choo choo train

I just had a sudden remembrance (or whatever the act of remembering is) that my dreams often consist of boarding a train.

In these dreams, I don't remember actually being on the train very often. The most memorable part is the part where I am buying the ticket.
Every time I dream about this the ticket machine is like this massive ass touchscreen thing that is so counterintuitive. I have like 20 billion categories of stations and I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.

The worst thing is that every time, I'm with friends, and they get through in like 15 seconds, and I'm stuck there like an idiot for like 2 minutes while they wait.

The good thing is that I never miss the train.

I don't even know what happens after I "buy the ticket".

Fuarr this repeating motif is so interesting. I hope I randomly discover more. Oh, in case you'd like to know, people I know from school are now appearing in my dreams. Before it was either family or anonymous, which I found interesting.
Now school people are appearing with regularity.


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