just add helvetica

I am going to be a hipster (like everyone else), take a regular photo, apply a nice filter, optionally add helvetica, and pretend it's art. Maybe I grabbed the attention of some people who don't like reading this blog. =P

This is thanks muchly to Yun, who wrote this on an Intuition booklet when I suggested making a Tumblr photo. Our class tutor, while marking my booklet, circled it and wrote "??" next to it xP.

But I want to talk about both friendzone (where no mortal man dares to tread) and bros (with the complementary hos).

Friendzone, I define as, when you go through the motions of courting but you fuck it up and no longer remain a serious candidate. This is usually the unwilling male trying too hard to be the nice guy, remains too nice, overshoots the optimum "nice guy" zone, and lands himself squarely in the sticky friendzone.
Like those golf games or whatever, where you have to hit the ball at a certain velocity so that you a) make the distance and b) still have control over where the ball goes. For friendzone, this can be seen as a) showing that you care but b) not that much.
Then there is pseudo-friendzone, where it is mutually agreed upon that you guys are not ever gonna be banging, but would make good friends. Symptom of this is when you go to each other for relationship advice/gossip. It's actually quite a pleasant place to be, unlike the real, original friendzone. Because this time, at least we're willing.

There is no escape from original friendzone. The only reason we were so shocked by Chandler+Monica is because HE WAS IN THE MOTHER FUCKING FRIENDZONE. HE DID NOT JUST GET OUT. The key is to avoid it in the first place - how you do that is completely up to you xP

Also, never let it be forgotten that bros before hoes should always be your motto. Chicks before dicks (or whatever the fuck the attempt to counter bros before hos is) is a similar one that applies to girls.
As a good bro said:
Taking hos over bros is like selling a cow to buy milk.
So basically - if you get interested in to other gender, don't forget your friends who have lasted forever. Because chances are, your bf/gf will last far from forever.

While we're on mottos - my new way of thinking is "Because I can". Shit I do does not need justification. Thinking less and doing more is much favourable over thinking more and doing less.

I am preparing a monster post with lots of encryptions because it is a topic that not everyone is designed to read (sorry!). I will engineer my encryptions so that the right people will be able to access it. I hope it's clever enough to filter out the right people.

Now I need to test headings because I have to do some HTML-ing, and must see how the titles look. Bar this please.

Heading 1

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yunskees said...


yunskees said...

you forgot to mention i was a part of the creation process

jwhero said...

Yes I did. Standby =P

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