life sucks eh

On an unrelated note: I like it when I use Tripview and I just wait at a platform while the rest of the passengers go look at a timetable. And when they come back I'm like "What, didn't you know that?" =P

Went for a massive city trip today and I am tired. Spotted like 4 or 5 Starbucks in the city today.
Also the Centre Point Tower Westfield logo is ugly as fuck. One of Sydney's icons sold out =(
Also walked around the Opera House and couldn't tell what was the main entrance. Didn't find impressive double doors or anything =P. But there were some smaller door objects which could've been what I was looking for.

And I cbf posting anymore because it doesn't really interest anyone if I post about my day.

This was meant to be posted yesterday but I evidently didn't click publish. So here we are =P


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