
Hi all,

As promised, here is the votepage. Before Monday, too!

I have beefed up Riffs 2&3 for your listening pleasure, a tentative half-assed humming is included in Riff3. Made no change to Riff1

I did write another riff but I cbf recording it properly. It's closest in sound to Rooftops, with the fast strumming. Though that's not saying much at all. I guess it is kinda like Dawn (if you remember that). It's not included in the vote because I didn't have enough time to spend splicing and editing it.

So here are the links to the SoundCloud files. Tell me if you think if you think I took one of them in a bad direction :L. Please don't judge on the quality of my singing, tyvm =P

Riff1 - no change, don't need to listen if you've heard it before

Riff2 - Added second clean guitar, improved the distortion part.

Riff3 - Added vocals, added a bassline played on a normal guitar.

NOW comes the important part! The democracy that developing countries so desperately need, and must be shown the glory of democracy through stuff like bombs and bullets. And having their oil stolen.

And even better you can vote once per day so that's for if you really give a crap. (Sorry if you voted before 11pm on 15-Apr. I had to redo the poll cos it didn't trace results properly cos I linked it incorrectly =P)

Choose your favourite :) free polls 

Thanks for voting!

I think I'll tally up the scores once I have around 50-ish votes (I won't be able to tell if you vote multiple times across different days). And I probably won't make a new post until I reach the vote goal, so I can keep this at the top =P


Anonymous said...

Susmitha says:
hahaha jeff, you sound very indie in riff 3 (it was you, wasnt it?)

jwhero said...

Yahh tis me :L

Indie... meaning not professionally recorded right? Because yes that describes the sound perfectly bahaha

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