so far I did lots of maths and shit

have you ever crawled through a window?
Yes I have. I didn't hurt my leg while I was at it though.

have you ever dyed your hair?

are you wearing a necklace?
And when I take it off I can cast Patronus's better

are you an emotional person?
I don't think so.

what’s something that can always make you feel better?
Muse and probably sex :L
Surprisingly when I'm doing maths and just feel sick of it all doing a couple pushups/situps feels quite good.

will this weekend be a good one?
No there is no such thing as a good weekend in year 12 :P

what do you want right now?
I want it all. I want it ALL. I WANT IT ALL. AND I WANT IT NOW *dun dunnnn*

have you ever worn the opposite sex’s clothing?
Nothing majorly crossdressing (ie dresses and crop tops). I'm sure I've worn a shirt or something.

look behind you, what do you see?
Myself. It's a mirror. Reflections are used to convey the subjective perceptions of Kane's identity.

have you ever worked in a food place?
No. I don't think I ever will. Or maybe I will when I'm really old and just want an excuse to get people to talk to me (Y)

what would you name your future son?
Next time, I buy Trojans.

any summer plans for 2011?
Yes, I went to the beach (probably)

whats on your schedule for tomorrow?
Intuition. Then cram work.

when was the last time you were annoyed?
Last night when I couldn't do my homework properly and it was just a holy load of crap

do you find yourself happy at this point?
Not especially. But I'm far from sad. My emotions are on standby most of the time. I think my emotions were like "you're just going to do whatever the fuck you were going to do before anyway. I'm not showing up to work today"

have you changed this year?
Yes I have never been so workful and joyless. Crazy cat lady by Christmas

will you be sleeping alone tonight?

name the first person you can think of that you know that has a tattoo?
I went from people I know IRL to celebrities and the first person to come to me was Slash, for some reason.

what would you say if someone told you they were in love with your sister?
I would see if she's hot. If she is, I pretend she's my sister and scare whoever the dude is away. Then I take her home. Her place or mine, makes no difference.

what do you think of when you hear the word “slut”?
Excessive sex and STI's
Hot on it's heels is "You can't dress like a slut. It just so happens sluts dress like me"

what does the 5th text in your inbox say?
iPhone doesn't do it chronologically so fuck that.

would you ever give your number out over the internet?
I bet I put it in for Facebook or something. But I wouldn't for something blatantly public, like this blog.

have your parents ever caught you drinking?
No I don't sneakily drink behind their back.

who last smoked in front of you?
Nobody smokes outside in Australia, it's great

look at your nails; do they need to be cut?
I cut them every Sunday, so yes.

last person you talked to on the phone?
Probably my mum or something

did you sleep in past noon today?
No woke up at like 8.40 to do some UMAT woo

is your heart broken right now?
I can't think of an appropriate song lyric. So...

are you wearing a ring?
For the future doctors to describe to the future mechanics - A picture

do you have a box where you keep all your really important things?
No it's a room full of shit. If I had a fire I would have no idea where to start.

will you talk to someone on the phone tonight?
No because I prefer texting to calling for reasons I have stated before.

do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
Just about 99% of all people who weren't brought up Christian have the same middle name as me.

did you take a nap today?
No. Iron will.

when was the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?
I don't actually know. Is it sadder to not know, or is it sadder to keep track?

have you ever ran over an animal?
No but once I was driving I saw a brown object on the side of the road and I swear to fucking god it was a puppy.

what are you doing right at this moment?
I hate these questions in surveys. What in the world do you think I'm doing, fucktard

have you ever gotten a mosquito bite on your face?
Why is this so oddly specific.
Oh this reminds me of when David Koorey the first aid instructor was telling us about how PTSD and the other thing (CIS?) could ruin your life, and he gave oddly specific examples and it was really weird.
But no, my face is unmolested by mosquitoes.

do you think you’ll have the same best friend a year from now?
This is the first year in which I might consider the answer "no". That's so sad. 6 years in high school already.

who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
Honestly who remembers?!

are you one of those people who are always cold?
No, I usually feel pretty warm. However, if you hug me you will be unable to steal any body heat from me. It's QI.

honestly, what’s on your mind?
Well now I'm thinking of how I learnt that my body heat is unstealable. Inception? Not quite.

were you single on your last birthday?
Yes I have been single on all my birthdays I think.

do you feel like you need someone?
This is so cheesy. Like smegma.

do you get mad when people smoke around you?
I don't get mad. I get assertive and either tell them to go somewhere else, or I move myself.

is there someone you can talk to about anything?
No, but several come close.

is your hair naturally straight?
Yes. Like a true Asian.

everything happens for a reason?
Yeah, madafaka, like YOLO and shit.
Jks, but I don't see it as a way of externalising guilt. "Oh shit I killed this dude by ramming scissors into him. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON."
"Everything happens for a reason" is pretty much like that "God's will" crap which is one of the main reasons I can't accept Christianity as it is.
The only suitable context is Nuzlocke, which tbh I never read nor played.

who was the last person to text you?
Either Vaish or LJ.

whats your relationship with the person you last texted?
Inversely proportional

did you speak with your father today?
No he is in China. And I didn't telephone him.

do you think you can love someone without trusting them?
No wtf. Are you one of those wanks who think "love" is synonymous to "have sex with". Because I have to open your eyes for you.

are you shy?
Nahh - I think I used to be, though.
Shyness is pretty good actually. Biologically.
So stupid how society teaches us to lower our defences. Hurr durr trust everyone.

are you wearing jeans, shorts or pajama pants?

do you ever crack your knuckles/ back/ ankles/ wrists/ etc?
Knuckles sometimes, neck often, ankles if sore, and big toe often.

do you love the last person you called today?
By love do you mean love love or fuck love.

do you need to say anything to someone?
Yes -
I don't know what to say anymore. I thought I'd think of something cool but evidently not.

did you go outside for more than 30 minutes today?
Yeah I went to feed the budgies. They weren't fingertrained cos we got them off a family friend. And since there are several it's pretty hard to finger train them. Anyways some of them now stand on your hand even if you don't bribe them with fudz. I don't even know why it's so fun to make them stand on your hand.

did you see a person you fancy today?
I didn't see very many people today :L

whats the greatest thing that happened to you recently?
I know I celebrated about something recently but I have since forgotten what made me so happy.

ever kissed under water?
No, but that's an idea. Goes right under pouring rain and under sunset.

who was the last person you saw in person?
Barring family... I still don't know. Hasmeera at Intuition I saw yesterday evening.

is there something you’re not looking forward to?
The end of year 12 is really bloody soon.

choose: bonfire on a beach or clubbing in the city?
I don't know both, both sound like a place to catch STIs

would you say that you are an intelligent person?
I was reading the "Live Chat" thing on Medentry (which sucks), and there were people who didn't know how to read the score distribution graph, and hence understand the concept of percentiles. So yes I felt like a genius.
Kredz to Medentry though - their distribution curves look almost like a standard bell curve - I was impressed. It's a little bit negative skewed because nobody gets like 0. 25% is pretty much rock bottom seeing as it's a multiple choice test.

And we're done. Hope you enjoyed!


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